1. DVD movies
  2. Soviet films
  3. Beloe solntse pustyni /The White Sun Of The Desert

Beloe solntse pustyni /The White Sun Of The Desert

Белое солнце пустыни/ The White Sun Of The Desert
Beloe solntse pustyni /The White Sun Of The Desert
Media type
DVD PAL + NTSC , region: ALL
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This “Middle-Eastern”, or rather a Central-Asian action film, about the Red Army fighting the counter-revolutionary robber bands has become not only a cult movie, but also one of the favorites for several generations of viewers. With Russian cosmonauts, it is a tradition to view this film before going to outer space. The film’s success paved the way for a genre of national “Eastern”. A demobbed soldier, Fyodor Sukhov, is making his way through the desert to his home village. The band of the brutal Abdulla is raging in that area. Sukhov is charged with escorting the chief’s harem, because Abdulla intended to kill his women rather than let them go free. Sukhov’s mate, a young soldier Petrukha, dies at the hand of Abdulla. But at the decisive moment, Sukhov gets help from the former customs officer Vereshchagin and a poor peasant, Said. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Aavikon laki) Tätä elokuvaa pidetään kansallisen genren, ”easternin” tienraivaajana ja siitä ei ole tullut vain kulttielokuva vaan myös yksi useiden sukupolvien suosikeista. Elokuva kertoo puna-armeijan ja vastavallankumouksellisten rikollisten yhteenotoista. Päähenkilönä on sotilas Fjodor Sukhov, joka on matkalla kotiinsa halki aavikon, jota terrorisoi julman Abdullan rosvojoukko. Sukhovin tehtävänä on saattaa Abdullan haaremia, koska päällikkö mieluummin tappaisi naisensa kuin päästäisi heidät menemään. Sivuhenkilöinä on mm. tullivirkailija Vereshchagin, köyhä maalainen Said sekä nuori sotilas Petrukha.

Ikäraja: K12
Haitallisuuskriteerit: Väkivalta, ahdistus Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
This “Middle-Eastern”, or rather a Central-Asian action film, about the Red Army fighting the counter-revolutionary robber bands has become not only a cult movie, but also one of the favorites for several generations of viewers. With Russian cosmonauts, it is a tradition to view this film before going to outer space. The film’s success paved the way for a genre of national “Eastern”. A demobbed soldier, Fyodor Sukhov, is making his way through the desert to his home village. The band of the brutal Abdulla is raging in that area. Sukhov is charged with escorting the chief’s harem, because Abdulla intended to kill his women rather than let them go free. Sukhov’s mate, a young soldier Petrukha, dies at the hand of Abdulla. But at the decisive moment, Sukhov gets help from the former customs officer Vereshchagin and a poor peasant, Said.
Ce qu’on appelle parfois un middle-eastern, l’équivalent du western transposé en Asie Centrale et évoquant la lutte de l’armée rouge contre les féodaux de ces régions arriérées. Film-culte de plusieurs générations de spectateurs soviétiques, les cosmonautes russes le visionnent notamment avant de partir pour une mission spatiale - la tradition le veut. Pareil succès a abouti à l’apparition du genre spécifique de l’eastern soviétique. Le soldat démobilisé Fédor Soukhov rentre au pays à travers le désert de sable. Les hasards de la route l’amènent à avoir affaire au chef de bande Abdullah. Ce féroce bandit ayant l’intention de supprimer ses femmes tentées par l’émancipation révolutionnaire, c’est à Soukhov qu’il revient d’assurer la sécurité du harem. A l’issue de nombreuses péripéties tragi-comiques Pétroukha, le jeune compagnon de Soukhov, est tué par Abdullah. La situation du héros paraît désespérée, il n’est sauvé que par l’intervention in extremis de l’ancien douanier Véréchtchiaguine et du berger Saïd.
This “Middle-Eastern”, or rather a Central-Asian action film, about the Red Army fighting the counter-revolutionary robber bands has become not only a cult movie, but also one of the favorites for several generations of viewers. With Russian cosmonauts, it is a tradition to view this film before going to outer space. The film’s success paved the way for a genre of national “Eastern”. A demobbed soldier, Fyodor Sukhov, is making his way through the desert to his home village. The band of the brutal Abdulla is raging in that area. Sukhov is charged with escorting the chief’s harem, because Abdulla intended to kill his women rather than let them go free. Sukhov’s mate, a young soldier Petrukha, dies at the hand of Abdulla. But at the decisive moment, Sukhov gets help from the former customs officer Vereshchagin and a poor peasant, Said.
This “Middle-Eastern”, or rather a Central-Asian action film, about the Red Army fighting the counter-revolutionary robber bands has become not only a cult movie, but also one of the favorites for several generations of viewers. With Russian cosmonauts, it is a tradition to view this film before going to outer space. The film’s success paved the way for a genre of national “Eastern”. A demobbed soldier, Fyodor Sukhov, is making his way through the desert to his home village. The band of the brutal Abdulla is raging in that area. Sukhov is charged with escorting the chief’s harem, because Abdulla intended to kill his women rather than let them go free. Sukhov’s mate, a young soldier Petrukha, dies at the hand of Abdulla. But at the decisive moment, Sukhov gets help from the former customs officer Vereshchagin and a poor peasant, Said.
Этот миддл-истерн, то есть среднеазиатский боевик о борьбе Красной Армии с басмачами стал не только культовым, но и одним из самых любимых для нескольких поколений зрителей. Фильм обязательно смотрят все российские космонавты, отправляясь в полет, такова традиция. Благодаря его успеху сложился жанр отечественного истерна. Демобилизованный боец Федор Сухов держит путь через пустыню в свою родную деревеньку. В окрестностях свирепствует банда жестокого Абдуллы. Сухову поручают сопровождать гарем главаря: Абдулла намеревался погубить своих женщин, чтобы они не обрели свободу. Гибнет от руки Абдуллы молодой солдат Петруха, напарник Сухова. Но в решающий момент на помощь Сухову приходят бывший таможенник Верещагин и бедняк Саид. Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
Etot middl-istern, to est sredneaziatskij boevik o borbe Krasnoj Armii s basmachami stal ne tolko kultovym, no i odnim iz samykh ljubimykh dlja neskolkikh pokolenij zritelej. Film objazatelno smotrjat vse rossijskie kosmonavty, otpravljajas v polet, takova traditsija. Blagodarja ego uspekhu slozhilsja zhanr otechestvennogo isterna. Demobilizovannyj boets Fedor Sukhov derzhit put cherez pustynju v svoju rodnuju derevenku. V okrestnostjakh svirepstvuet banda zhestokogo Abdully. Sukhovu poruchajut soprovozhdat garem glavarja: Abdulla namerevalsja pogubit svoikh zhenschin, chtoby oni ne obreli svobodu. Gibnet ot ruki Abdully molodoj soldat Petrukha, naparnik Sukhova. No v reshajuschij moment na pomosch Sukhovu prikhodjat byvshij tamozhennik Vereschagin i bednjak Said. Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.