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V puteshestvie s grammatikoj

В путешествие с грамматикой. Русский язык для двуязычных детей
V puteshestvie s grammatikoj
290/215/31 mm
1.11 kg
42.00 € 38.18 € Ohne MWSt
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V puteshestvie s grammatikoj is a new Russian language course for bilingual children of 10-11 years old.

* who have Russian as one of their mother tongues
who can already read and write in Russian
* who already master the most important grammatical categories, such as the cases of the noun and conjugation of the verb
* who want to improve their Russian

V puteshestvie s grammatikoj is an exciting story
* about the adventures of two girls during their summer holidays
* with original drawings and pictures to support the text

V puteshestvie s grammatikoj
* significantly improves written and oral language competence
* considerably extends the vocabulary and active knowledge of means and patterns to form new words and expressions
* helps to master the most important grammatical categories, such as cases of the adjective and the numeral, and the aspect of verbs
* teaches the structure of sentences and other constructions

'V puteshestvie s grammatikoj' is a first, in its category, Russian language course for bilingual children of 10 - 11 years old with Russian and West European background. It is a result of longitudinal observations of and learning activities with bilingual children at Russian school in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and the research project at the Department of Slavic languages of the University of Amsterdam.
Methodologically this language course is based on two approaches, namely a combination of learning Russian as mother tongue and as foreign language, which are most suitable for this category of pupils. It is aimed at the development of oral and written skils, and productive competence of language command in general. The book includes on the one hand a story component which is based on every day situations that significantly contributes to enriching the vocabulary. On the other hand, this course contains good structured grammar material and different kinds of exercises and practical tasks.
Часть два
Учебник направлен на успешное развитие навыков устной и письменной речи у двуязычных детей 10 - 11 лет, которые:
* свободно говорят и пишут по-русски;
* занимаются русским языком в школе или дома.

Учебник В путешествие с грамматикой
* предусматривает творческую работу с
языком и развитие письменных навыков;
* направлен на освоение таких важнейших
категорий русского языка, как прилагательное, числительное, наречие и глагол;
* уделяет большое внимание орфографии, словообразованию и пунктуации;
* нацелен на значительное обогащение словарного запаса ребенка и активное употребление
различных синтаксических структур;
* включает большое количество страноведческого и культурологического материала.

Учебник В путешествие с грамматикой
* рассказывает об увлекательном путешествии
двух подружек во времени и в пространстве, их знакомстве с историей и географией России, а также c историей их семьи;
* содержит оригинальные иллюстрации,
помогающие лучше усвоить материал.

Часть один: Приключения в городе Грамотеев.
Chast dva
Uchebnik napravlen na uspeshnoe razvitie navykov ustnoj i pismennoj rechi u dvujazychnykh detej 10 - 11 let, kotorye:
* svobodno govorjat i pishut po-russki;
* zanimajutsja russkim jazykom v shkole ili doma.

Uchebnik V puteshestvie s grammatikoj
* predusmatrivaet tvorcheskuju rabotu s
jazykom i razvitie pismennykh navykov;
* napravlen na osvoenie takikh vazhnejshikh
kategorij russkogo jazyka, kak prilagatelnoe, chislitelnoe, narechie i glagol;
* udeljaet bolshoe vnimanie orfografii, slovoobrazovaniju i punktuatsii;
* natselen na znachitelnoe obogaschenie slovarnogo zapasa rebenka i aktivnoe upotreblenie
razlichnykh sintaksicheskikh struktur;
* vkljuchaet bolshoe kolichestvo stranovedcheskogo i kulturologicheskogo materiala.

Uchebnik V puteshestvie s grammatikoj
* rasskazyvaet ob uvlekatelnom puteshestvii
dvukh podruzhek vo vremeni i v prostranstve, ikh znakomstve s istoriej i geografiej Rossii, a takzhe c istoriej ikh semi;
* soderzhit originalnye illjustratsii,
pomogajuschie luchshe usvoit material.

Chast odin: Prikljuchenija v gorode Gramoteev.
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