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  5. Glory to the Music and Singing. Choruses by the modern Petersburgian composers for mixed choir a cappella

Glory to the Music and Singing. Choruses by the modern Petersburgian composers for mixed choir a cappella

Похвала музыке и пению. Сочинения современных петербургских композиторов для смешанного хора
Glory to the Music and Singing. Choruses by the modern Petersburgian composers for mixed choir a cappella
12.00 € 10.91 € Ohne MWSt
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A series of five choir collections issued by the “Compozitor Publishing House • Saint-Petersburg” is arranged to coincide with the 7th International Competition for Young Choral Conductors to be held in Russia for the first time ever. The competition will be organized by the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts and the Center for international cooperation “Inter Aspect” in conjunction with the European Choral Association — Europa Cantat (April 3–6, 2013, St. Petersburg).
This collection titled “Glory to the Music and Singing” for a mixed choir a cappella includes ceuvres of seven leading St. Petersburg composers, which are long acknowledged as important figures in the world of choral music.
The collection includes works by G. Korchmar, S. Yekimov, S. Slonimsky, S. Banevich, A. Korolyov, and Yu. Falik, each of which features a unique composer touch along with a vivid and recognizable choral style.
There are touching and sentimental intonations of S. Banevich’s “Petersburgian Litany”; D. Smirnov’s expressive motives wrapped up in “church acoustics” from the Mandelshtam concert; S. Yekimov’s psalm — rigid, and containing colorful “hacked” recitative for solo voice and, sometimes, dissonant harmonies, the first Soviet “modern” composition for choir of a cappella written by Slonimsky. The part song concert of G. Korchmar, somewhat stylized to remind of Bortnyansky and A. Korolyov’s choral opus, is a powerful, rhythmically elastic, as all of the Brodsky verses...
The collection is topped with “Devils” from the “Pushkin’s Strophes” concert — a bold, masterful, and brilliant work by Yu. Falik, who has become a classical author of St. Petersburg choral music.
I am convinced that these ceuvres (some of them are published for the first time), will catch your interest and, maybe, will be included into the repertoire of your choral ensemble.

Sergei Yekimov,
artistic director of the 7th International Competition
for Young Choral Conductors,
member of the Union of Russian Composers
and the St. Petersburg Association of Concert Professionals,
associate professor


G. Korchmar. GLORY TO THE MUSIC AND SINGING. The part song concert. Verses by unknown author of XVII century
S. Yekimov. THE LORD SAID UNTO MY LORD. Psalm 110
D. Smirnov. MY SILENT DREAM... From the concerto for mixed choir a cappella “I was born in the ninety-fourth, I was born in the ninety-second...” to the verses by Osip Mandelshtam
S. Banevich. WE WILL TAKE A REVENGE. From the “Petersburgian Litany” for mixed choir a cappella to the verses by Anna Akhmatova
A. Korolyov. WE DON’T DRINK WINE... Verses by I. Brodsky
Yu. Falik. DEVILS. Fragment from the Concerto “Pushkin’s Strophes”. Verses by A. Pushkin
Supplement. English translation of the Russian texts
A series of five choir collections issued by the “Compozitor Publishing House • Saint-Petersburg” is arranged to coincide with the 7th International Competition for Young Choral Conductors to be held in Russia for the first time ever. The competition will be organized by the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts and the Center for international cooperation “Inter Aspect” in conjunction with the European Choral Association — Europa Cantat (April 3–6, 2013, St. Petersburg).
This collection titled “Glory to the Music and Singing” for a mixed choir a cappella includes ceuvres of seven leading St. Petersburg composers, which are long acknowledged as important figures in the world of choral music.
The collection includes works by G. Korchmar, S. Yekimov, S. Slonimsky, S. Banevich, A. Korolyov, and Yu. Falik, each of which features a unique composer touch along with a vivid and recognizable choral style.
There are touching and sentimental intonations of S. Banevich’s “Petersburgian Litany”; D. Smirnov’s expressive motives wrapped up in “church acoustics” from the Mandelshtam concert; S. Yekimov’s psalm — rigid, and containing colorful “hacked” recitative for solo voice and, sometimes, dissonant harmonies, the first Soviet “modern” composition for choir of a cappella written by Slonimsky. The part song concert of G. Korchmar, somewhat stylized to remind of Bortnyansky and A. Korolyov’s choral opus, is a powerful, rhythmically elastic, as all of the Brodsky verses...
The collection is topped with “Devils” from the “Pushkin’s Strophes” concert — a bold, masterful, and brilliant work by Yu. Falik, who has become a classical author of St. Petersburg choral music.
I am convinced that these ceuvres (some of them are published for the first time), will catch your interest and, maybe, will be included into the repertoire of your choral ensemble.

Sergei Yekimov,
artistic director of the 7th International Competition
for Young Choral Conductors,
member of the Union of Russian Composers
and the St. Petersburg Association of Concert Professionals,
associate professor


G. Korchmar. GLORY TO THE MUSIC AND SINGING. The part song concert. Verses by unknown author of XVII century
S. Yekimov. THE LORD SAID UNTO MY LORD. Psalm 110
D. Smirnov. MY SILENT DREAM... From the concerto for mixed choir a cappella “I was born in the ninety-fourth, I was born in the ninety-second...” to the verses by Osip Mandelshtam
S. Banevich. WE WILL TAKE A REVENGE. From the “Petersburgian Litany” for mixed choir a cappella to the verses by Anna Akhmatova
A. Korolyov. WE DON’T DRINK WINE... Verses by I. Brodsky
Yu. Falik. DEVILS. Fragment from the Concerto “Pushkin’s Strophes”. Verses by A. Pushkin
Supplement. English translation of the Russian texts
Серия из пяти хоровых сборников, выпущенная издательством "Композитор • Санкт-Петербург", приурочена к VII Международному конкурсу молодых хоровых дирижеров, организованному Санкт-Петербургским государственным университетом культуры и искусств и Центром международного сотрудничества в области культуры "Интер Аспект" в сотрудничестве с Европейской хоровой ассоциацией "Европа кантат" и впервые проходящему в России (3–6 апреля 2013 года, Санкт-Петербург).
В сборник "Похвала музыке и пению" вошли произведения для смешанного хора a cappella семи петербургских композиторов, давно и успешно зарекомендовавших себя в области хоровой музыки: Г. Корчмара, С. Екимова, С. Слонимского, С. Баневича, А. Королёва, Ю. Фалика. Каждое из представленных сочинений отмечено неповторимым композиторским почерком и ярким и узнаваемым хоровым стилем.
Тут и трогательные, сентиментальные интонации Сергея Баневича из "Петербургской литании"; и выразительные мотивы Дмитрия Смирнова из Концерта на стихи Мандельштама, окутанные "храмовой акустикой"; жесткий, с ярким "изломанным" соло-речитативом и порой диссонантными гармониями псалом Сергея Екимова и первое в советское время "модерновое" сочинение для хора a cappella Сергея Слонимского; партесный концерт Григория Корчмара, местами стилизованный под хоровые опусы Бортнянского; произведение Анатолия Королёва — сильное, ритмически упругое, как и стихи Бродского, на которые оно написано...
Венчает же сборник виртуозное, блестяще написанное сочинение классика петербургской хоровой музыки Юрия Фалика — "Бесы" из концерта "Пушкинские строфы".
Убежден, что эти сочинения, из которых несколько публикуются впервые, вызовут у вас подлинный интерес и, возможно, расширят репертуар вашего хорового коллектива.

Сергей Екимов,
доцент, художественный директор
VII Международного конкурса
молодых хоровых дирижеров,
член Союза композиторов России
и Союза концертных деятелей Санкт-Петербурга


Г. Корчмар. ПОХВАЛА МУЗЫКЕ И ПЕНИЮ. Партесный концерт. Текст неизвестного автора XVII в.
С. Екимов. РЕЧЕ ГОСПОДЬ. Псалом 109
Д. Смирнов. МОЙ ТИХИЙ СОН... Из концерта для смешанного хора a cappella "Я рождён в девяносто четвёртом, я рождён в девяносто втором..." на стихи Осипа Мандельштама
С. Баневич. МЫ С ТОБОЙ ЕЩЁ ПОПИРУЕМ. Из "Петербургской литании" для смешанного хора a cappella на стихи Анны Ахматовой
А. Королёв. МЫ НЕ ПЬЁМ ВИНА... Стихи И. Бродского
Ю. Фалик. БЕСЫ. Фрагмент из концерта "Пушкинские строфы". Стихи А. Пушкина
Приложение. Перевод русских текстов на английский язык
Serija iz pjati khorovykh sbornikov, vypuschennaja izdatelstvom "Kompozitor • Sankt-Peterburg", priurochena k VII Mezhdunarodnomu konkursu molodykh khorovykh dirizherov, organizovannomu Sankt-Peterburgskim gosudarstvennym universitetom kultury i iskusstv i Tsentrom mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva v oblasti kultury "Inter Aspekt" v sotrudnichestve s Evropejskoj khorovoj assotsiatsiej "Evropa kantat" i vpervye prokhodjaschemu v Rossii (3–6 aprelja 2013 goda, Sankt-Peterburg).
V sbornik "Pokhvala muzyke i peniju" voshli proizvedenija dlja smeshannogo khora a cappella semi peterburgskikh kompozitorov, davno i uspeshno zarekomendovavshikh sebja v oblasti khorovoj muzyki: G. Korchmara, S. Ekimova, S. Slonimskogo, S. Banevicha, A. Koroljova, Ju. Falika. Kazhdoe iz predstavlennykh sochinenij otmecheno nepovtorimym kompozitorskim pocherkom i jarkim i uznavaemym khorovym stilem.
Tut i trogatelnye, sentimentalnye intonatsii Sergeja Banevicha iz "Peterburgskoj litanii"; i vyrazitelnye motivy Dmitrija Smirnova iz Kontserta na stikhi Mandelshtama, okutannye "khramovoj akustikoj"; zhestkij, s jarkim "izlomannym" solo-rechitativom i poroj dissonantnymi garmonijami psalom Sergeja Ekimova i pervoe v sovetskoe vremja "modernovoe" sochinenie dlja khora a cappella Sergeja Slonimskogo; partesnyj kontsert Grigorija Korchmara, mestami stilizovannyj pod khorovye opusy Bortnjanskogo; proizvedenie Anatolija Koroljova — silnoe, ritmicheski uprugoe, kak i stikhi Brodskogo, na kotorye ono napisano...
Venchaet zhe sbornik virtuoznoe, blestjasche napisannoe sochinenie klassika peterburgskoj khorovoj muzyki Jurija Falika — "Besy" iz kontserta "Pushkinskie strofy".
Ubezhden, chto eti sochinenija, iz kotorykh neskolko publikujutsja vpervye, vyzovut u vas podlinnyj interes i, vozmozhno, rasshirjat repertuar vashego khorovogo kollektiva.

Sergej Ekimov,
dotsent, khudozhestvennyj direktor
VII Mezhdunarodnogo konkursa
molodykh khorovykh dirizherov,
chlen Sojuza kompozitorov Rossii
i Sojuza kontsertnykh dejatelej Sankt-Peterburga


G. Korchmar. POKHVALA MUZYKE I PENIJu. Partesnyj kontsert. Tekst neizvestnogo avtora XVII v.
S. Ekimov. RECHE GOSPOD. Psalom 109
D. Smirnov. MOJ TIKHIJ SON... Iz kontserta dlja smeshannogo khora a cappella "Ja rozhdjon v devjanosto chetvjortom, ja rozhdjon v devjanosto vtorom..." na stikhi Osipa Mandelshtama
S. Banevich. MY S TOBOJ ESCHJo POPIRUEM. Iz "Peterburgskoj litanii" dlja smeshannogo khora a cappella na stikhi Anny Akhmatovoj
A. Koroljov. MY NE PJOM VINA... Stikhi I. Brodskogo
Ju. Falik. BESY. Fragment iz kontserta "Pushkinskie strofy". Stikhi A. Pushkina
Prilozhenie. Perevod russkikh tekstov na anglijskij jazyk
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