1. DVD Filme
  2. Kriegsdrama-Filme
  3. Svoj sredi chuzhikh, chuzhoj sredi svoikh/ At home among strangers, a strangers among his own

Svoj sredi chuzhikh, chuzhoj sredi svoikh/ At home among strangers, a strangers among his own

Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих
An unenviable lot fell to the Red Army soldier Shilov: he is being suspected of stealing gold. In the hungry 1920s, the young Soviet Republic’s government searches for gold all over the country, to buy for it bread from abroad. And now, the collected valuables disappeared from the armored and well-guarded train car on their way to Moscow. Shilov learns that the valuables have been stolen by the bandits. To restore his good reputation, Shilov has to infiltrate the band. To find out where the stolen gold is kept, he must be at home among the strangers. A debut of the world-famous director Nikita Mikhalkov, this film is an excellent model of a “western”, having a very ingenious plot, and, most importantly, being a hymn to men’s true friendship.
An unenviable lot fell to the Red Army soldier Shilov: he is being suspected of stealing gold. In the hungry 1920s, the young Soviet Republic’s government searches for gold all over the country, to buy for it bread from abroad. And now, the collected valuables disappeared from the armored and well-guarded train car on their way to Moscow. Shilov learns that the valuables have been stolen by the bandits. To restore his good reputation, Shilov has to infiltrate the band. To find out where the stolen gold is kept, he must be at home among the strangers. A debut of the world-famous director Nikita Mikhalkov, this film is an excellent model of a “western”, having a very ingenious plot, and, most importantly, being a hymn to men’s true friendship. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Yksin muukalaisten joukossa, muukalainen omiensa joukossa)
Nuori Neuvosto-Venäjä nälkäisellä 1920-luvulla etsii kultaa joka puolelta maata ostaakseen ruokaa ulkomailta. Kultajuna ryöstetään matkalla Moskovaan, ja epäillyksi joutuu puna-armeijan sotilas Shilov. Puhdistaakseen maineensa Shilov joutuu soluttautumaan rosvojoukkoon ja olemaan uskottavasti yksi heistä. Elokuva on yhdenlainen "western" nerokkaine juonineen mutta tärkeintä siinä on miesten aito ystävyys.

Ikäraja: K16
Haitallisuuskriteerit: Väkivalta, Ahdistus Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
Les annees 1920. Un coup tres dur pour le soldat rouge Chylov: l’or qu’il avait a garde a disparu, tous les soupcons se reportent sur lui.
An unenviable lot fell to the Red Army soldier Shilov: he is being suspected of stealing gold. In the hungry 1920s, the young Soviet Republic’s government searches for gold all over the country, to buy for it bread from abroad. And now, the collected valuables disappeared from the armored and well-guarded train car on their way to Moscow. Shilov learns that the valuables have been stolen by the bandits. To restore his good reputation, Shilov has to infiltrate the band. To find out where the stolen gold is kept, he must be at home among the strangers. A debut of the world-famous director Nikita Mikhalkov, this film is an excellent model of a “western”, having a very ingenious plot, and, most importantly, being a hymn to men’s true friendship.
An unenviable lot fell to the Red Army soldier Shilov: he is being suspected of stealing gold. In the hungry 1920s, the young Soviet Republic’s government searches for gold all over the country, to buy for it bread from abroad. And now, the collected valuables disappeared from the armored and well-guarded train car on their way to Moscow. Shilov learns that the valuables have been stolen by the bandits. To restore his good reputation, Shilov has to infiltrate the band. To find out where the stolen gold is kept, he must be at home among the strangers. A debut of the world-famous director Nikita Mikhalkov, this film is an excellent model of a “western”, having a very ingenious plot, and, most importantly, being a hymn to men’s true friendship.
Александр Кайдановский, Юрий Богатырев, Никита Михалков, Константин Райкин в фильме Никиты Михалкова "Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих".

Маленький губернский городок на юге России, 20-е годы. Кончилась гражданская война, но до полной победы большевиков еще далеко. В округе активно действуют бандиты, и пятеро друзей, бывших красных бойцов, вступают с ними в смертельную схватку. А пропавший золотой груз ставит под угрозу и саму их дружбу. Подозрение в предательстве и смертельная опасность - не слишком ли много для одного человека?
Aleksandr Kajdanovskij, Jurij Bogatyrev, Nikita Mikhalkov, Konstantin Rajkin v filme Nikity Mikhalkova "Svoj sredi chuzhikh, chuzhoj sredi svoikh".

Malenkij gubernskij gorodok na juge Rossii, 20-e gody. Konchilas grazhdanskaja vojna, no do polnoj pobedy bolshevikov esche daleko. V okruge aktivno dejstvujut bandity, i pjatero druzej, byvshikh krasnykh bojtsov, vstupajut s nimi v smertelnuju skhvatku. A propavshij zolotoj gruz stavit pod ugrozu i samu ikh druzhbu. Podozrenie v predatelstve i smertelnaja opasnost - ne slishkom li mnogo dlja odnogo cheloveka?