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  4. Symphony No. 2. Pocket score.

Symphony No. 2. Pocket score.

Симфония No. 2. Партитура (карманный формат).
Symphony No. 2. Pocket score.
10.00 € 9.09 € Ohne MWSt
Versand: 2 Wochen nach Eingang der Bestellung
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145 mm x 205 mm
Anton Bruckner (1824–1896) — the Austrian composer, organist, pedagogue, one of the most piominent symphonists living in the second half of the 19th century. His creation embraces 11 symphonies (two of them are numberless), Requiem, Magnificat, Те Deum, four masses, series of choral compositions, string quintet.
Bruckner's artistic career was really noteworthy. The boy originated from the family of musicians. His talented nature was revealed very early. When Anton was ten the grown-ups entrusted the Sunday services to be conducted by him instead of the village organist. However, Bruckner himself did not consider the composition activity to have been started before he was fourty. That time he was already recognized as the organist- improvisor and choir-master.
The Second Symphony's drafts (actually it was the fourth one appeared) were made by the composer in August, 1871 during his triumphal London tour as the organist. The symphony's score was coinpleted ш July, 1872 in Vienna. The first movement and Finale were completed firstly, then the Scherzo and Adagio followed.
The Second Symphony takes special place in Bruckner's creation for its clarity and accessibility, even among his тоге well-known significant compositions. There is also the Bruckner's peculiarity induced by him for the first time, i. e. the score is provided by citations from Bruckner's own opuses. Неге you are the themes from the Grand Мass F minor; the “Benedictus” in Adagio and “Eleison” (from the “Kyrie”) in Finale.
The author himself supposed there would be the possible excision (from the letter 0 to the 21st bar after the letter R; here indicated as “Vi-”, “-dе”). Bruckner agrtxxi to please the critics, reproaching him of two long movements. Nowadays this should be the conductor to decide, whether the excised fragment is performetl Meanwhile it's rather essential for the Finale's structure.
Soon the Symphony No 2 was rejected by Otto Dessoff and the Vienna Pholharmonic Orchestra as inpracticable one. The author was forced to conduct himself. It happened а year later on October 26, 1873 at the World Exhibition's closing, when the Second Symphony was firtly performed in the Viennese Musical Society's Hall. Bruckner also showed his skill as the organist in the same very concert.
Subsequently' Bruckner returned to this score and not once (in 1873, 1876, 1877, 1892) for to concise it and to make some instrumentation emeudations. This exact publication represents the version dating 1928, reconstructed by Joseph Wooss on the base of Bruckner's manuscripts.
Anton Bruckner (1824–1896) — the Austrian composer, organist, pedagogue, one of the most piominent symphonists living in the second half of the 19th century. His creation embraces 11 symphonies (two of them are numberless), Requiem, Magnificat, Те Deum, four masses, series of choral compositions, string quintet.
Bruckner's artistic career was really noteworthy. The boy originated from the family of musicians. His talented nature was revealed very early. When Anton was ten the grown-ups entrusted the Sunday services to be conducted by him instead of the village organist. However, Bruckner himself did not consider the composition activity to have been started before he was fourty. That time he was already recognized as the organist- improvisor and choir-master.
The Second Symphony's drafts (actually it was the fourth one appeared) were made by the composer in August, 1871 during his triumphal London tour as the organist. The symphony's score was coinpleted ш July, 1872 in Vienna. The first movement and Finale were completed firstly, then the Scherzo and Adagio followed.
The Second Symphony takes special place in Bruckner's creation for its clarity and accessibility, even among his тоге well-known significant compositions. There is also the Bruckner's peculiarity induced by him for the first time, i. e. the score is provided by citations from Bruckner's own opuses. Неге you are the themes from the Grand Мass F minor; the “Benedictus” in Adagio and “Eleison” (from the “Kyrie”) in Finale.
The author himself supposed there would be the possible excision (from the letter 0 to the 21st bar after the letter R; here indicated as “Vi-”, “-dе”). Bruckner agrtxxi to please the critics, reproaching him of two long movements. Nowadays this should be the conductor to decide, whether the excised fragment is performetl Meanwhile it's rather essential for the Finale's structure.
Soon the Symphony No 2 was rejected by Otto Dessoff and the Vienna Pholharmonic Orchestra as inpracticable one. The author was forced to conduct himself. It happened а year later on October 26, 1873 at the World Exhibition's closing, when the Second Symphony was firtly performed in the Viennese Musical Society's Hall. Bruckner also showed his skill as the organist in the same very concert.
Subsequently' Bruckner returned to this score and not once (in 1873, 1876, 1877, 1892) for to concise it and to make some instrumentation emeudations. This exact publication represents the version dating 1928, reconstructed by Joseph Wooss on the base of Bruckner's manuscripts.
145 mm x 205 mm
Антон Брукнер (1824–1896), австрийский композитор, органист, педагог, один из крупнейших симфонистов второй половины XIX века. Его перу принадлежат 11 симфоний (две из них без номера), Реквием, Магнификат, Te Deum, четыре мессы, ряд хоровых сочинений, струнный квинтет.
Творческая карьера Брукнера развивалась не совсем обычно. Талант мальчика, родившегося в музыкальной семье, проявился рано (уже в 10 лет Антон Брукнер, заменяя взрослых, был способен провести воскресную службу в качестве деревенского органиста). Однако, в силу обстоятельств и личных особенностей, Брукнер счел себя готовым к собственно композиторской работе лишь к сорока годам, ко времени, когда он уже добился признания как органист-импровизатор и хормейстер. Первые наброски Второй симфонии (фактически, она была четвертой по счету) были сделаны композитором в августе 1871 года в Лондоне, во время его триумфальных гастролей как органиста. Партитура симфонии была завершена в июле 1872 года в Вене. Вначале были сочинены первая часть и финал, на завершающей стадии — скерцо и адажио.
Вторая симфония занимает особое место в творчестве Брукнера: она более ясна и прозрачна для слушателя, чем другие (традиционно считающиеся более значительными). В этой симфонии впервые проявилась характерная для композитора черта — в партитуру введены цитаты из собственных произведений. В данном случае это темы из брукнеровской Большой мессы фа-минор: в адажио (Benedictus) и в финале (“Eleison” из Kyrie). В финале симфонии самим автором предусмотрена возможная купюра, предложенная Брукнером в ответ на критику, обвинявшую его в слишком больших размерах частей.
Симфония, вскоре после окончания отданная дирижеру Отто Дессофу для исполнения ее Венским филармоническим оркестром, была отвергнута как "неисполнимая". Однако, автор продирижировал симфонией сам. Это произошло через год, 26 октября 1873 года, на закрытии Всемирной выставки, в зале Венского музыкального общества (в этом концерте Брукнер также выступал как органист).
Впоследствии автор не раз возвращался к партитуре симфонии, сокращая и переинструментовывая (в 1873, 1876, 1877 и 1892 годах). Для настоящей публикации избрана версия 1928 года, созданная Йозефом Вёссом по авторским рукописям.
Издание адресовано дирижерам, музыковедам, а также широкому кругу любителей музыки.
145 mm x 205 mm
Anton Brukner (1824–1896), avstrijskij kompozitor, organist, pedagog, odin iz krupnejshikh simfonistov vtoroj poloviny XIX veka. Ego peru prinadlezhat 11 simfonij (dve iz nikh bez nomera), Rekviem, Magnifikat, Te Deum, chetyre messy, rjad khorovykh sochinenij, strunnyj kvintet.
Tvorcheskaja karera Bruknera razvivalas ne sovsem obychno. Talant malchika, rodivshegosja v muzykalnoj seme, projavilsja rano (uzhe v 10 let Anton Brukner, zamenjaja vzroslykh, byl sposoben provesti voskresnuju sluzhbu v kachestve derevenskogo organista). Odnako, v silu obstojatelstv i lichnykh osobennostej, Brukner schel sebja gotovym k sobstvenno kompozitorskoj rabote lish k soroka godam, ko vremeni, kogda on uzhe dobilsja priznanija kak organist-improvizator i khormejster. Pervye nabroski Vtoroj simfonii (fakticheski, ona byla chetvertoj po schetu) byli sdelany kompozitorom v avguste 1871 goda v Londone, vo vremja ego triumfalnykh gastrolej kak organista. Partitura simfonii byla zavershena v ijule 1872 goda v Vene. Vnachale byli sochineny pervaja chast i final, na zavershajuschej stadii — skertso i adazhio.
Vtoraja simfonija zanimaet osoboe mesto v tvorchestve Bruknera: ona bolee jasna i prozrachna dlja slushatelja, chem drugie (traditsionno schitajuschiesja bolee znachitelnymi). V etoj simfonii vpervye projavilas kharakternaja dlja kompozitora cherta — v partituru vvedeny tsitaty iz sobstvennykh proizvedenij. V dannom sluchae eto temy iz bruknerovskoj Bolshoj messy fa-minor: v adazhio (Benedictus) i v finale (“Eleison” iz Kyrie). V finale simfonii samim avtorom predusmotrena vozmozhnaja kupjura, predlozhennaja Bruknerom v otvet na kritiku, obvinjavshuju ego v slishkom bolshikh razmerakh chastej.
Simfonija, vskore posle okonchanija otdannaja dirizheru Otto Dessofu dlja ispolnenija ee Venskim filarmonicheskim orkestrom, byla otvergnuta kak "neispolnimaja". Odnako, avtor prodirizhiroval simfoniej sam. Eto proizoshlo cherez god, 26 oktjabrja 1873 goda, na zakrytii Vsemirnoj vystavki, v zale Venskogo muzykalnogo obschestva (v etom kontserte Brukner takzhe vystupal kak organist).
Vposledstvii avtor ne raz vozvraschalsja k partiture simfonii, sokraschaja i pereinstrumentovyvaja (v 1873, 1876, 1877 i 1892 godakh). Dlja nastojaschej publikatsii izbrana versija 1928 goda, sozdannaja Jozefom Vjossom po avtorskim rukopisjam.
Izdanie adresovano dirizheram, muzykovedam, a takzhe shirokomu krugu ljubitelej muzyki.
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