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  3. Prestuplenie i nakazanie. Crime and Punishment (3 DVD)

Prestuplenie i nakazanie. Crime and Punishment (3 DVD)

Преступление и наказание (3 DVD)
Prestuplenie i nakazanie. Crime and Punishment (3 DVD)
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Media type
DVD PAL + NTSC , region: ALL
Subtitle language(s)
190/140/20 mm
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A screen adaptation of the novel by the great Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The 19th-century Russia. A poor student, Rodion Raskolnikov, commits a crime which is inevitably followed by pangs of conscience: his soul, burdened by the sin of murder, is torn between faith and faithlessness, hope and despair. The investigation conducted by detective Porfiry Petrovich finally points to Raskolnikov. But before his meeting with the investigator, Rodion experiences a genuine love. This very love will help him repent. The life of the mysterious 19th-century St. Petersburg, the strong, controversial characters and an unexpected outcome hold the viewer in suspense up to the very end. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
Vuoden 1969 versio Fedor Dostojevskin klassikosta Rikos ja Rangaistus. Nuori ja köyhä opiskelija Rodion Raskolnikov tekee murhan. Syyttäjä yrittää vihjailun saada häntä tunnustamaan. Raskolnikov painii mielessään tunnontuskiensa kanssa, mutta kuviota mutkistavat myös siskon avioitumisaikeet sekä ihastus Sonja Marmeladoviin. Tämä ei ole versio, jota näytettiin Yle Teemalta alkuvuodesta 2009. Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
A screen adaptation of the novel by the great Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The 19th-century Russia. A poor student, Rodion Raskolnikov, commits a crime which is inevitably followed by pangs of conscience: his soul, burdened by the sin of murder, is torn between faith and faithlessness, hope and despair. The investigation conducted by detective Porfiry Petrovich finally points to Raskolnikov. But before his meeting with the investigator, Rodion experiences a genuine love. This very love will help him repent. The life of the mysterious 19th-century St. Petersburg, the strong, controversial characters and an unexpected outcome hold the viewer in suspense up to the very end.
Adaptation à l’écran du célèbre roman de Fédor Dostoïevski. Russie, XIXe siècle. Rodion Raskolnikov, étudiant sans le sou, commet un crime dont il sait qu’il aura à se repentir cruellement. Le meurtrier en proie au doute est partagé entre la foi et l’agnosticisme, l’espérance et le désespoir. L’enquête du policier Porfiri Pétrovitch aboutit et Raskolnikov est démasqué. Mais entre-temps il a rencontré Sonia et l’amour véritable, et la jeune femme l’aidera à trouver le chemin du repentir. La vie cachée de Saint-Pétersbourg, l’affrontement de tempéraments forts et complexes, le dénouement imprévisible - tout ceci maintient le suspense jusqu’а la dernière image.
A screen adaptation of the novel by the great Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The 19th-century Russia. A poor student, Rodion Raskolnikov, commits a crime which is inevitably followed by pangs of conscience: his soul, burdened by the sin of murder, is torn between faith and faithlessness, hope and despair. The investigation conducted by detective Porfiry Petrovich finally points to Raskolnikov. But before his meeting with the investigator, Rodion experiences a genuine love. This very love will help him repent. The life of the mysterious 19th-century St. Petersburg, the strong, controversial characters and an unexpected outcome hold the viewer in suspense up to the very end.
A screen adaptation of the novel by the great Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The 19th-century Russia. A poor student, Rodion Raskolnikov, commits a crime which is inevitably followed by pangs of conscience: his soul, burdened by the sin of murder, is torn between faith and faithlessness, hope and despair. The investigation conducted by detective Porfiry Petrovich finally points to Raskolnikov. But before his meeting with the investigator, Rodion experiences a genuine love. This very love will help him repent. The life of the mysterious 19th-century St. Petersburg, the strong, controversial characters and an unexpected outcome hold the viewer in suspense up to the very end.
Россия XIX века. Бедный студент Родион Раскольников идет на преступление, за которым неизбежно следуют муки совести: его душа, отягощенная грехом убийства, мечется между верой и безверием, надеждой и отчаянием. Расследование сыщика Порфирия Петровича в конечном итоге выводит следствие на Раскольникова. Но еще до знакомства со следователем, Родион встречает настоящую любовь. Она и поможет ему прийти к покаянию. Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
Rossija XIX veka. Bednyj student Rodion Raskolnikov idet na prestuplenie, za kotorym neizbezhno sledujut muki sovesti: ego dusha, otjagoschennaja grekhom ubijstva, mechetsja mezhdu veroj i bezveriem, nadezhdoj i otchajaniem. Rassledovanie syschika Porfirija Petrovicha v konechnom itoge vyvodit sledstvie na Raskolnikova. No esche do znakomstva so sledovatelem, Rodion vstrechaet nastojaschuju ljubov. Ona i pomozhet emu prijti k pokajaniju. Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.