1. DVD Filme
  2. Geschichte
  3. Geschichtsdrama
  4. Kholodnoe leto pjatdesjat tretego/ The cold summer of 1953

Kholodnoe leto pjatdesjat tretego/ The cold summer of 1953

Холодное лето пятьдесят третьего
Shortly after Joseph Stalin’s death in 1953, Lavrenty Beria, the omnipotent NKVD Minister, granted a broad amnesty. Due to it, going at large were hardened criminals that had been convicted for grave offenсes. Wreaking havoc in the taiga in search of food and transportation, the bandits come across a small village where two amnestied political prisoners are waiting for the arrival of a boat. It fell to those two – the middle-aged Kopalych and the young Luzga – to defend the helpless villagers from the convicts. The great Russian actor Anatoly Papanov played his last role (Kopalych) in this film.
Shortly after Joseph Stalin’s death in 1953, Lavrenty Beria, the omnipotent NKVD Minister, granted a broad amnesty. Due to it, going at large were hardened criminals that had been convicted for grave offenсes. Wreaking havoc in the taiga in search of food and transportation, the bandits come across a small village where two amnestied political prisoners are waiting for the arrival of a boat. It fell to those two – the middle-aged Kopalych and the young Luzga – to defend the helpless villagers from the convicts. The great Russian actor Anatoly Papanov played his last role (Kopalych) in this film. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Kylmä kesä 1953) Vähän Stalinin kuoleman jälkeen vuonna 1953 NKVD: n valtaapitävä ministeri Lavrenty Beria myönsi laajan armahduksen. Näin vapaalle pääsee raskaista rikoksista tuomittuja. Etsiessään ruokaa rikolliset sattuvat pieneen kylään, jossa kaksi armahdettua poliittista vankia odottavat veneen saapumista. Näiden kahden - keski-ikäisen Kopalychin ja nuoren Luzgan - harteille jää puolustaa avuttomia kyläläisiä rikollisilta. Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
Peu de temps après la mort de Staline en 1953, le tout-puissant ministre de l’intérieur Béria proclama une large amnistie. A la suite de quoi recouvrèrent la liberté, outre les malheureux politiques, les criminels de droit commun de tout poil, auteurs des crimes les plus abominables. Ce sont ces bandits qui sévissent ici dans la taïga sibérienne, cherchant de quoi se nourrir, faisant main basse sur les moyens de transport. Ceci les amène dans un petit village où deux prisonniers politiques élargis attendent l’arrivée du bateau fluvial qui va les rapatrier. Et ce sont ces deux-lа, le sexagénaire Kopalytch et le jeune Louzga, qui sont amenés à prendre la défense des villageois désarmés en butte aux dangereux récidivistes. Ce fut le dernier rôle (Kopalytch) du grand acteur Anatoli Papanov, décédé peu après le tournage.
Shortly after Joseph Stalin’s death in 1953, Lavrenty Beria, the omnipotent NKVD Minister, granted a broad amnesty. Due to it, going at large were hardened criminals that had been convicted for grave offenсes. Wreaking havoc in the taiga in search of food and transportation, the bandits come across a small village where two amnestied political prisoners are waiting for the arrival of a boat. It fell to those two – the middle-aged Kopalych and the young Luzga – to defend the helpless villagers from the convicts. The great Russian actor Anatoly Papanov played his last role (Kopalych) in this film.
Shortly after Joseph Stalin’s death in 1953, Lavrenty Beria, the omnipotent NKVD Minister, granted a broad amnesty. Due to it, going at large were hardened criminals that had been convicted for grave offenсes. Wreaking havoc in the taiga in search of food and transportation, the bandits come across a small village where two amnestied political prisoners are waiting for the arrival of a boat. It fell to those two – the middle-aged Kopalych and the young Luzga – to defend the helpless villagers from the convicts. The great Russian actor Anatoly Papanov played his last role (Kopalych) in this film.
Двое бывших политзаключённых, недавно вышедших из лагеря, вступают в схватку с бандой амнистированных уголовников. Победу приходится оплатить дорогой ценой. Почти детективная история неравного поединка заканчивается и оптимистически, и трагически. Время действия - 1953 год, страна на пороге больших перемен...

В этом фильме, удостоенном Государственной премии, сыграл свою последнюю кинематографическую роль замечательный артист Анатолий Папанов. Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
Dvoe byvshikh politzakljuchjonnykh, nedavno vyshedshikh iz lagerja, vstupajut v skhvatku s bandoj amnistirovannykh ugolovnikov. Pobedu prikhoditsja oplatit dorogoj tsenoj. Pochti detektivnaja istorija neravnogo poedinka zakanchivaetsja i optimisticheski, i tragicheski. Vremja dejstvija - 1953 god, strana na poroge bolshikh peremen...

V etom filme, udostoennom Gosudarstvennoj premii, sygral svoju poslednjuju kinematograficheskuju rol zamechatelnyj artist Anatolij Papanov. Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.