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  4. From Soviet Plans to Russian Reality

From Soviet Plans to Russian Reality

From Soviet Plans to Russian Reality
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Esteemed economist Pekka Sutela, specialising in the Rus-
sian economy, will be 60 very soon. To celebrate the occa-
sion, a book From Soviet Plans to Russian Reality, will be
published. The book allows eight of the world’s leading re-
searchers on Russia to examine the country’s economy and
The common theme of the articles in this celebratory publi-
cation is the intertwining of economics and politics. In the
last two decades, the cold war superpower has become one
of the world’s largest emerging economies. Has Russia be-
come a normal country? The book’s articles paint a picture
of a market economy, characterised by many unique featu-
res. The close relationship between the country’s economy
and politics influence such issues as the structure of the
Russian economy, economic policy and the nation’s ability
to develop genuinely new and innovative products.
Esteemed economist Pekka Sutela, specialising in the Rus-
sian economy, will be 60 very soon. To celebrate the occa-
sion, a book From Soviet Plans to Russian Reality, will be
published. The book allows eight of the world’s leading re-
searchers on Russia to examine the country’s economy and
The common theme of the articles in this celebratory publi-
cation is the intertwining of economics and politics. In the
last two decades, the cold war superpower has become one
of the world’s largest emerging economies. Has Russia be-
come a normal country? The book’s articles paint a picture
of a market economy, characterised by many unique featu-
res. The close relationship between the country’s economy
and politics influence such issues as the structure of the
Russian economy, economic policy and the nation’s ability
to develop genuinely new and innovative products.
Arvostetun Venäjän talouden tutkijan Pekka Sutelan
60-vuotismerkkipäivän kunniaksi on julkaistu kirja From
Soviet Plans to Russian Reality. Teoksessa kahdeksan maa-
ilman eturivin Venäjä-tutkijaa tarkastelee Venäjän taloutta
ja yhteiskuntaa.
Juhlakirjan artikkeleita yhdistävä teema on talouden ja po-
litiikan kietoutuminen yhteen. Kahdessakymmenessä vuo-
dessa kylmän sodan aikaisesta suurvallasta on tullut yksi
maailman suurista kehittyvistä talouksista. Onko Venäjäs-
tä tullut normaali maa? Kirjan artikkelit maalaavat kuvan
markkinataloudesta, jolla on monia omintakeisia piirteitä.
Politiikan ja talouselämän läheiset suhteet vaikuttavat esi-
merkiksi Venäjän talouden rakenteeseen, talouspolitiikkaan
sekä kykyyn kehittää aidosti uusia, innovatiivisia tuotteita.
Esteemed economist Pekka Sutela, specialising in the Rus-
sian economy, will be 60 very soon. To celebrate the occa-
sion, a book From Soviet Plans to Russian Reality, will be
published. The book allows eight of the world’s leading re-
searchers on Russia to examine the country’s economy and
The common theme of the articles in this celebratory publi-
cation is the intertwining of economics and politics. In the
last two decades, the cold war superpower has become one
of the world’s largest emerging economies. Has Russia be-
come a normal country? The book’s articles paint a picture
of a market economy, characterised by many unique featu-
res. The close relationship between the country’s economy
and politics influence such issues as the structure of the
Russian economy, economic policy and the nation’s ability
to develop genuinely new and innovative products.
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