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  3. Триумф Победителей. Русские марши

Триумф Победителей. Русские марши

Триумф Победителей. Русские марши
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1. Марш Лейб-Гвардии Преображенского полка 1:45
2. Марш Кавалергардского полка 3:08
3. Марш 5-го Киевского гренадерского полка (Л. Геде) 1:57
4. Марш “Гренадер” 3:36
5. Марш Егерского полка 1:40
6. Марш Печорского полка 2:59
7. Марш Батуринского полка 2:59
8. Марш Саратовского полка 1:53
9. Марш “Выезд батареи на позицию” 3:50
10. Марш “Бой под Ляояном” (В. Ефанов) 3:04
11. Mарш "Багратион" (В. Лейсек) 2:22
12. Марш “Прощание славянки” (В. Агапкин) 2:43
13. Mарш "Привет музыкантам” 3:36
14. Марш “Тоска по Родине” 1:56

Оркестр штаба Ленинградского военного округа - преемник традиций одного из старейших военных оркестров России. Свою историю он ведет с 1882 года, когда Императором Александром III был подписан Указ об учреждении Придворного оркестра, в состав которого входили симфонический и духовой оркестры. Первый концерт Придворного духового оркестра состоялся 31 августа 1882 года.
В годы Великой Отечественной войны оркестр находился в осажденном городе и принимал участие в первом исполнении 7-й “Ленинградской” симфонии Дмитрия Шостаковича в 1942 году.
Оркестр штаба округа на протяжении всей своей истории принимает участие во всех знаменательных событиях города и государства, участвует во Всеармейских конкурсах военных оркестров и занимает на них призовые места. С неизменным успехом проходят выступления оркестра на международных фестивалях военной музыки в странах Европы и СНГ.
В программах оркестра - произведения мировой классики, современная музыка, оригинальные произведения для большого концертного духового оркестра. Широкий диапазон творческой деятельности и жанровое разнообразие оркестра посто- янно привлекает многочисленную слушательскую аудиторию. Оркестром осуществлены записи на грампластинки, компакт-диски и аудиокассеты.

Полковник Николай Ущаповский.
С 1985 по 1990 - начальник оркестра- дирижер, с 1990 по 2006 - художественный руководитель и главный дирижер. Заслуженный артист России (с 2004 года Народный артист России).
1. March of the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment 1:45
2. March of the Kavalergardsky Regiment 3:08
3. March of 5th Kievsky Grenadier Regiment (L. Cedet) 1:57
4. March "Grenadier" 3:36
5. March of the Yegersky Regiment 1:40
6. March of the Pechorsky Regiment 2:59
7. March of the Baturinsky Regiment 2:59
8. March of the Saratovsky Regiment 1:53
9. March "A Battery Goes To The Position" 3:50
10. March "The Battle Near LiaoLian" fV. Efanov) 3:04
11. March "Bagration" (V. Lasek) 2:22
12. March "The Farewell Of The Slavonic Girl" (V. Agapkin) 2:43
13. March "Salute To The Musicians" 3:36
14. March "Home-sickness" 1:56

Leningrad Military District Headquarters Band
Conductors: N. Uschapovsky (1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 12), V. Eldyshev (2), A. Sladkovsky (9, 10), S. Sokolov (5. 6, 8, 13, 14)
Artistic Director and Chief Conductor Distinguished Artist of Russia Colonel NIKOLAI USCHAPOVSKY
Recording Engineers: S. Shugal (1992), S. Sokolov (2014)

Leningrad Military District Headquarters Band is the successor to one of the oldest Russian military brass bands. Its history began in 1882 when the Emperor Alexander III signed the decree on the foundation of the Court Orchestra, included symphonic and brass orchestras. The first performance of the Court Brass Band took place in August 31, 1882.
In the days of the World War II the Band was the only band left in the besieged city participating in defence. Besides, in 1942 the musicians of the band took part in the first performance of the "Leningradskaya" symphony by D. Shostakovich.

Leningrad Military District Headquarters Band participated in all the significant events in City and State cultural life. Orchestra was a regular participant and prizewinner of the Army Brass Band Competitions. The band attains a constant success at the International Festivals of Military Music in many countries, recorded LPs and CDs.
The repertoire of the band includes the world classics, modern music and original compositions for big concert brass band. The wide range of the creative works, versatility in genres attracts the attention of the new audience.
1. March of the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment 1:45
2. March of the Kavalergardsky Regiment 3:08
3. March of 5th Kievsky Grenadier Regiment (L. Cedet) 1:57
4. March "Grenadier" 3:36
5. March of the Yegersky Regiment 1:40
6. March of the Pechorsky Regiment 2:59
7. March of the Baturinsky Regiment 2:59
8. March of the Saratovsky Regiment 1:53
9. March "A Battery Goes To The Position" 3:50
10. March "The Battle Near LiaoLian" fV. Efanov) 3:04
11. March "Bagration" (V. Lasek) 2:22
12. March "The Farewell Of The Slavonic Girl" (V. Agapkin) 2:43
13. March "Salute To The Musicians" 3:36
14. March "Home-sickness" 1:56

Leningrad Military District Headquarters Band
Conductors: N. Uschapovsky (1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 12), V. Eldyshev (2), A. Sladkovsky (9, 10), S. Sokolov (5. 6, 8, 13, 14)
Artistic Director and Chief Conductor Distinguished Artist of Russia Colonel NIKOLAI USCHAPOVSKY
Recording Engineers: S. Shugal (1992), S. Sokolov (2014)

Leningrad Military District Headquarters Band is the successor to one of the oldest Russian military brass bands. Its history began in 1882 when the Emperor Alexander III signed the decree on the foundation of the Court Orchestra, included symphonic and brass orchestras. The first performance of the Court Brass Band took place in August 31, 1882.
In the days of the World War II the Band was the only band left in the besieged city participating in defence. Besides, in 1942 the musicians of the band took part in the first performance of the "Leningradskaya" symphony by D. Shostakovich.

Leningrad Military District Headquarters Band participated in all the significant events in City and State cultural life. Orchestra was a regular participant and prizewinner of the Army Brass Band Competitions. The band attains a constant success at the International Festivals of Military Music in many countries, recorded LPs and CDs.
The repertoire of the band includes the world classics, modern music and original compositions for big concert brass band. The wide range of the creative works, versatility in genres attracts the attention of the new audience.

1. Marsh Lejb-Gvardii Preobrazhenskogo polka 1:45
2. Marsh Kavalergardskogo polka 3:08
3. Marsh 5-go Kievskogo grenaderskogo polka (L. Gede) 1:57
4. Marsh “Grenader” 3:36
5. Marsh Egerskogo polka 1:40
6. Marsh Pechorskogo polka 2:59
7. Marsh Baturinskogo polka 2:59
8. Marsh Saratovskogo polka 1:53
9. Marsh “Vyezd batarei na pozitsiju” 3:50
10. Marsh “Boj pod Ljaojanom” (V. Efanov) 3:04
11. Marsh "Bagration" (V. Lejsek) 2:22
12. Marsh “Proschanie slavjanki” (V. Agapkin) 2:43
13. Marsh "Privet muzykantam” 3:36
14. Marsh “Toska po Rodine” 1:56

Orkestr shtaba Leningradskogo voennogo okruga - preemnik traditsij odnogo iz starejshikh voennykh orkestrov Rossii. Svoju istoriju on vedet s 1882 goda, kogda Imperatorom Aleksandrom III byl podpisan Ukaz ob uchrezhdenii Pridvornogo orkestra, v sostav kotorogo vkhodili simfonicheskij i dukhovoj orkestry. Pervyj kontsert Pridvornogo dukhovogo orkestra sostojalsja 31 avgusta 1882 goda.
V gody Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny orkestr nakhodilsja v osazhdennom gorode i prinimal uchastie v pervom ispolnenii 7-j “Leningradskoj” simfonii Dmitrija Shostakovicha v 1942 godu.
Orkestr shtaba okruga na protjazhenii vsej svoej istorii prinimaet uchastie vo vsekh znamenatelnykh sobytijakh goroda i gosudarstva, uchastvuet vo Vsearmejskikh konkursakh voennykh orkestrov i zanimaet na nikh prizovye mesta. S neizmennym uspekhom prokhodjat vystuplenija orkestra na mezhdunarodnykh festivaljakh voennoj muzyki v stranakh Evropy i SNG.
V programmakh orkestra - proizvedenija mirovoj klassiki, sovremennaja muzyka, originalnye proizvedenija dlja bolshogo kontsertnogo dukhovogo orkestra. Shirokij diapazon tvorcheskoj dejatelnosti i zhanrovoe raznoobrazie orkestra posto- janno privlekaet mnogochislennuju slushatelskuju auditoriju. Orkestrom osuschestvleny zapisi na gramplastinki, kompakt-diski i audiokassety.

Polkovnik Nikolaj Uschapovskij.
S 1985 po 1990 - nachalnik orkestra- dirizher, s 1990 po 2006 - khudozhestvennyj rukovoditel i glavnyj dirizher. Zasluzhennyj artist Rossii (s 2004 goda Narodnyj artist Rossii).
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