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  2. Wall map 3D
  3. ALASKA. 3 D relief wall map with panorama effect 330*248*30 mm

ALASKA. 3 D relief wall map with panorama effect 330*248*30 mm

ALASKA. 3 D relief wall map with panorama effect  330*248*30 mm
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The map is delivered framed.
All captions in English.
High-raised relief panorama for office, home and school design and decoration.
The height of the panorama relief reaches 40 mm.
High-raised relief panoramas create the effect of visual perception of the real-volume landscape from the bird's-eye view, especially the real dynamics and detailed characteristics of the mountainous relief.

DESCRIPTION of high-raised relief panoramas

Raised relief map with panorama is a new generation of relief maps.
Size 330*248*30 mm, relief height up to 40 mm.

Panorama effect has been created through localized horizontal exploration of mountain systems from 12 viewpoints at an alternate angle up to 55° followed with model profiles overlapping basic cartographic projection.

Mountain peaks create real-life shadowing identical in proportions to the mountain systems and relief dynamics perceived in both visual and tactile ways.
Raised relief map with panorama effect will be a surprise and a geographic discovery for those who value quality and epics.

A precise landscape model along with far-reaching infrastructure makes a raised relief map with panorama effect attractive as high-profile business accessory and interior design item.

The map combines austere style with easiness of reading.

Relief height and detalization realize the landscape perception effect from ‘a bird’s eye view’. This is an ideal interior design decision for home and office.

High profile of the map, verity of the landscape with a soft colour score, informational content assume harmonious integration into CEO offices, corporate headquarters and company divisions.

Produced by TESTPLAY, a leading manufacturer in modern cartography. The product is patented, patent #2032230, licensed and CE certified.

Postikulut Suomeen vain 7 EUR!

Kolmiulotteinen kartta, kooltaan 330*248*30 mm. Kaikki maaston muodot tulevat kartasta esille ihan fyysisesti, korkeimmillaan 40 mm.

Toimitetaan kehystettynä.

The map is delivered framed.
All captions in English.
High-raised relief panorama for office, home and school design and decoration.
The height of the panorama relief reaches 40 mm.
High-raised relief panoramas create the effect of visual perception of the real-volume landscape from the bird's-eye view, especially the real dynamics and detailed characteristics of the mountainous relief.

DESCRIPTION of high-raised relief panoramas

Raised relief map with panorama is a new generation of relief maps.
Size 330*248*30 mm, relief height up to 40 mm.

Panorama effect has been created through localized horizontal exploration of mountain systems from 12 viewpoints at an alternate angle up to 55° followed with model profiles overlapping basic cartographic projection.

Mountain peaks create real-life shadowing identical in proportions to the mountain systems and relief dynamics perceived in both visual and tactile ways.
Raised relief map with panorama effect will be a surprise and a geographic discovery for those who value quality and epics.

A precise landscape model along with far-reaching infrastructure makes a raised relief map with panorama effect attractive as high-profile business accessory and interior design item.

The map combines austere style with easiness of reading.

Relief height and detalization realize the landscape perception effect from ‘a bird’s eye view’. This is an ideal interior design decision for home and office.

High profile of the map, verity of the landscape with a soft colour score, informational content assume harmonious integration into CEO offices, corporate headquarters and company divisions.

Produced by TESTPLAY, a leading manufacturer in modern cartography. The product is patented, patent #2032230, licensed and CE certified.

Карта продается и поставляется с рамой.

Высокообъёмная панорама АЛЯСКА для офиса, дома, оформления школы и декора.
Высота рельефа панорамы достигает 40 мм.
Высокообъёмные панорамы создают эффект зрительного восприятия реального объёма пейзажа с высоты птичьего полёта, особенно реальную динамику и подробные характеристики горного рельефа.

ОПИСАНИЕ высокообъёмной панорамы

1. Высокообъемная панорама АЛЯСКА - это рельефная карта нового поколения.
Размер 330*248*30 мм, объемность – до 40 мм.

2. Подробное описание.

Карта произведена известной компанией TESTPLAY – лидером современной картографии. Продукт запатентован, патент 2032230, выпускается по лицензии, имеет международный сертификат СЕ.
Впервые панорамный эффект разработан методом локального профилирования горных систем с 12 точек обзора под переменным углом до 55° с последующим наложением модельных профилей на базовую картографическую проекцию.
Вершины гор и возвышенностей создают реальные тени, их параметры точно отображают пропорции горных систем и динамику рельефа, воспринимаются зрительно и тактильно.
Karta prodaetsja i postavljaetsja s ramoj.

Vysokoobjomnaja panorama ALJASKA dlja ofisa, doma, oformlenija shkoly i dekora.
Vysota relefa panoramy dostigaet 40 mm.
Vysokoobjomnye panoramy sozdajut effekt zritelnogo vosprijatija realnogo objoma pejzazha s vysoty ptichego poljota, osobenno realnuju dinamiku i podrobnye kharakteristiki gornogo relefa.

OPISANIE vysokoobjomnoj panoramy

1. Vysokoobemnaja panorama ALJASKA - eto relefnaja karta novogo pokolenija.
Razmer 330*248*30 mm, obemnost – do 40 mm.

2. Podrobnoe opisanie.

Karta proizvedena izvestnoj kompaniej TESTPLAY – liderom sovremennoj kartografii. Produkt zapatentovan, patent 2032230, vypuskaetsja po litsenzii, imeet mezhdunarodnyj sertifikat SE.
Vpervye panoramnyj effekt razrabotan metodom lokalnogo profilirovanija gornykh sistem s 12 tochek obzora pod peremennym uglom do 55° s posledujuschim nalozheniem modelnykh profilej na bazovuju kartograficheskuju proektsiju.
Vershiny gor i vozvyshennostej sozdajut realnye teni, ikh parametry tochno otobrazhajut proportsii gornykh sistem i dinamiku relefa, vosprinimajutsja zritelno i taktilno.