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  4. Moments of Childhood. Piano cycle

Moments of Childhood. Piano cycle

Мгновения детства. Цикл для фортепиано
Moments of Childhood. Piano cycle
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ROMAN KHOZEEV was born in 1988 in Chitinskaya Oblast. He got into music since he was nine. His first piano teacher was N. A. Matveeva (Petrovsko-Za-baikalskaya Music School). Then he studied in Irkutsk Boarding School No. 15 having piano classes with I.G. Yuzhakova, and in Irkutsk Musical College in the class of D.I. Baskov. Roman continued his professional training in Moscow (the Gnesins College), where his teachers were R.A. Dieva and A.M. Chekmazov (piano); he also took classes with V.I. Ermakov. At the same time Roman started a composition course being taught by Y.V. Vorontsov.
Since 2009 Roman has been a student of the Faculty of Composition in Moscow Conservatory (composition class of R.S. Ledenev, instrumentation class of Y.M. Butsko, polyphony class of S.A. Zagny, piano class of A.V. Samonov). Pianocycle "TheMoments of the Childhood" was created in the period from 2011 to 2013 and reflects author's attraction to minor forms, simplicity and grace as a manner of execution, his bent to the world of unperceivable, slipping away images, kind humor and tender melancholy.

Ivan Sarskov, a student of the Faculty of Composition in Moscow Conservatory of P.I. Tchaikovsky

Speaking about my piano cycle I 'd like to mention that this music is not for children but it is about them. Mostly have found my inspiration in the genial Children's Corner Suite by Debussy. And of course, my daughter Sophia has become my muse — with love and tenderness I dedicate this composition to her.

Roman Khozeev
ROMAN KHOZEEV was born in 1988 in Chitinskaya Oblast. He got into music since he was nine. His first piano teacher was N. A. Matveeva (Petrovsko-Za-baikalskaya Music School). Then he studied in Irkutsk Boarding School No. 15 having piano classes with I.G. Yuzhakova, and in Irkutsk Musical College in the class of D.I. Baskov. Roman continued his professional training in Moscow (the Gnesins College), where his teachers were R.A. Dieva and A.M. Chekmazov (piano); he also took classes with V.I. Ermakov. At the same time Roman started a composition course being taught by Y.V. Vorontsov.
Since 2009 Roman has been a student of the Faculty of Composition in Moscow Conservatory (composition class of R.S. Ledenev, instrumentation class of Y.M. Butsko, polyphony class of S.A. Zagny, piano class of A.V. Samonov). Pianocycle "TheMoments of the Childhood" was created in the period from 2011 to 2013 and reflects author's attraction to minor forms, simplicity and grace as a manner of execution, his bent to the world of unperceivable, slipping away images, kind humor and tender melancholy.

Ivan Sarskov, a student of the Faculty of Composition in Moscow Conservatory of P.I. Tchaikovsky

Speaking about my piano cycle I 'd like to mention that this music is not for children but it is about them. Mostly have found my inspiration in the genial Children's Corner Suite by Debussy. And of course, my daughter Sophia has become my muse — with love and tenderness I dedicate this composition to her.

Roman Khozeev
РОМАН ХОЗЕЕВ родился в 1988 году в Читинской области. Начал заниматься музыкой с девяти лет. Первым педагогом по фортепиано стала Н.А.Матвеева (Петровско-Забайкальская ДМШ). Затем обучался в иркутской школе-интернате No. 15 по классу фортепиано И.Г. Южаковой и в Иркутском музыкальном колледже в классе у Д.И. Баскова. Продолжил профессиональное обучение в Москве (Колледж им. Гнесиных), где учился у Р.А. Диевой, A.M. Чекмазова (фортепиано), а также брал уроки у В.И. Ермакова. Тогда же начал заниматься композицией под руководством Ю.В. Воронцова.
С 2009 года студент композиторского факультета Московской консерватории (класс сочинения Р.С. Леденева, класс инструментовки Ю.М. Буцко, класс полифонии С.А. Загния, класс фортепиано А. В. Самонова).
Фортепианный цикл "Мгновения детства" создавался в 2011-2013 г.г. и отразил свойственное автору тяготение к малой форме; простоте и, вместе с тем, изяществу фактуры; миру неосязаемых, ускользающих образов, мягкого юмора и доброй грусти.

Иван Сарсков,
студент композиторского факультета Московской консерватории им. П.И.Чайковского

О своем цикле хочется сказать, что это музыка не для детей, но про детей. Источником вдохновения во многом послужил гениальный "Детский уголок" Дебюсси. И, конечно же, моя дочь София, которой с любовью и нежностью посвящаю это сочинение.

Роман Хозеев
ROMAN KHOZEEV rodilsja v 1988 godu v Chitinskoj oblasti. Nachal zanimatsja muzykoj s devjati let. Pervym pedagogom po fortepiano stala N.A.Matveeva (Petrovsko-Zabajkalskaja DMSh). Zatem obuchalsja v irkutskoj shkole-internate No. 15 po klassu fortepiano I.G. Juzhakovoj i v Irkutskom muzykalnom kolledzhe v klasse u D.I. Baskova. Prodolzhil professionalnoe obuchenie v Moskve (Kolledzh im. Gnesinykh), gde uchilsja u R.A. Dievoj, A.M. Chekmazova (fortepiano), a takzhe bral uroki u V.I. Ermakova. Togda zhe nachal zanimatsja kompozitsiej pod rukovodstvom Ju.V. Vorontsova.
S 2009 goda student kompozitorskogo fakulteta Moskovskoj konservatorii (klass sochinenija R.S. Ledeneva, klass instrumentovki Ju.M. Butsko, klass polifonii S.A. Zagnija, klass fortepiano A. V. Samonova).
Fortepiannyj tsikl "Mgnovenija detstva" sozdavalsja v 2011-2013 g.g. i otrazil svojstvennoe avtoru tjagotenie k maloj forme; prostote i, vmeste s tem, izjaschestvu faktury; miru neosjazaemykh, uskolzajuschikh obrazov, mjagkogo jumora i dobroj grusti.

Ivan Sarskov,
student kompozitorskogo fakulteta Moskovskoj konservatorii im. P.I.Chajkovskogo

O svoem tsikle khochetsja skazat, chto eto muzyka ne dlja detej, no pro detej. Istochnikom vdokhnovenija vo mnogom posluzhil genialnyj "Detskij ugolok" Debjussi. I, konechno zhe, moja doch Sofija, kotoroj s ljubovju i nezhnostju posvjaschaju eto sochinenie.

Roman Khozeev
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