A guide book provides support for students who choose to use this course as a self-study program. It has every instruction, explanation and recommendation written in English. It also contains the answer...
Russian souvenir 2. Pre-Intermediate level. Teacher's guide. Incl. CD. The Student's book with audio CD, the Workbook and the Teacher's book with CD are sold separately.
This language game in the form of lotto helps to memorize the common Russian vocabulary by playing. This game book is written for the beginners. It has no age limit. The book consists of twenty thematic...
Play with pronouns: Manual for beginners.
The present manual helps to classify the use of cases of the nouns in the Russian language. It is designed for the initial level learners of the Russian language....
Soroka is a three-part beginner's course for children 7-9 years old learning Russian. Soroka makes learning Russian easy. Soroka teaches children through fun activities. Soroka gives children solid grounding...
Ларри Кинг - один из известнейших в США людей - много лет вел популярное ток-шоу телекомпании CNN, быть его гостем считали за честь виднейшие деятели политики, бизнеса, спорта и искусства.
В книге "Как...
I love Russian. 15 lessons for Elementary to Pre-Intermediate students
'I Love Russian A2" for Elementary to Pre-Intermediate students was created by Liden & Denz academic team to provide a coherent and...
"Результаты международных рейтингов PISA вызвали всемирный интерес к финской школе и к системе подготовки педагогов в Финляндии. Что будет дальше? Эта книга представляет опыт Финляндии в развитии навыков...
Learning and training tests in Russian as a foreign language l. Volume 3. Writing.
Audio materials are available by QR code in textbook edition 2019 and next editions.
Lexical minimum of Russian as a foreign language. Level C1. Common language. 3nd certificate level.
The edition consists of word lists, grammatical information.
Learning and training tests in Russian as a foreign language. Vol. 4. Listening. Speaking: a manual
II sert. level (B2)
III sert. level (C1)
Audio materials are available by QR code in textbook edition...
I Love Russian A1" is a bright and up-to-date course book, intended for levels from complete beginners to A1+ according to CEFR (100-120 contact hours). It is created by Liden & Denz academic team in accordance...
Методическое руководство для преподавателя является четвёртой частью учебно-методического комплекса "Русский букварь для мигрантов". Может быть использовано как самостоятельное издание.
Содержит рекомендации...
* Basic Level (TBL/A1).
Successful performance in the Preliminary Test represents a standard competence in Russian which enables a candidate to satisfy basic communicative needs in a limited number of...
Когда система школьного образования в Финляндии была признана самой лучшей по результатам теста PISA, педагоги со всего мира принялись изучать опыт финских коллег, пытаясь понять, в чем же заключается...
Test workshop on Russian as a foreign language. Level V2. In Russian. With QR codes. Common language.
There are multiple QR codes on each exercise for listening corresponding audio.
Just start the regular...
We learn to teach: methodic book for teachers of Russian as a foreign language.
The book is dedicated to the main problems of the teaching methodology of Russian as a foreign language. It describes some...
Данное учебное пособие ориентировано на дистанционно-контактное, или смешанное, обучение учащихся. Предназначено для широкого круга лиц разных уровней владения русским языком (от А1 до B2), изучающих русский...
Using the experience of Russian innovative teachers in teaching Russian to bilingual children: a methodological guide for teachers of additional education schools abroad
Книга "На стороне подростка" была создана всемирно известным психологом Франсуазой Дольто по многочисленным просьбам читателей. В этом издании, как и в своей книге "На стороне ребенка", Ф. Дольто сохраняет...
Audio materials in QR-codes in the book.
The series "TRKI - at 100%" includes test variants of all levels. The test materials were developed by the Language Testing Center of St. Petersburg State University...
Test for TORFL
Basic Level (TBL/A2).
Successful performance in the Preliminary Test represents a standard competence in Russian which enables a candidate to satisfy basic communicative needs in a limited...
Работая в Московской государственной академии хореографии с подростками разных национальностей, автор видит, насколько лучше все учащиеся усваивают грамматику и лексику, когда последние даются в привязке...
Teacher's Book is a part of Soroka 3: Russian for Kids course. It is a language course for beginners. There are two more books in Soroka 3 - Student's Book and Activity Book, and two more levels Soroka...
* Basic Level (TBL/A2).
Successful performance in the Preliminary Test represents a standard competence in Russian which enables a candidate to satisfy basic communicative needs in a limited number of...
Lexical minimum of Russian as a foreign language. Elementary level. Level A1. Common language
Grammar comments, examples, translation into English, Germany, French, Spanish, Chinese.
Uroven A1
6th edition,...