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  4. Интродукция и Рондо каприччиозо. Переложение для скрипки и фортепиано. Клавир и партия. Редакция Яира Клесса

Интродукция и Рондо каприччиозо. Переложение для скрипки и фортепиано. Клавир и партия. Редакция Яира Клесса

Интродукция и Рондо каприччиозо. Переложение для скрипки и фортепиано. Клавир и партия. Редакция Яира Клесса
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Интродукция и Рондо каприччиозо - одно из популярнейших в концертной практике сочинений французского композитора Камиля Сен-Санса (1835-1921), посвящено выдающемуся испанскому скрипачу-виртуозу Пабло Сарасате (1844–1908).

Пьеса публикуется под редакцией Яира Клесса (р. в 1940 г.) - известного скрипача, солиста и камерного музыканта, одного из ведущих европейских педагогов.

Издание адресовано студентам консерваторий и музыкальных училищ, а также концертирующим исполнителям.
Camille Saint-Saëns was born in Paris in 1835 and died in Algiers in 1921. Between those two dates a brilliant life of a genius has occurred. Already at the age of 2 he was found to possess a perfect pitch. He read and wrote by the age of 3б his first composition for piano is dated 4, first public performance at 5 (accompanying Beethoven's sonata). At 7 he possessed some master knowledge of Latin. At 10 he gave his first recital, where he offered to play any of 32 Beethoven's Sonatas from memory as an encore. This concert was even mentioned in American mass media.

Saint-Saens began his musical career as a musical pioneer, introducing to France the symphonic poem and championing the radical works of Liszt and Wagner at a time when Bach and Mozart were the norms. By the dawn of the 20th century, Saint-Saens was an ultra-conservative, fighting the influence of Debussy and Richard Strauss. This is hardly surprising - Saint-Saens's career began while Chopin and Mendelssohn were in their prime, and ended at the commencement of the Jazz Age.

As a composer, Saint-Saens was often criticized for his refusal to embrace romanticism and at the same time, rather paradoxically, for his adherence to the conventions of 19th-century musical language. He is remembered chiefly for works such as The Carnival of the Animals, which was not published in full until after his death - reportedly because Saint-Saens feared it would affect his reputation as a serious composer; the Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso for violin and orchestra, the operas Samson and Delilah and Henry VIII (of which only the first is frequently performed today), the Symphony No. 3; the second, fourth and fifth piano concertos; the third violin concerto; the first cello concerto; and the first violin sonata.

The Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso in A minor Op. 28, is a composition for violin and orchestra written in 1863 for the virtuoso violinist Pablo de Sarasate. Since its 19th-century premiere, it has continued to be one of Saint-Saens's most popular compositions. His masterly use of violin makes this work a showcase piece for both instrument and performer.
Introduktsija i Rondo kaprichchiozo - odno iz populjarnejshikh v kontsertnoj praktike sochinenij frantsuzskogo kompozitora Kamilja Sen-Sansa (1835-1921), posvjascheno vydajuschemusja ispanskomu skripachu-virtuozu Pablo Sarasate (1844–1908).

Pesa publikuetsja pod redaktsiej Jaira Klessa (r. v 1940 g.) - izvestnogo skripacha, solista i kamernogo muzykanta, odnogo iz veduschikh evropejskikh pedagogov.

Izdanie adresovano studentam konservatorij i muzykalnykh uchilisch, a takzhe kontsertirujuschim ispolniteljam.
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