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  3. Artem Uzunov "Let​'​s do it - Darbuka stories"

Artem Uzunov "Let​'​s do it - Darbuka stories"

Artem Uzunov "Let​'​s do it - Darbuka stories"
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1. Let`s do it 03:29
2. Rock-n-Darbuka 03:23
3. I wanna dance 04:30
4. Solo Darbuka 03:01
5. Maksum story 03:45
6. Melody of heartbeat 04:09
7. Sambuka 03:33
8. Dancing Flame 04:32
9. Power of night 03:27
10. Feeling the sound 03:50
11. Malfuf story 03:17
12. Summer Fantasy (Vivaldi Seasons) 03:34
13. Once in a desert 03:56
14. That's freedom 04:33
15. The beginning 03:10
16. Verdadera pasion 03:14
17. Flash of Beat 03:23
18. Colors of life 03:19
19. Unio Mystica 03:37
20. Play with me 04:23
21. I wanna dance (instrumental version) 03:30

Альбом Артема Узунова «Let`s do it - Darbuka stories» интересен всем, кто любит перкуссионную музыку, кому нравятся ритмы барабанов и дарбуки. Идея альбома - это дарбука, как солирующий инструмент в сочетание с совершенно разными стилями.

Большая часть треков на альбоме это bellydance (музыка для танца живота), но есть композиции, в которых традиционные арабские ритмы на дарбуке объединены с клубным хаусом, роком, бразильской карнавальной самбой испанскими мотивами, мистикой и армянским дудуком, и наконец с классикой («Времена года» Вивальди).

Сравнить альбом можно с такими известным танцевальным альбомом как «Harem II - Time Of Rhythm - The Best of Turkish Bellydance», а так же с работами Safri Duo и, например (в арабской теме) Issam Houshan c Hossam Ramzy.
В альбоме можно выделить несколько чисто хитовых треков, такие как «Let`s do it» - где идет смешение восточных ритмов и современного клубняка; «Rock-n-Darbuka» – с мощной динамикой, которая заводит. и «Summer Fantasy» - тут классика Вивальди.

Артем часто гастролирует со своей программой по России и СНГ, где на его сольные композиции зрители очень бурно реагируют! Два трека с альбома - Let`s do it и Solo Darbuka уже давно выложены в интернете и под них танцуют по всему миру. Вот без шуток, чисто факты - известные танцовщицы давали мастер-классы под треки Артема в Мексике, Японии, США и Аргентине. Это не говоря о России и СНГ, где он наиболее популярен!

Артем Узунов - дарбука, дхол, кахон, дохола, бендир, рик, сагаты, вокал, аранжировки (кроме 12), сведение (кроме 1, 5, 12).
Катя Като - вокал (4)
Ильдар Шаймардянов - дудук (19)
Алексей Морозов - бразильская перкуссия (7)
Игорь Назаренко – гитара (12), аранжировка (12), сведение (5, 12)
1. Let`s do it 03:29
2. Rock-n-Darbuka 03:23
3. I wanna dance 04:30
4. Solo Darbuka 03:01
5. Maksum story 03:45
6. Melody of heartbeat 04:09
7. Sambuka 03:33
8. Dancing Flame 04:32
9. Power of night 03:27
10. Feeling the sound 03:50
11. Malfuf story 03:17
12. Summer Fantasy (Vivaldi Seasons) 03:34
13. Once in a desert 03:56
14. That's freedom 04:33
15. The beginning 03:10
16. Verdadera pasion 03:14
17. Flash of Beat 03:23
18. Colors of life 03:19
19. Unio Mystica 03:37
20. Play with me 04:23
21. I wanna dance (instrumental version) 03:30
Album Artem Uzunov «Let`s do it - Darbuka stories» interesting for everyone who loves percussion music, rhythms of drums and darbuka. The idea of the album - darbuka, as a solo instrument in combination with completely different styles.

Most of the tracks on the album is music for bellydance, but there is a composition in which traditional arabic rhythms on darbuka combined with club house, rock, brazilian carnival samba and spanish motifs, mysticism and the armenian duduk, and finally with the classics ("Four Seasons" by Vivaldi ).

Compare album can be with such well-known as a dance album «Harem II - Time Of Rhythm - The Best of Turkish Bellydance», as well as the works of Safri Duo, for example (in Arabic theme) Issam Houshan & Hossam Ramzy.

In the album there are several hits such as «Let`s do it» - where there is a mix of oriental rhythms and modern club music; «Rock-n-Darbuka» - with powerful dynamics that fire, and «Summer Fantasy» - here the classic Vivaldi.

Artem often tours with his program in Russia and the CIS, where his solo compositions audiences react very rapidly! Two tracks from the album – «Let`s do it» and «Solo Darbuka» has long been posted on the Internet, and under them dancing all over the world. That's no joke, pure facts - known dancer gave master classes by the Artems tracks in Mexico, Japan, USA and Argentina. This is not to mention Russia and the CIS, where it is most popular!

Artem Uzunov - darbuka, dhol, cajon, dohola, bendir, rick, sagats, vocals, arrangements (exc. 12), mixing (exc. 1, 5, 12)
Katya Kato - vocal (4)
Ildar Shaymardyanov - duduk (19)
Alexei Morozov - Brazilian percussion (7)
Igor Nazarenko - guitar (12), arrangement (12), mixing (5, 12)
1. Let`s do it 03:29
2. Rock-n-Darbuka 03:23
3. I wanna dance 04:30
4. Solo Darbuka 03:01
5. Maksum story 03:45
6. Melody of heartbeat 04:09
7. Sambuka 03:33
8. Dancing Flame 04:32
9. Power of night 03:27
10. Feeling the sound 03:50
11. Malfuf story 03:17
12. Summer Fantasy (Vivaldi Seasons) 03:34
13. Once in a desert 03:56
14. That's freedom 04:33
15. The beginning 03:10
16. Verdadera pasion 03:14
17. Flash of Beat 03:23
18. Colors of life 03:19
19. Unio Mystica 03:37
20. Play with me 04:23
21. I wanna dance (instrumental version) 03:30
Album Artem Uzunov «Let`s do it - Darbuka stories» interesting for everyone who loves percussion music, rhythms of drums and darbuka. The idea of the album - darbuka, as a solo instrument in combination with completely different styles.

Most of the tracks on the album is music for bellydance, but there is a composition in which traditional arabic rhythms on darbuka combined with club house, rock, brazilian carnival samba and spanish motifs, mysticism and the armenian duduk, and finally with the classics ("Four Seasons" by Vivaldi ).

Compare album can be with such well-known as a dance album «Harem II - Time Of Rhythm - The Best of Turkish Bellydance», as well as the works of Safri Duo, for example (in Arabic theme) Issam Houshan & Hossam Ramzy.

In the album there are several hits such as «Let`s do it» - where there is a mix of oriental rhythms and modern club music; «Rock-n-Darbuka» - with powerful dynamics that fire, and «Summer Fantasy» - here the classic Vivaldi.

Artem often tours with his program in Russia and the CIS, where his solo compositions audiences react very rapidly! Two tracks from the album – «Let`s do it» and «Solo Darbuka» has long been posted on the Internet, and under them dancing all over the world. That's no joke, pure facts - known dancer gave master classes by the Artems tracks in Mexico, Japan, USA and Argentina. This is not to mention Russia and the CIS, where it is most popular!

Artem Uzunov - darbuka, dhol, cajon, dohola, bendir, rick, sagats, vocals, arrangements (exc. 12), mixing (exc. 1, 5, 12)
Katya Kato - vocal (4)
Ildar Shaymardyanov - duduk (19)
Alexei Morozov - Brazilian percussion (7)
Igor Nazarenko - guitar (12), arrangement (12), mixing (5, 12)
1. Let`s do it 03:29
2. Rock-n-Darbuka 03:23
3. I wanna dance 04:30
4. Solo Darbuka 03:01
5. Maksum story 03:45
6. Melody of heartbeat 04:09
7. Sambuka 03:33
8. Dancing Flame 04:32
9. Power of night 03:27
10. Feeling the sound 03:50
11. Malfuf story 03:17
12. Summer Fantasy (Vivaldi Seasons) 03:34
13. Once in a desert 03:56
14. That's freedom 04:33
15. The beginning 03:10
16. Verdadera pasion 03:14
17. Flash of Beat 03:23
18. Colors of life 03:19
19. Unio Mystica 03:37
20. Play with me 04:23
21. I wanna dance (instrumental version) 03:30

Albom Artema Uzunova «Let`s do it - Darbuka stories» interesen vsem, kto ljubit perkussionnuju muzyku, komu nravjatsja ritmy barabanov i darbuki. Ideja alboma - eto darbuka, kak solirujuschij instrument v sochetanie s sovershenno raznymi stiljami.

Bolshaja chast trekov na albome eto bellydance (muzyka dlja tantsa zhivota), no est kompozitsii, v kotorykh traditsionnye arabskie ritmy na darbuke obedineny s klubnym khausom, rokom, brazilskoj karnavalnoj samboj ispanskimi motivami, mistikoj i armjanskim dudukom, i nakonets s klassikoj («Vremena goda» Vivaldi).

Sravnit albom mozhno s takimi izvestnym tantsevalnym albomom kak «Harem II - Time Of Rhythm - The Best of Turkish Bellydance», a tak zhe s rabotami Safri Duo i, naprimer (v arabskoj teme) Issam Houshan c Hossam Ramzy.
V albome mozhno vydelit neskolko chisto khitovykh trekov, takie kak «Let`s do it» - gde idet smeshenie vostochnykh ritmov i sovremennogo klubnjaka; «Rock-n-Darbuka» – s moschnoj dinamikoj, kotoraja zavodit. i «Summer Fantasy» - tut klassika Vivaldi.

Artem chasto gastroliruet so svoej programmoj po Rossii i SNG, gde na ego solnye kompozitsii zriteli ochen burno reagirujut! Dva treka s alboma - Let`s do it i Solo Darbuka uzhe davno vylozheny v internete i pod nikh tantsujut po vsemu miru. Vot bez shutok, chisto fakty - izvestnye tantsovschitsy davali master-klassy pod treki Artema v Meksike, Japonii, SSHA i Argentine. Eto ne govorja o Rossii i SNG, gde on naibolee populjaren!

Artem Uzunov - darbuka, dkhol, kakhon, dokhola, bendir, rik, sagaty, vokal, aranzhirovki (krome 12), svedenie (krome 1, 5, 12).
Katja Kato - vokal (4)
Ildar Shajmardjanov - duduk (19)
Aleksej Morozov - brazilskaja perkussija (7)
Igor Nazarenko – gitara (12), aranzhirovka (12), svedenie (5, 12)
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