Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading composers belonging to the modern Russian music, the author of works in different genres, from operas and symphonies to cinema sound-tracks. ...
The Blues Cafe
Doing Alright
The Invisible
The Northern Line
Clumsy Fingers
Natasha's Waltz
Yesterday Sorrow
Uncle Vasya in Paris
Christmas Waltz
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
The educational collection of the world vocal classics embraces musical and poetical masterpieces created in European countries during different epochs. This is the exposition of dominating vocal styles...
The collection is dedicated to two dates - the tercentenary of St Petersburg and the twentieth anniversary of the Russia Folk Instruments Orchestra organized at the Children music school named after the...
The pieces by Fauconier take special place in the tuba repertoire, that does not seem abundant indeed. They are useful for mere educational purposes, being meanwhile real tramp-cards on the concert st...
This album is dedicated to Petersburg's musical culture of the firs half of the 20th century. Wide illustrative materials from the funds of Peterburgian museums, libraries and archives give the opportunity...
Edge of the North
Soaring in the Sky
Lyrical Waltz
Oh, My May
Remembering You
Sunny Summer Day
Let's Dance
That's My Car
My Near Far. Variations to...
The collection "Magic Ladder" by Galina Kaurina is the next step in guitar studying. Easy pieces-studies are spontaneously performed prima vista, so as learnt by heart.
It should be marked, that...
Melodies taking one's breath away. Their composers are sometimes left unknown to people, so as their titles. Nevertheless, they sound around us and inside of us. These musical themes were imbibed by our...
Серия с таким названием не требует особого представления. Этот проект стал чрезвычайно популярным за весьма короткое время. И неудивительно: в каждом маленьком сборнике содержится "квинтэссенция" творчества...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading composers belonging to the modern Russian music, the author of works in different genres, from operas and symphonies to cinema sound-tracks. ...
The collection "Step by Step" represents pieces by the petersburgian teacher Galina Kaurina. These miniatures will be of great use for mostly young musicians. The idea really stopped the show, for there...
Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov (1865-1936) originates from the family of the well-known Petersburgian publisher and bookseller. The Glazunovs company was the eldest one in Russia. Konstantin Ilyich,...
Melodies taking one's breath away. Their composers are sometimes left unknown to people, so as their titles. Nevertheless, they sound around us and inside of us. These musical themes were imbibed by our...
The "Compozitor Publishibg House * St. Petersburg" already used to publish the collections of four hands pieces for ensemble playing. These are favourite widely known compositions.
This time young...
В сборники "Песенка и я - верные друзья" включены английские и американские народные детские песни. Издание адресовано детям младшего возраста, начинающим изучать английский язык, и может быть использовано...
Sergei Mikhailovich Slonimsky (born in 1932) is one of the leading modern Russian composers. His creation embraces actually all the genres. Remember the musical drama "Virineya" (1965-1967) after the novel...
Сергей Михайлович Слонимский (родился в1932 году) - один из лидеров современной отечественной музыки, автор произведений во всех жанрах - от опер и симфоний до кинематографических саундтреков.
Sergey Slonimsky (b.1932) - is a famous Russian contemporary composer. He composes in many genres - operas and ballets, symphonies and chamber works, soundtracks and others.
This violin miniature,...
Guitar is а wonderful instrument, indeed, for during hundreds of years it has been perpetually occurring at the far corners of the musical main sphere ш different countries, meanwhile going on living...
Guitar is а wonderful instrument, indeed, for during hundreds of years it has been perpetually occurring at the far corners of the musical main sphere in different countries, meanwhile going on living...
Издание посвящено блюзу и адресовано в первую очередь гитаристам - профессионалам и любителям, - а также другим музыкантам, интересующимся этим стилем. Оно знакомит читателей не только с лучшими мировыми...
145 mm x 205 mm
Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) - the Austrian composer, conductor, opera producer. His creattv activity took place ш many places. From 1880 he conducted different opera theatres in Austro-Hungary,...
The genre of piano sonata is one of the most significant sphere in Alexander Skriabin's (1872-1915) creation. Twenty years lay between his First and Tenth Sonatas. It occured to be the age satiated with...
The genre of piano sonata is one of the most significant sphere in Alexander Skriabin's (1872-1915) creation. Twenty years lay between his First and Tenth Sonatas. It occured to be the age satiated with...
Aleksandr Skrjabin (1871/2-1915 gg.) - russkij kompozitor i pianist. Ego tvorchestvo stoit na granitse XIX i XX vekov ne tolko khronologicheski: zavershaja velikij romanticheskij vek, ono odnovremenno...
Nikolaj Andreevich Roslavets (1881-1944) - kompozitor-modernist. Nachinal kak zhivopisets, druzhil s khudozhnikami "Bubnovogo valeta", obschalsja s N. Kulbinym, V. Kandinskim. Esche v predrevoljutsionnye...
Никколо Паганини (1782-1840) - итальянский скрипач и гитарист, композитор. Легендарный виртуоз, один из самых удивительных музыкальных гениев человечества. Автор множества скрипичных произведений: каприсов...
Nikkolo Paganini (1782-1840), bez somnenija, samyj znamenityj skripach iz vsekh, kogda-libo zhivshikh na svete; samo ego imja stalo naritsatelnym. Sobytija i fakty ego biografii okutany plotnoj zavesoj...
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) - is one of the greatest geniuses in the history of classical music. He does not fall into any style, though formally by his musis features it can be attributed to Wien...
145 mm x 205 mm
Ljudvig van Beethoven (1770-1827), velikij nemetskij kompozitor, svoim tvorchestvom okazavshij ogromnoe vlijanie na razvitie evropejskoj muzyki v XIX-XX vv.
Beethoven rodilsja v...
145 mm x 205 mm
The genre of symphony may be called the sphere of paramount importance in Ludwig van Beethoven's (1770-1827) creation. The nine symphonies seem to embrace аll the periods of the composer's...
145 mm x 205 mm
The genre of symphony may be called the sphere оf раmount importance in Ludwig van Beethoven's (1770-1827) creation. The nine symphonies seem to embrace аll the periods of the composer's...
Соната для скрипки и фортепиано - последнее сочинение Клода Дебюсси (1862-1918). Она была завершена весной 1917 г. и стала третьей из задуманных композитором в конце жизни шести сонат для различных составов...