1. DVD Filme
  2. Komödie und Farce
  3. Pechki-lavochki (Happy-go-lucky)

Pechki-lavochki (Happy-go-lucky)

Pechki-lavochki (Happy-go-lucky)
190/140/20 mm
Ausgabejahr des Filmes
Spielzeit - Stunden:Minuten
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Vasily Shukshin loved this film and considered it his best work. Similarly, their best roles played here Georgy Burkov (Thief), Vadim Zakharchenko (Fellow-traveler), Vsevolod Sanayev (Professor), Ivan Ryzhov (Train steward). The entire film is just an unsurpassable acting masterpiece!
A sadly humorous story about a Siberian tractor driver, Ivan Rastorguyev (Vasily Shukshin), traveling with his wife (Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina) to a Black Sea resort, and about their first visit to Moscow.
The village life, with its people, songs and drinking party, was photographed almost in a documentary-film manner (the shooting took place in Shukshin’s homeland – the Altai Region), while the travel itself is packed with anecdotal, funny situations which provoke a lot of sympathy and even a slight feeling of sadness. Shukshin does not spare the comedy palette in portraying his character, even if empathizing with him. For, according to Shukshin, it is those Ivans who are the salt of the earth. The theme of a provincial guy in a big city is always interesting and, therefore, is a sure win, but the most precious thing in this never-aging film is the personality of the talented actor, writer and director Vasily Shukshin, hence the psychological depth in the presentation of the story.
“The music didn’t play for long, the lame John’s dance was pretty short.”
“My nerves are as tight as a string! I’m afraid they may just burst like this:
“A harlot in pants and in a hat!”
“Banknotes! Who puts them in a suitcase?!”
“He was running up and down, raising a stink.”
Vasily Shukshin loved this film and considered it his best work. Similarly, their best roles played here Georgy Burkov (Thief), Vadim Zakharchenko (Fellow-traveler), Vsevolod Sanayev (Professor), Ivan Ryzhov (Train steward). The entire film is just an unsurpassable acting masterpiece!
A sadly humorous story about a Siberian tractor driver, Ivan Rastorguyev (Vasily Shukshin), traveling with his wife (Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina) to a Black Sea resort, and about their first visit to Moscow.
The village life, with its people, songs and drinking party, was photographed almost in a documentary-film manner (the shooting took place in Shukshin’s homeland – the Altai Region), while the travel itself is packed with anecdotal, funny situations which provoke a lot of sympathy and even a slight feeling of sadness. Shukshin does not spare the comedy palette in portraying his character, even if empathizing with him. For, according to Shukshin, it is those Ivans who are the salt of the earth. The theme of a provincial guy in a big city is always interesting and, therefore, is a sure win, but the most precious thing in this never-aging film is the personality of the talented actor, writer and director Vasily Shukshin, hence the psychological depth in the presentation of the story.
“The music didn’t play for long, the lame John’s dance was pretty short.”
“My nerves are as tight as a string! I’m afraid they may just burst like this:
“A harlot in pants and in a hat!”
“Banknotes! Who puts them in a suitcase?!”
“He was running up and down, raising a stink.” You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Matkatoverit). Surullisen koominen tarina siperialaisesta traktorikuskista Ivan Rastorgujevin ja hänen vaimonsa Mustanmeren matkasta ja ensimmäisestä Moskovan-käynnistä. Kyläelämä ihmisineen, lauluineen ja juopotteluineen on kuvattu lähes dokumentaarisella tavalla, kun taas matka itsessään on täynnä humoristisia tapauksia, jotka nostattavat katsojassa sympatiaa ja jopa hienoista surua. Elokuvassa on lukuisia komedian eri vivahteita ja upeaa näyttelijäntyötä. Ohjaaja-näyttelijä Vassily Shukshinin mielestä tämä onkin hänen paras elokuvansa. Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
Vassili Choukchine aimait beaucoup ce film et le considérait comme sa meilleure oeuvre. A noter les interprétations remarquables de Guéorgui Bourkov (le trruand), Vadim Zakhartchenko (compagnon de voyage), Vsévolod Sanaev (le professeur), Ivan Ryjov (chef de wagon). Bref, le casting du film est tout à fait exceptionnel.

C’est une histoire à la fois gaie et triste qui relate les aventures vécues par Ivan, le tractiriste de Sibérie (Vassili Choukchine) et par sa femme (Lidia Fédosséeva-Choukchina) qui se rendent en vacances vers la Mer Noire en passant par Moscou qu’ils découvrent pour la première fois dans leur vie.

La vie des gens à la campagne, leurs rites et coutumes, leurs chants et gueuletons sont filmés comme dans un film documentaire (le tournage a eu lieu dans la région d’Altaï où Choukchine est né). Ce voyage du couple est plein d’aventures parfois fort amusantes qui font rire, parfois déplorables et un peu tristes. Le personnage principal du film créé par Choukchine est parfois ridicule mais sympathique. Selon Choukchine les hommes comme Ivan sont sont des pilliers de l’existence. Les aventures d’un provincial dans la grande ville est un thème qui suscite toujours l’intérêt du public. Mais le plus intéressant dans ce film c’est la personnalité de Vassili Choukchine, remarquable écrivain, acteur et réalisateur qui a conçu, interprété et réalisé cette oeuvre admirable.

Citations du film:

«La musique n’était pas longue, la vie du mec non plus»
«Mes nerfs sont comme des cordes tendues! J’ai peur que ça craque! »
«C’est pas pour y fourrer l’oseille! »
« Le mec était là pour frayer »
Vasily Shukshin loved this film and considered it his best work. Similarly, their best roles played here Georgy Burkov (Thief), Vadim Zakharchenko (Fellow-traveler), Vsevolod Sanayev (Professor), Ivan Ryzhov (Train steward). The entire film is just an unsurpassable acting masterpiece!
A sadly humorous story about a Siberian tractor driver, Ivan Rastorguyev (Vasily Shukshin), traveling with his wife (Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina) to a Black Sea resort, and about their first visit to Moscow.
The village life, with its people, songs and drinking party, was photographed almost in a documentary-film manner (the shooting took place in Shukshin’s homeland – the Altai Region), while the travel itself is packed with anecdotal, funny situations which provoke a lot of sympathy and even a slight feeling of sadness. Shukshin does not spare the comedy palette in portraying his character, even if empathizing with him. For, according to Shukshin, it is those Ivans who are the salt of the earth. The theme of a provincial guy in a big city is always interesting and, therefore, is a sure win, but the most precious thing in this never-aging film is the personality of the talented actor, writer and director Vasily Shukshin, hence the psychological depth in the presentation of the story.
“The music didn’t play for long, the lame John’s dance was pretty short.”
“My nerves are as tight as a string! I’m afraid they may just burst like this:
“A harlot in pants and in a hat!”
“Banknotes! Who puts them in a suitcase?!”
“He was running up and down, raising a stink.”
Vasily Shukshin loved this film and considered it his best work. Similarly, their best roles played here Georgy Burkov (Thief), Vadim Zakharchenko (Fellow-traveler), Vsevolod Sanayev (Professor), Ivan Ryzhov (Train steward). The entire film is just an unsurpassable acting masterpiece!
A sadly humorous story about a Siberian tractor driver, Ivan Rastorguyev (Vasily Shukshin), traveling with his wife (Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina) to a Black Sea resort, and about their first visit to Moscow.
The village life, with its people, songs and drinking party, was photographed almost in a documentary-film manner (the shooting took place in Shukshin’s homeland – the Altai Region), while the travel itself is packed with anecdotal, funny situations which provoke a lot of sympathy and even a slight feeling of sadness. Shukshin does not spare the comedy palette in portraying his character, even if empathizing with him. For, according to Shukshin, it is those Ivans who are the salt of the earth. The theme of a provincial guy in a big city is always interesting and, therefore, is a sure win, but the most precious thing in this never-aging film is the personality of the talented actor, writer and director Vasily Shukshin, hence the psychological depth in the presentation of the story.
“The music didn’t play for long, the lame John’s dance was pretty short.”
“My nerves are as tight as a string! I’m afraid they may just burst like this:
“A harlot in pants and in a hat!”
“Banknotes! Who puts them in a suitcase?!”
“He was running up and down, raising a stink.”
Василий Шукшин любил этот фильм и считал лучшей своей работой. Свои лучшие роли сыграли здесь Георгий Бурков (вор), Вадим Захарченко (попутчик), Всеволод Санаев (профессор), Иван Рыжов (проводник). Весь фильм – непревзойденный актерский бенефис!
Грустная и смешная история о поездке сибирского тракториста Ивана Расторгуева (Василий Шукшин) вместе с женой (Лидия Федосеева-Шукшина) на курорт к Черному морю и о первом в их жизни посещении Москвы.
Деревенский быт, люди, песни, выпивон сняты практически в документальной манере (съемки проходили на родине Шукшина – в Алтайском крае), а само путешествие насыщено анекдотически смешными, но в то же время вызывающими симпатию, и даже легкую грусть ситуациями. Шукшин не жалеет комедийных красок в обрисовке своего героя, но и сочувствует ему. Ведь именно в таких иванах, по Шукшину, корень бытия. Тема провинциала в большом городе всегда интересна, а потому беспроигрышна, но главное в этой нестареющей картине - личность талантливого актера, писателя и режиссера Василия Шукшина и отсюда психологическая глубина в подаче рассказа.
«Недолго музыка играла, недолго фраер танцевал»
«Нервы как струны натянуты! Боюсь, что однажды порвутся – вот так: дзынннььь! »
«Профурсетка в штанах и в шляпе! »
«Кипюры, кто же их сюда кладет! »
«Бегал тут, икру метал» Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
Vasilij Shukshin ljubil etot film i schital luchshej svoej rabotoj. Svoi luchshie roli sygrali zdes Georgij Burkov (vor), Vadim Zakharchenko (poputchik), Vsevolod Sanaev (professor), Ivan Ryzhov (provodnik). Ves film – neprevzojdennyj akterskij benefis!
Grustnaja i smeshnaja istorija o poezdke sibirskogo traktorista Ivana Rastorgueva (Vasilij Shukshin) vmeste s zhenoj (Lidija Fedoseeva-Shukshina) na kurort k Chernomu morju i o pervom v ikh zhizni poseschenii Moskvy.
Derevenskij byt, ljudi, pesni, vypivon snjaty prakticheski v dokumentalnoj manere (semki prokhodili na rodine Shukshina – v Altajskom krae), a samo puteshestvie nasyscheno anekdoticheski smeshnymi, no v to zhe vremja vyzyvajuschimi simpatiju, i dazhe legkuju grust situatsijami. Shukshin ne zhaleet komedijnykh krasok v obrisovke svoego geroja, no i sochuvstvuet emu. Ved imenno v takikh ivanakh, po Shukshinu, koren bytija. Tema provintsiala v bolshom gorode vsegda interesna, a potomu besproigryshna, no glavnoe v etoj nestarejuschej kartine - lichnost talantlivogo aktera, pisatelja i rezhissera Vasilija Shukshina i otsjuda psikhologicheskaja glubina v podache rasskaza.
«Nedolgo muzyka igrala, nedolgo fraer tantseval»
«Nervy kak struny natjanuty! Bojus, chto odnazhdy porvutsja – vot tak: dzynnn! »
«Profursetka v shtanakh i v shljape! »
«Kipjury, kto zhe ikh sjuda kladet! »
«Begal tut, ikru metal» Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.