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  3. Russian Tsars. The Rurikids. The Romanovs.

Russian Tsars. The Rurikids. The Romanovs.

Russian Tsars. The Rurikids. The Romanovs.
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Иллюстрированное издание на английском языке. Размышляя о прошлом России, приходишь к выводу, что наша страна, располагающаяся на двух континентах, европейском и азиатском, всегда сочетала в себе черты восточных деспотий и европейских цивилизаций, что отразилось и на характере российского самодержавия. Мы поведем рассказ о русском абсолютизме от его истоков до трагического финала. Начальная глава посвящена зарождению государственности на Руси, вторая представляет собой изложение истории Рюриковичей - первой правящей династии. В третьей повествуется о Смутном времени, когда держава находилась на краю гибели. Четвертая начинается с момента прихода к власти представителя династии Романовых Михаила Федоровича, а заканчивается гибелью последнего русского самодержца Николая II и его семьи.
Illustrated edition in English. Reflecting on the past of Russia, you come to the conclusion that our country, located on two continents, European and Asian, has always combined the features of eastern despots and European civilizations, which also affected the nature of the Russian autocracy. We will lead a story about Russian absolutism from its origins to the tragic finale. The initial chapter is devoted to the emergence of statehood in Russia, the second is a presentation of the history of the Rurikovich - the first ruling dynasty. The third tells of the Time of Troubles, when the state was on the brink of death. The fourth begins when the representative of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich, comes to power, and ends with the death of the last Russian autocrat Nicholas II and his family.
Illustrated edition in English. Reflecting on the past of Russia, you come to the conclusion that our country, located on two continents, European and Asian, has always combined the features of eastern despots and European civilizations, which also affected the nature of the Russian autocracy. We will lead a story about Russian absolutism from its origins to the tragic finale. The initial chapter is devoted to the emergence of statehood in Russia, the second is a presentation of the history of the Rurikovich - the first ruling dynasty. The third tells of the Time of Troubles, when the state was on the brink of death. The fourth begins when the representative of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich, comes to power, and ends with the death of the last Russian autocrat Nicholas II and his family.
Illjustrirovannoe izdanie na anglijskom jazyke. Razmyshljaja o proshlom Rossii, prikhodish k vyvodu, chto nasha strana, raspolagajuschajasja na dvukh kontinentakh, evropejskom i aziatskom, vsegda sochetala v sebe cherty vostochnykh despotij i evropejskikh tsivilizatsij, chto otrazilos i na kharaktere rossijskogo samoderzhavija. My povedem rasskaz o russkom absoljutizme ot ego istokov do tragicheskogo finala. Nachalnaja glava posvjaschena zarozhdeniju gosudarstvennosti na Rusi, vtoraja predstavljaet soboj izlozhenie istorii Rjurikovichej - pervoj pravjaschej dinastii. V tretej povestvuetsja o Smutnom vremeni, kogda derzhava nakhodilas na kraju gibeli. Chetvertaja nachinaetsja s momenta prikhoda k vlasti predstavitelja dinastii Romanovykh Mikhaila Fedorovicha, a zakanchivaetsja gibelju poslednego russkogo samoderzhtsa Nikolaja II i ego semi.
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