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  3. Они сражались за Родину.

Они сражались за Родину.

Июль 1942 года. На подступах к Сталинграду обескровленные, измотанные советские войска ведут тяжелые оборонительные бои, неся огромные потери...
Фильм рассказывает о подвиге рядовых солдат, любви к родной земле, об истинной цене победы...

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master. Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
Based on the novel by M. A. Sholokhov. July 1942. The army is retreating. A group of exhausted soldiers, all that’s left of their regiment, are defending a plot of land. At times they feel like there is no war. Wide tank tracks on the road, and all around are drooping, wilted grasses, dimly glistening salt marshes and a bluish flickering haze over distant mounds… In that absurd clash between the warmly breathing earth and the inhuman war machine lies a powerful Biblical generalization, the metaphor of confrontation of eternal life and dark, evil forces.

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. He taistelivat isänmaansa puolesta)
Elokuva perustuu M. A. Sholokhovin romaaniin. Heinäkuussa 1942 armeija on vetäytymässä. Joukko väsyneitä sotilaita yrittävät pitää maata pystyssä. Lämmin kesä ja epäinhimilliset sotakoneet muodostavat hienon metaforan elämälle ja kuolemalle. Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
Should work with any player: PAL, NTSC, any region... Based on the novel by M. A. Sholokhov. July 1942. The army is retreating. A group of exhausted soldiers, all that’s left of their regiment, are defending a plot of land. At times they feel like there is no war. Wide tank tracks on the road, and all around are drooping, wilted grasses, dimly glistening salt marshes and a bluish flickering haze over distant mounds… In that absurd clash between the warmly breathing earth and the inhuman war machine lies a powerful Biblical generalization, the metaphor of confrontation of eternal life and dark, evil forces.
Adapté du roman de Mikhaïl Cholokhov. Juillet 1942. L’armée soviétique bat en retraite. Une poignée d’hommes épuisés, tout ce qui reste du régiment, défendent les accès du fleuve. Il peut paraître par moments que la guerre n’est qu’un mauvais rêve. Sur le chemin, les traces des chenilles de tanks, mais partout ailleurs les herbes lasses de l’été, le terne éclat des terres salines, les tertres tremblant dans l’air surchauffé de la canicule... La rencontre absurde de la terre gorgée de soleil et de la machine de guerre inhumaine donne lieu à une situation authentiquement biblique, métaphore de la vie impérissable confrontée aux forces maléfiques.
Should work with any player: PAL, NTSC, any region... Based on the novel by M. A. Sholokhov. July 1942. The army is retreating. A group of exhausted soldiers, all that’s left of their regiment, are defending a plot of land. At times they feel like there is no war. Wide tank tracks on the road, and all around are drooping, wilted grasses, dimly glistening salt marshes and a bluish flickering haze over distant mounds… In that absurd clash between the warmly breathing earth and the inhuman war machine lies a powerful Biblical generalization, the metaphor of confrontation of eternal life and dark, evil forces.
Should work with any player: PAL, NTSC, any region... Based on the novel by M. A. Sholokhov. July 1942. The army is retreating. A group of exhausted soldiers, all that’s left of their regiment, are defending a plot of land. At times they feel like there is no war. Wide tank tracks on the road, and all around are drooping, wilted grasses, dimly glistening salt marshes and a bluish flickering haze over distant mounds… In that absurd clash between the warmly breathing earth and the inhuman war machine lies a powerful Biblical generalization, the metaphor of confrontation of eternal life and dark, evil forces.
Ijul 1942 goda. Na podstupakh k Stalingradu obeskrovlennye, izmotannye sovetskie vojska vedut tjazhelye oboronitelnye boi, nesja ogromnye poteri...
Film rasskazyvaet o podvige rjadovykh soldat, ljubvi k rodnoj zemle, ob istinnoj tsene pobedy...

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master. Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.