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  2. Melodrama
  3. Vse budet khorosho (Everything Will Be All Right)

Vse budet khorosho (Everything Will Be All Right)

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Vse budet khorosho (Everything Will Be All Right)
Media type
DVD PAL + NTSC , region: ALL
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The film’s characters are residents of a workers’ dormitory in a provincial town. Some of them leave for big cities in search of happiness. Others wait and believe that happiness will come to them itself. And, strange as it may seem, it sometimes really happens. The author of classical melodramas (“You’re My Only Love”, “The Crossing”, “Give Me Moonshine”), Dmitri Astrakhan, has succeeded in creating a truly people’s cinema, loved by millions of viewers. The film became a staple of holiday programming on main Russian TV channels.
(Suom. Kaikki kääntyy vielä hyväksi.) Elokuvan päähenkilöt ovat pikkukaupungin työläisten asuntolan asukkaita. Jotkut heistä muuttavat isoihin kaupunkeihin onnea etsiessään, jotkut odottavat, että onni löytää heidät. Ja joskus niin tapahtuukin, ainakin tässä Dmitrin Astrakhanin rakastettavassa melodraamassa. Palkittu sekä Varnan että Minskin elokuvafestivaaleilla vuonna 1995.
The film’s characters are residents of a workers’ dormitory in a provincial town. Some of them leave for big cities in search of happiness. Others wait and believe that happiness will come to them itself. And, strange as it may seem, it sometimes really happens. The author of classical melodramas (“You’re My Only Love”, “The Crossing”, “Give Me Moonshine”), Dmitri Astrakhan, has succeeded in creating a truly people’s cinema, loved by millions of viewers. The film became a staple of holiday programming on main Russian TV channels.
Les protagonistes de ce film sont des ouvriers qui vivent et travaillent dans une petite ville de province. Certains d’entre eux en quête du bonheur se rendent dans les grandes villes. Les autres ne cessent d’attendre le bonheur venir tout seul chez eux. Drôle de chose, mais parfois ça arrive. L’auteur des mélodrames classiques («Je n’ai que toi seule», «Le carrefour», «Offre-moi le clair de lune») Dmitri Astrakhan a réussi à réaliser des films vraiment populaires qui ont été chaleureusement accueillis par des millions de spectateurs. Voilà pourquoi ce film est régulièrement diffusé pendant les jours de fête par plusieurs chaînes de télévision de Russie.
The film’s characters are residents of a workers’ dormitory in a provincial town. Some of them leave for big cities in search of happiness. Others wait and believe that happiness will come to them itself. And, strange as it may seem, it sometimes really happens. The author of classical melodramas (“You’re My Only Love”, “The Crossing”, “Give Me Moonshine”), Dmitri Astrakhan, has succeeded in creating a truly people’s cinema, loved by millions of viewers. The film became a staple of holiday programming on main Russian TV channels.
The film’s characters are residents of a workers’ dormitory in a provincial town. Some of them leave for big cities in search of happiness. Others wait and believe that happiness will come to them itself. And, strange as it may seem, it sometimes really happens. The author of classical melodramas (“You’re My Only Love”, “The Crossing”, “Give Me Moonshine”), Dmitri Astrakhan, has succeeded in creating a truly people’s cinema, loved by millions of viewers. The film became a staple of holiday programming on main Russian TV channels.
Рабочее общежитие в российской провинции - нищета и убожество. И в этом забытом богом месте появляется блистательная пара - эксцентричный миллионер Константин Петрович Смирнов (Александр Збруев) и его сын, молодой нобелевский лауреат Петя. Пока Смирнов, встретив женщину, любимую им в "совковые" времена, под влиянием сентиментальных воспоминаний готовит свадьбу ее дочери, Петя, влюбившийся в красавицу невесту (и не без взаимности!), пытается умыкнуть ее прямо из под венца. Чем же кончится эта волнующая и смешная история? Все будет хорошо!
Rabochee obschezhitie v rossijskoj provintsii - nischeta i ubozhestvo. I v etom zabytom bogom meste pojavljaetsja blistatelnaja para - ekstsentrichnyj millioner Konstantin Petrovich Smirnov (Aleksandr Zbruev) i ego syn, molodoj nobelevskij laureat Petja. Poka Smirnov, vstretiv zhenschinu, ljubimuju im v "sovkovye" vremena, pod vlijaniem sentimentalnykh vospominanij gotovit svadbu ee docheri, Petja, vljubivshijsja v krasavitsu nevestu (i ne bez vzaimnosti!), pytaetsja umyknut ee prjamo iz pod ventsa. Chem zhe konchitsja eta volnujuschaja i smeshnaja istorija? Vse budet khorosho!