1. DVD-фильмы
  2. Экранизации литературных произведений
  3. Доктор Живаго

Доктор Живаго

Доктор Живаго
DVD PAL + NTSC , зона: ALL
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Первая отечественная экранизация легендарного романа Бориса Пастернака, удостоенного Нобелевской премии!
Глубокая личная драма молодого врача-интеллигента разворачивается на фоне социальных и исторических потрясений начала прошлого века. Рассказ о пронзительной любви, духовных исканиях и гибели Юрия Живаго совмещается со зрелищностью, масштабностью и динамикой, свойственной лучшим российским историческим картинам.

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master.
The first Russian adaptation of the legendary novel by Boris Pasternak, the Nobel Prize award!
The deep personal drama of the young doctor unfolds on the background of social and historical upheaval of the last century. A story about a true love, heartfelt truths and the death of Yuri Zhivago combines visual scale and dynamics.

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master.
The first Russian adaptation of the legendary novel by Boris Pasternak, the Nobel Prize award!
The deep personal drama of the young doctor unfolds on the background of social and historical upheaval of the last century. A story about a true love, heartfelt truths and the death of Yuri Zhivago combines visual scale and dynamics.
Pervaja otechestvennaja ekranizatsija legendarnogo romana Borisa Pasternaka, udostoennogo Nobelevskoj premii!
Glubokaja lichnaja drama molodogo vracha-intelligenta razvorachivaetsja na fone sotsialnykh i istoricheskikh potrjasenij nachala proshlogo veka. Rasskaz o pronzitelnoj ljubvi, dukhovnykh iskanijakh i gibeli Jurija Zhivago sovmeschaetsja so zrelischnostju, masshtabnostju i dinamikoj, svojstvennoj luchshim rossijskim istoricheskim kartinam.

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master.