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  3. Маленькая Вера

Маленькая Вера

Маленькая Вера
DVD PAL + NTSC , зона: ALL
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Наталья Негода ("Завтра была война"), Андрей Соколов ("Адвокат"), Людмила Зайцева ("Маэстро с ниточкой") в драме Василия Пичули "Маленькая Вера".

Выйдя на экраны несколько лет назад, фильм вызвал яростную полемику: зрители и критика не привыкли к такой степени откровенности в нашем кино. Метод "киношока" заставляет в полной мере ощутить, сколь горьки плоды бездуховности, пронизавшей нашу жизнь. Драма героев фильма - это драма всего общества. В ней все и виновники и жертвы... Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
In 1988 the first Soviet erotic film appeared as a symbol of perestroika. The scenes rather moderate for the genre were shocking for the domestic audiences. On the day of premiere the crowd around Moscow Film House was held back by the police.
The film enjoyed international commercial success. Natalia Negoda toured half of the world with the film, she co-starred the Oscar Awards ceremony, and was the first Russian actress to appear in Playboy. The slogan “From Russia with Love” became known ever since.
Vera lives in a seaside town. Being kind and sensitive, down-to-earth and passionate, she can’t find her way, she doesn’t know what to do with her freedom, her youth and her beauty. She no more understands her drinking father and her mother who is just tired of life. The aimless being is suffocating for her; she needs love and happiness, which, East or West, not everyone can get…
Incredible box-office of 56 million admissions. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Pikku-Vera)Tämä Neuvostoliiton ensimmäinen eroottinen elokuva koki myrskyisää vastustusta ilmestyessään vuonna 1988, mutta myöhemmin se nousi perestroikan symboliksi. Päähenkilö Vera on kiltti ja herkkä mutta ei pysty löytämään paikkaansa eikä tiedä, mitä tehdä vapaudellaan, nuoruudellaan ja kauneudellaan. Päämäärätön oleminen kuluttaa häntä; hän kaipaa rakkautta ja onnea, mitä kaikki eivät voi saada... Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
In 1988 the first Soviet erotic film appeared as a symbol of perestroika. The scenes rather moderate for the genre were shocking for the domestic audiences. On the day of premiere the crowd around Moscow Film House was held back by the police.
The film enjoyed international commercial success. Natalia Negoda toured half of the world with the film, she co-starred the Oscar Awards ceremony, and was the first Russian actress to appear in Playboy. The slogan “From Russia with Love” became known ever since.
Vera lives in a seaside town. Being kind and sensitive, down-to-earth and passionate, she can’t find her way, she doesn’t know what to do with her freedom, her youth and her beauty. She no more understands her drinking father and her mother who is just tired of life. The aimless being is suffocating for her; she needs love and happiness, which, East or West, not everyone can get…
Incredible box-office of 56 million admissions.
Sorti aux écrans russe en 1988 ce premier film soviétique qualifié d’érotique était symbole de la période de perestroïka et glasnost (restructuration et transparence) dans le pays. Effectivement ce film a produit l’effet d’une bombe. Lors de la première de gala de ce film à Moscou, la maison du cinéma était assaillie d’une énorme foule de spectateurs. Ce film se voit aussitôt très demandés par les distributeurs étrangers. Acheté par 12 pays, il rapporte à ses producteurs des bénéfices incroyables. En France on met en vente la bande sonore avec la musique du film. La presse étrangère a qualifié la protagoniste du film Natalia Négoda de « la première star érotique soviétique ». Avec son film elle fait le tour du monde, apparaît à la cérémonie de la remise des « Oscar » aux Etats-Unis, et en mai 1989 elle devient la première femme soviétique photographiée nue dans le magazine « Play Boy ». Quelques mois après le slogan « From Russia – with love» imprimé sur les tee-shorts mis en vente par ce magazine, devient très populaire à travers le monde entier.
Véra est une charmante jeune fille émancipée qui vit dans une ville industrielle plutôt sinistre sur les bords de la Mer d’Azov. Elle est rebelle aux études et à l’autorité de ses parents. Elle ne sait pas où donner de la tête, mais elle veut jouir de la vie. Elle ne peut plus vivre avec ses parents médiocres et alcooliques. Elle étouffe dans cette vie qui n’offre guère d’horizons. Véra a besoin d’affection et d’amour. En pleine détresse elle tente même de se suicider…
In 1988 the first Soviet erotic film appeared as a symbol of perestroika. The scenes rather moderate for the genre were shocking for the domestic audiences. On the day of premiere the crowd around Moscow Film House was held back by the police.
The film enjoyed international commercial success. Natalia Negoda toured half of the world with the film, she co-starred the Oscar Awards ceremony, and was the first Russian actress to appear in Playboy. The slogan “From Russia with Love” became known ever since.
Vera lives in a seaside town. Being kind and sensitive, down-to-earth and passionate, she can’t find her way, she doesn’t know what to do with her freedom, her youth and her beauty. She no more understands her drinking father and her mother who is just tired of life. The aimless being is suffocating for her; she needs love and happiness, which, East or West, not everyone can get…
Incredible box-office of 56 million admissions.
In 1988 the first Soviet erotic film appeared as a symbol of perestroika. The scenes rather moderate for the genre were shocking for the domestic audiences. On the day of premiere the crowd around Moscow Film House was held back by the police.
The film enjoyed international commercial success. Natalia Negoda toured half of the world with the film, she co-starred the Oscar Awards ceremony, and was the first Russian actress to appear in Playboy. The slogan “From Russia with Love” became known ever since.
Vera lives in a seaside town. Being kind and sensitive, down-to-earth and passionate, she can’t find her way, she doesn’t know what to do with her freedom, her youth and her beauty. She no more understands her drinking father and her mother who is just tired of life. The aimless being is suffocating for her; she needs love and happiness, which, East or West, not everyone can get…
Incredible box-office of 56 million admissions.
Natalja Negoda ("Zavtra byla vojna"), Andrej Sokolov ("Advokat"), Ljudmila Zajtseva ("Maestro s nitochkoj") v drame Vasilija Pichuli "Malenkaja Vera".

Vyjdja na ekrany neskolko let nazad, film vyzval jarostnuju polemiku: zriteli i kritika ne privykli k takoj stepeni otkrovennosti v nashem kino. Metod "kinoshoka" zastavljaet v polnoj mere oschutit, skol gorki plody bezdukhovnosti, pronizavshej nashu zhizn. Drama geroev filma - eto drama vsego obschestva. V nej vse i vinovniki i zhertvy... Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.