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  5. Vocalises for soprano and mezzo soprano

Vocalises for soprano and mezzo soprano

Вокализы для сопрано и меццо-сопрано.
Vocalises for soprano and mezzo soprano
12.00 € 10.53 € Ohne MWSt
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The Compozitor Publishing House * St Petersburg calls your attention to the "Vocalises for Soprano and Mezzo-soprano" by the famous Italian composer and pedagogue Giuseppe Concone (1801-1861).
Being born in Turin, Concone worked as the teacher of vocal and piano in Paris for а long time. Having returned to his native land in 1848 Concone became the organist at the court cappella in Turin. Concone is the author of the operas "Un episodo del San Michele" ("Тhe Episode From St Michael's Life") and "Graziela", however his numerous exercises and vocalises enjoyed the really great popularity, having become the kind of base for those, who are willing to master the bel canto style in full capacity.
Неге we adduce some of Concone's wishes and addresses to those, who just begin studying the vocalises.
"Before you begin the complicated exercises, covered with fioriture, you should comprehend, what the simple melody is. Therefore I compiled the exercises for middle voice. Their natural broad style has the double advantage. Bringing up and strengthening student's voice, the vocalises form his taste simultaneously, inculcating fine phrasing and timely breath. Those, who prefer broad singing, instead of roulades and fioriture, may discover here the both useful, progressive and pleasant exercises".
Together with famous maestro Concone, we hope, the "teachers and lovers of vocal will accept this work graciously", gaining really stunning successes in the art of singing
The Compozitor Publishing House * St Petersburg calls your attention to the "Vocalises for Soprano and Mezzo-soprano" by the famous Italian composer and pedagogue Giuseppe Concone (1801-1861).
Being born in Turin, Concone worked as the teacher of vocal and piano in Paris for а long time. Having returned to his native land in 1848 Concone became the organist at the court cappella in Turin. Concone is the author of the operas "Un episodo del San Michele" ("Тhe Episode From St Michael's Life") and "Graziela", however his numerous exercises and vocalises enjoyed the really great popularity, having become the kind of base for those, who are willing to master the bel canto style in full capacity.
Неге we adduce some of Concone's wishes and addresses to those, who just begin studying the vocalises.
"Before you begin the complicated exercises, covered with fioriture, you should comprehend, what the simple melody is. Therefore I compiled the exercises for middle voice. Their natural broad style has the double advantage. Bringing up and strengthening student's voice, the vocalises form his taste simultaneously, inculcating fine phrasing and timely breath. Those, who prefer broad singing, instead of roulades and fioriture, may discover here the both useful, progressive and pleasant exercises".
Together with famous maestro Concone, we hope, the "teachers and lovers of vocal will accept this work graciously", gaining really stunning successes in the art of singing
Это прекрасная школа для тех, кто стремится овладеть стилем пения bel canto в полной мере. Для того их автор, итальянский композитор и учитель пения Джузеппе Конконе (1801-1861), и сочинил: "С этой целью я составил свои упражнения для среднего голоса. Их простой, широкий стиль обладает тем двойным преимуществом, что, развивая и укрепляя голос, образует вкус ученика, приучая его вместе с тем хорошо фразировать и вовремя производить дыхание. Те, кто предпочитает широкое пение руладам и фиоритурам, найдут здесь упражнения полезные, прогрессивные и, вместе с тем, приятные", - пишет автор в предисловии к пособию. Этот труд стал уже классическим и выдержал множество переизданий, что доказывает его незаменимость для обучающихся пению. Сборник состоит из 45 вокализов разной технической сложности.
Eto prekrasnaja shkola dlja tekh, kto stremitsja ovladet stilem penija bel canto v polnoj mere. Dlja togo ikh avtor, italjanskij kompozitor i uchitel penija Dzhuzeppe Konkone (1801-1861), i sochinil: "S etoj tselju ja sostavil svoi uprazhnenija dlja srednego golosa. Ikh prostoj, shirokij stil obladaet tem dvojnym preimuschestvom, chto, razvivaja i ukrepljaja golos, obrazuet vkus uchenika, priuchaja ego vmeste s tem khorosho frazirovat i vovremja proizvodit dykhanie. Te, kto predpochitaet shirokoe penie ruladam i fiorituram, najdut zdes uprazhnenija poleznye, progressivnye i, vmeste s tem, prijatnye", - pishet avtor v predislovii k posobiju. Etot trud stal uzhe klassicheskim i vyderzhal mnozhestvo pereizdanij, chto dokazyvaet ego nezamenimost dlja obuchajuschikhsja peniju. Sbornik sostoit iz 45 vokalizov raznoj tekhnicheskoj slozhnosti.
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