1. Noten und Musikbücher
  2. Noten: Holzblasinstrumente und Saxophon
  3. Noten: Klarinette
  4. Sonata for clarinet and piano. Piano score and part. Repertoire of music college and conservatoire

Sonata for clarinet and piano. Piano score and part. Repertoire of music college and conservatoire

Соната для кларнета и фортепиано. Клавир и партия. Репертуар музыкального училища и консерватории
Sonata for clarinet and piano. Piano score and part. Repertoire of music college and conservatoire
9.00 € 1.00 € Reduzierter Preis 88.89%
0.91 € Ohne MWSt
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Vyacheslav Kruglik was born in St. Petersburg. He began to study compo-sition at the Rimsky-Korsakov School of Music under A. S. Nesterov. From 1996–2001 he studied at the composition faculty of the St Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire (class of B. I. Tishchenko). Having graduated from the Conservatoire with honours, he completed post-graduate studying (2001–2003).
Kruglik has taken part in the festivals "Musical Spring", "Youth Academies of Russia", "Arena", international music festival "Stars of the White Nights", international festival "New Horizons", international festival "Brass Evenings at the Mariinsky", "Moscow Easter Festival" and others.
In 2005 he was a prize-winner at the All-Russian Mariinsky Theatre Competition as a composer of the one-act opera “Carriage” (the premiere has taken place in April 2009, conductor – V. Gergiev). Together with Svetlana Nesterova he created the ballet “Magic Ring”, which was a prize-winner at the competition of Bolshoi Theatre and the Union of Theatre Workers to compose an opera and dance work for children and young people (2008). He is currently a teacher at the faculty of orchestral conducting of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts.
The composer’s works include also the symphony “Time to Live and Time to Die” (suite for the orchestra after Remarque’s perusal), “Princess Olga” (overture for symphony orchestra), string quartets, vocal series and other compositions.
Vyacheslav Kruglik was born in St. Petersburg. He began to study compo-sition at the Rimsky-Korsakov School of Music under A. S. Nesterov. From 1996–2001 he studied at the composition faculty of the St Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire (class of B. I. Tishchenko). Having graduated from the Conservatoire with honours, he completed post-graduate studying (2001–2003).
Kruglik has taken part in the festivals «Musical Spring», «Youth Academies of Russia», «Arena», international music festival «Stars of the White Nights», international festival «New Horizons», international festival «Brass Evenings at the Mariinsky», «Moscow Easter Festival» and others.
In 2005 he was a prize-winner at the All-Russian Mariinsky Theatre Competition as a composer of the one-act opera “Carriage” (the premiere has taken place in April 2009, conductor – V. Gergiev). Together with Svetlana Nesterova he created the ballet “Magic Ring”, which was a prize-winner at the competition of Bolshoi Theatre and the Union of Theatre Workers to compose an opera and dance work for children and young people (2008). He is currently a teacher at the faculty of orchestral conducting of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts.
The composer’s works include also the symphony “Time to Live and Time to Die” (suite for the orchestra after Remarque’s perusal), “Princess Olga” (overture for symphony orchestra), string quartets, vocal series and other compositions.
Вячеслав Круглик родился в Санкт-Петербурге. Начал заниматься композицией в училище им. Н. А. Римского-Корсакова под руководством А. С. Нестерова. В 1996–2001 гг. обучался на композиторском факультете Санкт-Петербургской консерватории им. Н. А. Римского-Корсакова (класс Б. И. Тищенко). Окончив консерваторию с отличием, продолжил обучение в аспирантуре (2001–2003).
Участвовал в фестивалях "Музыкальная весна", "Молодежные академии России", "Арена", международный музыкальный фестиваль "Звезды белых ночей", международный фестиваль "Новые горизонты", международный фестиваль "Брасс-вечера в Мариинском", "Московский Пасхальный фестиваль" и другие. В 2005 г. стал лауреатом Всероссийского конкурса Мариинского театра как автор одноактной оперы "Коляска" на сюжет повести Н. В. Гоголя (премьера состоялась в апреле 2009 г., дирижер В. Гергиев). Совместно с Светланой Нестеровой создал балет "Волшебное кольцо", который стал призером на конкурсе Большого театра и Союза театральных деятелей на создание оперного и хореографического произведения для детей и юношества (2008). В настоящее время преподает на кафедре оркестрового дирижирования в Санкт-Петербургском университете культуры и искусств.
Среди сочинений композитора — симфония, "Время жить и время умирать" (сюита для оркестра по прочтении Ремарка), "Княгиня Ольга" (увертюра для симфонического оркестра), струнные квартеты, вокальные циклы и другие сочинения.
Vjacheslav Kruglik rodilsja v Sankt-Peterburge. Nachal zanimatsja kompozitsiej v uchilische im. N. A. Rimskogo-Korsakova pod rukovodstvom A. S. Nesterova. V 1996–2001 gg. obuchalsja na kompozitorskom fakultete Sankt-Peterburgskoj konservatorii im. N. A. Rimskogo-Korsakova (klass B. I. Tischenko). Okonchiv konservatoriju s otlichiem, prodolzhil obuchenie v aspiranture (2001–2003).
Uchastvoval v festivaljakh "Muzykalnaja vesna", "Molodezhnye akademii Rossii", "Arena", mezhdunarodnyj muzykalnyj festival "Zvezdy belykh nochej", mezhdunarodnyj festival "Novye gorizonty", mezhdunarodnyj festival "Brass-vechera v Mariinskom", "Moskovskij Paskhalnyj festival" i drugie. V 2005 g. stal laureatom Vserossijskogo konkursa Mariinskogo teatra kak avtor odnoaktnoj opery "Koljaska" na sjuzhet povesti N. V. Gogolja (premera sostojalas v aprele 2009 g., dirizher V. Gergiev). Sovmestno s Svetlanoj Nesterovoj sozdal balet "Volshebnoe koltso", kotoryj stal prizerom na konkurse Bolshogo teatra i Sojuza teatralnykh dejatelej na sozdanie opernogo i khoreograficheskogo proizvedenija dlja detej i junoshestva (2008). V nastojaschee vremja prepodaet na kafedre orkestrovogo dirizhirovanija v Sankt-Peterburgskom universitete kultury i iskusstv.
Sredi sochinenij kompozitora — simfonija, "Vremja zhit i vremja umirat" (sjuita dlja orkestra po prochtenii Remarka), "Knjaginja Olga" (uvertjura dlja simfonicheskogo orkestra), strunnye kvartety, vokalnye tsikly i drugie sochinenija.
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Empfehlungen von Ruslania anschauen
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