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  4. Чайковский. Щелкунчик. Балет Мариинского театра, Дирижер Валерий Гергиев

Чайковский. Щелкунчик. Балет Мариинского театра, Дирижер Валерий Гергиев

Чайковский. Щелкунчик. Балет Мариинского театра, Дирижер Валерий Гергиев
DVD PAL , зона: ALL
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Длительность - часы:минуты
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"Щелкунчик" Чайковского в постановке Михаила Шемякина - незабываемое, завораживающее зрелище. Валерий Гергиев, пожалуй, один из немногих дирижеров, делающий акцент на трагической составляющей этой музыки.
Оркестр Театра оперы и балета Мариинского театра, Дирижер Валерий Гергиев
Filmed in the Mariinsky (Kirov) Ballet/ Theatre, St. Petersburg where the ballet was first performed in 1892. The production, by world-renowned avant-garde artist Mikhail Shemiakin, is a more mature, "adult" version of The Nutcracker, highlighting many of the darker themes. The eye-catching costumes and scenery help create the surreal atmosphere. The dancing, led by Leonid Sarafanov and Irina Golub, is of the highest quality and displays the very distinctive and exacting qualities of the Mariinsky Theatre. Valery Gergiev conducts the complete, un-cut version of Tchaikovsky's most popular score. With an image up to six times sharper than conventional DVD and superior high-definition sound, Blu-Ray lets you watch opera and ballet performances from the front row of the theater. Experience every detail, no matter how small, in the highest quality possible. With five times the memory of standard DVDs, Blu-Ray is a completely new way to experience the theater at home.

Libretto and script plan by MArius Petipa (1892)
Adapted by: Mihail Chemiakin
with new choreography by Kirill Simonov (2001)
Actors: Irina Golub, Anton Adasinsky, Leonid Sarafanov
Directors: Mikhail Chemiakin
"Schelkunchik" Chajkovskogo v postanovke Mikhaila Shemjakina - nezabyvaemoe, zavorazhivajuschee zrelische. Valerij Gergiev, pozhaluj, odin iz nemnogikh dirizherov, delajuschij aktsent na tragicheskoj sostavljajuschej etoj muzyki.
Orkestr Teatra opery i baleta Mariinskogo teatra, Dirizher Valerij Gergiev