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  3. Танки и военная наземная техника
  4. Энциклопедия Оружие и технологии России. XXI век. Том 7 - Бронетанковое вооружение и техника

Энциклопедия Оружие и технологии России. XXI век. Том 7 - Бронетанковое вооружение и техника

Энциклопедия Оружие и технологии России. XXI век. Том 7 - Бронетанковое вооружение и техника
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По широте представления данной тематики книга не имеет себе равных. Описываются как боевые средства (танки, бронетранспортеры, боевые машины пехоты и др.), так и средства технического предназначения (ремонтно-эвакуационные, технического обслуживания) а также мотоциклы. Возможности предприятий отрасли (в книге их представлено не менее 66) в настоящее время дополняются многочисленными средствами на базе бронетанковой техники, в том числе антитеррористического и общегражданского назначения.
Другая информация: 435 образцов вооружения и военной техники;
66 предприятий и организаций оборонного комплекса;
1890 иллюстраций.

Книга в идеальном состоянии. Коробка немного помята, но отлично защищает саму книгу от повреждений.
Seventh volume of the Encyclopaedia gives a detailed description of the tanks, armored vehicles and its derivatives, its weapons and ammunition, systems and equipment of the Russia' s Ground Forces, Airborne Forces and other branches of the Armed Forces. Main Battle Tanks, Medium Tanks, Light Tanks, Heavy Tanks, Missile Tanks. Infantry Fighting and Airborne Assault Vehicles. Armed Reconnaissance and Patrol Vehicles. Armored Personnel Carriers. COMBAT PROPERTIES OF TANKS AND OTHER ARMORED FIGHTING VEHICLES. Main guns and machine guns installed in tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and their derivatives. Tank guided weapons. Ammunition for main guns and machine guns of armored vehicles. Belt-filling machines. Fire control systems, weapons stabilizers, sights, sensors and vision devices. Protection systems of tanks and other armored fighting vehicles. Air conditioners for armored vehicles. Engines for armored vehicles. Fuels and lubricants. Storage batteries. Radio communication facilities of armored and other vehicles. Position fixing and land navigation equipment for tracked and wheeled vehicles. ARMORED VEHICLES, MAINTENANCE AND RECOVERY VEHICLES FOR TRAINING. Armored Recovery Vehicles and Tractors. Maintenance Vehicles. Motorcycles. Trainers. WEAPONS SYSTEMS DERIVED FROM ARMORED VEHICLES. Military Hardware. Non-Military Vehicles. Euler Automated Programmable Unit for Modelling Multi-Component Mechanical Systems. STORAGE, DISPOSAL AND SCRAPPING OF ARMORED VEHICLES. Remote-Controlled Robotic Systems. Iinformation on 66 organizations and enterprises
- more than 1890 colored photos. Appendices. Abbreviations. Terms and Definitions. Index.

The book is in perfect condition. The box is a little wrinkled, but does an excellent job of protecting the book itself from damage.
Seventh volume of the Encyclopaedia gives a detailed description of the tanks, armored vehicles and its derivatives, its weapons and ammunition, systems and equipment of the Russia' s Ground Forces, Airborne Forces and other branches of the Armed Forces. Main Battle Tanks, Medium Tanks, Light Tanks, Heavy Tanks, Missile Tanks. Infantry Fighting and Airborne Assault Vehicles. Armed Reconnaissance and Patrol Vehicles. Armored Personnel Carriers. COMBAT PROPERTIES OF TANKS AND OTHER ARMORED FIGHTING VEHICLES. Main guns and machine guns installed in tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and their derivatives. Tank guided weapons. Ammunition for main guns and machine guns of armored vehicles. Belt-filling machines. Fire control systems, weapons stabilizers, sights, sensors and vision devices. Protection systems of tanks and other armored fighting vehicles. Air conditioners for armored vehicles. Engines for armored vehicles. Fuels and lubricants. Storage batteries. Radio communication facilities of armored and other vehicles. Position fixing and land navigation equipment for tracked and wheeled vehicles. ARMORED VEHICLES, MAINTENANCE AND RECOVERY VEHICLES FOR TRAINING. Armored Recovery Vehicles and Tractors. Maintenance Vehicles. Motorcycles. Trainers. WEAPONS SYSTEMS DERIVED FROM ARMORED VEHICLES. Military Hardware. Non-Military Vehicles. Euler Automated Programmable Unit for Modelling Multi-Component Mechanical Systems. STORAGE, DISPOSAL AND SCRAPPING OF ARMORED VEHICLES. Remote-Controlled Robotic Systems. Iinformation on 66 organizations and enterprises
- more than 1890 colored photos. Appendices. Abbreviations. Terms and Definitions. Index.
Po shirote predstavlenija dannoj tematiki kniga ne imeet sebe ravnykh. Opisyvajutsja kak boevye sredstva (tanki, bronetransportery, boevye mashiny pekhoty i dr.), tak i sredstva tekhnicheskogo prednaznachenija (remontno-evakuatsionnye, tekhnicheskogo obsluzhivanija) a takzhe mototsikly. Vozmozhnosti predprijatij otrasli (v knige ikh predstavleno ne menee 66) v nastojaschee vremja dopolnjajutsja mnogochislennymi sredstvami na baze bronetankovoj tekhniki, v tom chisle antiterroristicheskogo i obschegrazhdanskogo naznachenija.
Drugaja informatsija: 435 obraztsov vooruzhenija i voennoj tekhniki;
66 predprijatij i organizatsij oboronnogo kompleksa;
1890 illjustratsij.

Kniga v idealnom sostojanii. Korobka nemnogo pomjata, no otlichno zaschischaet samu knigu ot povrezhdenij.
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