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  2. Drama
  3. Vokzal dlja dvoikh (Railway Station For Two)

Vokzal dlja dvoikh (Railway Station For Two)

Вокзал для двоих
Vokzal dlja dvoikh (Railway Station For Two)
190/140/20 mm
Ausgabejahr des Filmes
Spielzeit - Stunden:Minuten
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A melodramatic love story with three main heroes: Vera, a waitress; Platon, a pianist; and… a train station where these two, already not young, people met. The differences in the heroes’ characters and professions, the plight that Platon found himself in (he is to be arrested and undergo trial) trigger a host of both amusing and sad situations which serve as a backdrop for their unfolding love. Platon is innocent of the crime he is being accused of. He simply took the blame for his wife’s driving over a pedestrian. But this is known only to Platon’s wife and Vera in whom he confided. However, after the verdict has been passed, Platon’s life is of no interest to his wife, although Vera is ready to wait for his release…
A melodramatic love story with three main heroes: Vera, a waitress; Platon, a pianist; and… a train station where these two, already not young, people met. The differences in the heroes’ characters and professions, the plight that Platon found himself in (he is to be arrested and undergo trial) trigger a host of both amusing and sad situations which serve as a backdrop for their unfolding love. Platon is innocent of the crime he is being accused of. He simply took the blame for his wife’s driving over a pedestrian. But this is known only to Platon’s wife and Vera in whom he confided. However, after the verdict has been passed, Platon’s life is of no interest to his wife, although Vera is ready to wait for his release… You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Asema kahdelle.) Melodramaattinen rakkaustarina, jonka pääosissa ovat tarjoilija Vera, pianisti Platon ja rautatieasema, jolla nämä kaksi tapaavat. Henkilöiden erilaiset taustat ja Platonin tuleva oikeudenkäynti johtavat sekä hauskoihin että surullisiin tilanteisiin, jotka toimivat heidän rakkautensa taustana. Platonia syytetään rikoksesta, jota hän ei ole tehnyt; hänen vaimonsa ajoi jalankulkijan yli ja hän otti syyn niskoilleen, mistä tietävät vain vaimo ja Vera. Kun Platon on kärsinyt tuomionsa, vaimo ei enää kiinnosta häntä, mutta Vera odottaa hänen vapautumistaan...
Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
Mélodrame sentimental mettant en scène trois personnages, la servante de café Véra, le pianiste Platon et la gare où font connaissance cette femme et cet homme l’une et l’autre d’un âge déjà mûr. Le contraste des caractères et des statuts sociaux, la situation ambiguë du pianiste (en délicatesse avec la justice), créent une cascade de péripéties tour à tour drôIes et tristes, à la faveur de quoi naît leur amour. Platon n’est pas coupable, il n’a fait qu’endosser les torts de sa femme qui a renversé un piéton. Circonstance qui n’est connue que de l’épouse et de Véra, à laquelle il s’en est confié. Platon condamné à une peine de prison, sa femme ne s’en émeut guère. Véra en revanche attendra patiemment son retour.
A melodramatic love story with three main heroes: Vera, a waitress; Platon, a pianist; and… a train station where these two, already not young, people met. The differences in the heroes’ characters and professions, the plight that Platon found himself in (he is to be arrested and undergo trial) trigger a host of both amusing and sad situations which serve as a backdrop for their unfolding love. Platon is innocent of the crime he is being accused of. He simply took the blame for his wife’s driving over a pedestrian. But this is known only to Platon’s wife and Vera in whom he confided. However, after the verdict has been passed, Platon’s life is of no interest to his wife, although Vera is ready to wait for his release…
A melodramatic love story with three main heroes: Vera, a waitress; Platon, a pianist; and… a train station where these two, already not young, people met. The differences in the heroes’ characters and professions, the plight that Platon found himself in (he is to be arrested and undergo trial) trigger a host of both amusing and sad situations which serve as a backdrop for their unfolding love. Platon is innocent of the crime he is being accused of. He simply took the blame for his wife’s driving over a pedestrian. But this is known only to Platon’s wife and Vera in whom he confided. However, after the verdict has been passed, Platon’s life is of no interest to his wife, although Vera is ready to wait for his release…
Мелодрама о любви, в которой три действующих лица: официантка Вера, пианист Платон и… железнодорожный вокзал, где и познакомились эти двое немолодых уже людей. Несхожесть характеров и профессий главных героев, сложное положение, в котором оказался Платон (ему грозит арест и суд), создает множество забавных и грустных ситуаций, на фоне которых и зарождается их любовь. Платон не виновен в преступлении, в котором его обвиняют, он просто взял на себя вину жены, сбившей машиной пешехода. Но об этом знает только жена Платона и Вера, которой он об этом рассказал. Однако после вынесения обвинительного приговора жену судьба Платона мало интересует. Вера же согласна ждать его из заключения… В наличии русские и английские обложки. Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
Melodrama o ljubvi, v kotoroj tri dejstvujuschikh litsa: ofitsiantka Vera, pianist Platon i… zheleznodorozhnyj vokzal, gde i poznakomilis eti dvoe nemolodykh uzhe ljudej. Neskhozhest kharakterov i professij glavnykh geroev, slozhnoe polozhenie, v kotorom okazalsja Platon (emu grozit arest i sud), sozdaet mnozhestvo zabavnykh i grustnykh situatsij, na fone kotorykh i zarozhdaetsja ikh ljubov. Platon ne vinoven v prestuplenii, v kotorom ego obvinjajut, on prosto vzjal na sebja vinu zheny, sbivshej mashinoj peshekhoda. No ob etom znaet tolko zhena Platona i Vera, kotoroj on ob etom rasskazal. Odnako posle vynesenija obvinitelnogo prigovora zhenu sudba Platona malo interesuet. Vera zhe soglasna zhdat ego iz zakljuchenija… V nalichii russkie i anglijskie oblozhki. Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.