This album is the first publication to fully present the unique collection on shamanism of the peoples of Siberia collected for the Russian Museum of Ethnography over the course of more than 100 years. Many of the images are published here for the first time. This album should be of interest to specialists in ethnography, the history of religion and the lay reader.
This very rear album is the first publication to fully present the unique collection on shamanism of the peoples of Siberia collected for the Russian Museum of Ethnography over the course of more than 100 years. Many of the images are published here for the first time. This album should be of interest to specialists in ethnography, the history of religion and the lay reader.
Альбом "На грани миров. Шаманизм народов Сибири" (из собрания Российского этнографического музея). В альбоме впервые широко представлена уникальная коллекция по шаманизму народов Сибири, собиравшаяся для Российского этнографического музея Санкт-Петербурга на протяжении более чем 100 лет. Многие памятники публикуются впервые. Для специалистов-этнографов, историков религии и широкого круга читателей. This album is the first publication to fully present the unique collection on shamanism of the peoples of Siberia collected for the Russian Museum of Ethnography over the course of more than 100 years. Many of the images are published here for the first time. This album should be of interest to specialists in ethnography, the history of religion and the lay reader.
Albom "Na grani mirov. Shamanizm narodov Sibiri" (iz sobranija Rossijskogo etnograficheskogo muzeja). V albome vpervye shiroko predstavlena unikalnaja kollektsija po shamanizmu narodov Sibiri, sobiravshajasja dlja Rossijskogo etnograficheskogo muzeja Sankt-Peterburga na protjazhenii bolee chem 100 let. Mnogie pamjatniki publikujutsja vpervye. Dlja spetsialistov-etnografov, istorikov religii i shirokogo kruga chitatelej. This album is the first publication to fully present the unique collection on shamanism of the peoples of Siberia collected for the Russian Museum of Ethnography over the course of more than 100 years. Many of the images are published here for the first time. This album should be of interest to specialists in ethnography, the history of religion and the lay reader.