1. DVD movies
  2. Filmed works of literature
  3. Don Kikhot / Don Quijote

Don Kikhot / Don Quijote

Дон Кихот / Don Quijote
Don Kikhot / Don Quijote
Media type
DVD PAL + NTSC , region: ALL
Subtitle language(s)
Audio streams
Publication year
Film release year
Playing time - hours:minutes
Sold out (not kept in inventory any longer)
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This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
Экранизация одноименной пьесы Е.Шварца по мотивам романа Мигеля де Сервантеса Сааведры о забавных и трогательных приключениях идальго Алонсо Кехано (Дон Кихота Ламанческого), влюбленного в рыцарские романы и решившего самому сделаться рыцарем и отправиться в поход, хотя времена рыцарства давно миновали...

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master.
Ekranizatsija odnoimennoj pesy E.Shvartsa po motivam romana Migelja de Servantesa Saavedry o zabavnykh i trogatelnykh prikljuchenijakh idalgo Alonso Kekhano (Don Kikhota Lamancheskogo), vljublennogo v rytsarskie romany i reshivshego samomu sdelatsja rytsarem i otpravitsja v pokhod, khotja vremena rytsarstva davno minovali...

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master.