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  3. Сказка и быль: История русской детской литературы

Сказка и быль: История русской детской литературы

Сказка и быль: История русской детской литературы
Оригинальное название
Fairy Tales and True Stories: The History of Russian Literature for Children and Young People: 1574-2010
215/150/30 mm
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Монография известного финского литературоведа посвящена четырехсотлетней истории русской литературы для детей и юношества от самого ее зарождения в конце XVI века до наших дней. Эта история полна успешных карьер и трагических судеб, талантливых писателей и посредственностей, бестселлеров и давно забытых сочинений. После захвата власти в 1917 году большевики планировали создать новую культуру для нового человека, отправной точкой для чего должна была стать детская литература, которая, как и вся остальная словесность, подвергалась советской цензуре. В книге рассматривается творчество разных детских писателей России прошлого и современности, их книги анализируются в контексте критических дебатов, переводной литературы, журналистики и культурной политики своего времени.
Авториз. пер. с английского О. Бухиной
Выпуск 155
The monograph of the famous Finnish literary critic is devoted to quatercentenary history of the Russian literature for children and youth from its origin at the end of the 16th century up to now. This history is complete with tragic destinies, talented writers and mediocrities, best-sellers and long-forgotten compositions. After seizure of power in 1917 Bolsheviks were going to create new culture for the new person, children's literature which, as well as all other literature, was exposed to the Soviet censorship had to become a starting point for that. In this monograph works of different children's writers of Russia of the past and the present are considered, their books are analyzed in the context of critical debate, translated literature, journalism and cultural policy of the time.
Volume 155
Ben Hellmanin teos valottaa venäläisen lastenkirjallisuuden historiaa 1700-luvulta nykypäivään. Erityisen tarkastelun kohteeksi on valittu neuvostoaika, jolloin kirjallisuus valjastettiin Uuden Ihmisen luomisen työkaluksi.

The monograph of the famous Finnish literary critic is devoted to quatercentenary history of the Russian literature for children and youth from its origin at the end of the 16th century up to now. This history is complete with tragic destinies, talented writers and mediocrities, best-sellers and long-forgotten compositions. After seizure of power in 1917 Bolsheviks were going to create new culture for the new person, children's literature which, as well as all other literature, was exposed to the Soviet censorship had to become a starting point for that. In this monograph works of different children's writers of Russia of the past and the present are considered, their books are analyzed in the context of critical debate, translated literature, journalism and cultural policy of the time.
Osa 155
Monografija izvestnogo finskogo literaturoveda posvjaschena chetyrekhsotletnej istorii russkoj literatury dlja detej i junoshestva ot samogo ee zarozhdenija v kontse XVI veka do nashikh dnej. Eta istorija polna uspeshnykh karer i tragicheskikh sudeb, talantlivykh pisatelej i posredstvennostej, bestsellerov i davno zabytykh sochinenij. Posle zakhvata vlasti v 1917 godu bolsheviki planirovali sozdat novuju kulturu dlja novogo cheloveka, otpravnoj tochkoj dlja chego dolzhna byla stat detskaja literatura, kotoraja, kak i vsja ostalnaja slovesnost, podvergalas sovetskoj tsenzure. V knige rassmatrivaetsja tvorchestvo raznykh detskikh pisatelej Rossii proshlogo i sovremennosti, ikh knigi analizirujutsja v kontekste kriticheskikh debatov, perevodnoj literatury, zhurnalistiki i kulturnoj politiki svoego vremeni.
Avtoriz. per. s anglijskogo O. Bukhinoj
Vypusk 155
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