1. Noten und Musikbücher
  2. Noten: Vokalmusik
  3. Evgenij Nesterenko. Arias from operas (Bojto, Berlioz, Gomes, Dvorzhak, Debjussi). In original lyrics with Russian translation. For Bass. Vol. 6

Evgenij Nesterenko. Arias from operas (Bojto, Berlioz, Gomes, Dvorzhak, Debjussi). In original lyrics with Russian translation. For Bass. Vol. 6

Евгений Нестеренко. Арии из опер (Бойто, Берлиоз, Гомес, Дворжак, Дебюсси). Бас. Учебное пособие для вокалистов и концертмейстеров. Выпуск 6
Evgenij Nesterenko. Arias from operas (Bojto, Berlioz, Gomes, Dvorzhak, Debjussi). In original lyrics with Russian translation. For Bass. Vol. 6
12.00 € 10.91 € Ohne MWSt
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In original lyrics with Russian translation.
Seven albums of romances, arias and songs that comprise the present collection constitute the core of the repertoire of the great Russian singer, Eugene Nesterenko. His powerful, magnificient, soul penetrating bass is widely known not only in Russia but in the whole world.
Almost all arias by Russian composers as well as most difficult opera parts by Mozart. Verdi, Puccini, Gounod, Berlioz, Dvorak, Debussy, Bartok are mastered by this genius of a singer and became a foundation of his glory.
His concert repertoire comprises nearly 500 hundred romances and songs; he is the first performer of a considerable number of works by D. Shostakovich and G. Sviridov.
Some of the popular romances songs in the present collection are transposed to convenient keys for bass, this, together with the rarely performed works included into the collection undoubtedly would arouse the interest towards it among musicians.
Being not mere couple of albums but highly organized compilation, this collection helps the performer to compile a logically accomplished concert program.


A. Boito. ARIA OF MEF1STOFELE. From the prologue of the opera "Mefistofele"
H. Berlioz. MEPHISTOPHELES' SONG OF THE FLEA. From the dramatic legend "The Damnation of Faust"
H. Berlioz. SERENADE OF MEPHISTOPHELES' (WITH FURIES' CHOIR). From the dramatic legend "The Damnation of Faust"
A. C. Gomes. ARIA OF DUCA D'ARCOS. From the opera "Salvator Rosa "
A. Dvorak. ARIA OF WATER-SPRITE. From the opera "Mermaid"
C. Debussy. MONOLOGUE OF ARKEL. From the opera "Pelleas and Melisande"
Оригинальные тексты с русским переводом


А. Бойто. АРИЯ МЕФИСТОФЕЛЯ. Из пролога оперы „Мефистофель "
Г. Берлиоз. ПЕСНЯ МЕФИСТОФЕЛЯ О БЛОХЕ. Из драматической легенды, Осуждение Фауста "
Г. Берлиоз. СЕРЕНАДА МЕФИСТОФЕЛЯ (С ХОРОМ ФУРИЙ). Из драматической легенды „ Осуждение Фауста "
А. К. Гомес. АРИЯ ГЕРЦОГА АРКОСА. Из оперы „ Сальватор Роза "
А. Дворжак. АРИЯ ВОДЯНОГО. Из оперы „Русалка"
К. Дебюсси. МОНОЛОГ АРКЕЛЯ. Из оперы „Пеллеас и Мелизанда"
Originalnye teksty s russkim perevodom


A. Bojto. ARIJa MEFISTOFELJa. Iz prologa opery „Mefistofel "
G. Berlioz. PESNJa MEFISTOFELJa O BLOKHE. Iz dramaticheskoj legendy, Osuzhdenie Fausta "
G. Berlioz. SERENADA MEFISTOFELJa (S KHOROM FURIJ). Iz dramaticheskoj legendy „ Osuzhdenie Fausta "
A. K. Gomes. ARIJa GERTSOGA ARKOSA. Iz opery „ Salvator Roza "
A. Dvorzhak. ARIJa VODJANOGO. Iz opery „Rusalka"
K. Debjussi. MONOLOG ARKELJa. Iz opery „Pelleas i Melizanda"
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