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  3. Батальон / The Battalion

Батальон / The Battalion

Батальон / The Battalion
DVD PAL , зона: 2
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Весна 1917-го года. Февральская революция изменила жизнь России и ход Великой войны. Государь уже отрёкся от престола. В окопах, где противостояние с немцами длится уже не один год, вовсю ведут свою пропаганду большевики. Они призывают к миру с неприятелем. Российское офицерство фактически ничего не может решить без одобрения так называемых солдатских комитетов. Армия находится на пороге окончательного разложения.

По приказу Временного правительства для поднятия боевого духа создаётся женский «Батальон смерти» под командованием георгиевского кавалера Марии Бочкарёвой. Своей службой «Батальон смерти» подаёт пример храбрости, мужества и спокойствия, поднимает дух солдат и доказывает, что каждая из этих женщин-героев достойна звания воина русской армии.
Plot synopsis Spring, 1917. February Revolution changed the life of Russia and the course of the Great War. Tzar has already abdicated. In the trenches near Smorgonj, where confrontations with Germans lasted for almost a year, the Bolsheviks conducted their propaganda and called for peace with the enemy. Russian officers were not able to decide anything without the approval of the so-called military committee. The army was on the verge of complete destruction. By order of the provisional government, in order to raise morale, a women's "death battalion" was formed under the command of Maria Bochkareva, who was decorated with the medal of St. George. In the ranks of "shock battalions" there were primarily women who served the army in front line (in the Russian Imperial Army there was a designated number of women occupying high positions, among them there were those decorated with St. George medal), and women from civic families, noblewomen, students, teachers, workers. Most of them were women and Cossacks. The Bochkarova’s Battalion was consisted of representatives of famous Russian noble families, but also of simple peasant women and maids. For example, Bochkareva’s adjutant was Maria Skridlova - daughter of Admiral N.I. Skridlov. By nationality volunteers were mostly Russian, but there were other nationalities as well - Estonians, Latvians, Jewish, English. In late June, the female "Battalion of Death" consisted of 200 soldiers arrived under Smorgonj (now Belarus), and a week later they joined the fight. Several times the battalion started a counterattack. The unit under the command of lieutenant Bochkareva held heroically in battle, all the time in the first rows, shoulder to shoulder with other soldiers. They were caring the ammunition, and some even did scouting or intelligence tasks. "Battalion of Death" was an example of courage, strength and calmness; they raised morale of soldiers and prove that each of these women deserved the name: Russian army fighter.
Vuonna 1917 perustetusta Maria Bochkarevan komentamasta ensimmäisestä naispataljoonasta kertova draama. Laadukas englanninkielinen tekstitys. Elokuva sopii hyvin myös venäjän kielen sekä historian opiskelijoille.

Venäläisen yhteiskunnan ollessa kaaoksessa miehet rintamalla kieltäytyivät taistelemasta saksalaisia vastaan. Venäläinen sodanjohto päätti perustaa ensimmäisen naisten "kuolemanpataljoonan" ja lähetti sen eturintamalle. Naisten osallistumisen aktiivisiin sotatoimiin tuli nostaa miesten sotamoraalia. Elokuva kuvaa naisten valmistautumista rintamalle ja siinä on myös taistelukohtauksia.

Spring, 1917. February Revolution changed the life of Russia and the course of the Great War. Tzar has already abdicated. In the trenches near Smorgonj, where confrontations with Germans lasted for almost a year, the Bolsheviks conducted their propaganda and called for peace with the enemy. Russian officers were not able to decide anything without the approval of the so-called military committee. The army was on the verge of complete destruction. By order of the provisional government, in order to raise morale, a women's "death battalion" was formed under the command of Maria Bochkareva, who was decorated with the medal of St. George. In the ranks of "shock battalions" there were primarily women who served the army in front line (in the Russian Imperial Army there was a designated number of women occupying high positions, among them there were those decorated with St. George medal), and women from civic families, noblewomen, students, teachers, workers. Most of them were women and Cossacks. The Bochkarova’s Battalion was consisted of representatives of famous Russian noble families, but also of simple peasant women and maids. For example, Bochkareva’s adjutant was Maria Skridlova - daughter of Admiral N.I. Skridlov. By nationality volunteers were mostly Russian, but there were other nationalities as well - Estonians, Latvians, Jewish, English. In late June, the female "Battalion of Death" consisted of 200 soldiers arrived under Smorgonj (now Belarus), and a week later they joined the fight. Several times the battalion started a counterattack. The unit under the command of lieutenant Bochkareva held heroically in battle, all the time in the first rows, shoulder to shoulder with other soldiers. They were caring the ammunition, and some even did scouting or intelligence tasks. "Battalion of Death" was an example of courage, strength and calmness; they raised morale of soldiers and prove that each of these women deserved the name: Russian army fighter.
Vesna 1917-go goda. Fevralskaja revoljutsija izmenila zhizn Rossii i khod Velikoj vojny. Gosudar uzhe otrjoksja ot prestola. V okopakh, gde protivostojanie s nemtsami dlitsja uzhe ne odin god, vovsju vedut svoju propagandu bolsheviki. Oni prizyvajut k miru s neprijatelem. Rossijskoe ofitserstvo fakticheski nichego ne mozhet reshit bez odobrenija tak nazyvaemykh soldatskikh komitetov. Armija nakhoditsja na poroge okonchatelnogo razlozhenija.

Po prikazu Vremennogo pravitelstva dlja podnjatija boevogo dukha sozdajotsja zhenskij «Batalon smerti» pod komandovaniem georgievskogo kavalera Marii Bochkarjovoj. Svoej sluzhboj «Batalon smerti» podajot primer khrabrosti, muzhestva i spokojstvija, podnimaet dukh soldat i dokazyvaet, chto kazhdaja iz etikh zhenschin-geroev dostojna zvanija voina russkoj armii.