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  3. Dmitri Hvorostovsky collection. Vol. 15. Arias from operas of Tchaikovsky and Verdi

Dmitri Hvorostovsky collection. Vol. 15. Arias from operas of Tchaikovsky and Verdi

Дмитрий Хворостовский. Коллекционное издание. Том 15. Арии из опер П. И. Чайковского и Дж. Верди
Dmitri Hvorostovsky collection. Vol. 15. Arias from operas of Tchaikovsky and Verdi
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Eleven opera arias of two beloved composers P.I. Tchaikovsky and J. Verdi were performed by Dmitry Hvorostovsky, star of the opera of the first magnitude. Together with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Valery Gergiev, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, with his inherent brilliance, ease, and sensibility, performed the arias from his favorite operas by P.I. Tchaikovsky and J. Verdi.
The collector's edition of Dmitry Hvorostovsky was released in a limited edition in a special embossed silver, designer packaging.
1. You wrote to me ... When would life be (Scene and aria of Onegin, act 1 from the opera "Eugene Onegin")
2. Really that same Tatyana ... Alas, there is no doubt (Scene and aria of Onegin, act 3 from the opera "Eugene Onegin")
3. You are so sad ... I love you, I love immeasurably (Scene and Eletsky's aria, act 2 from the opera The Queen of Spades)
4. Di Provenza Il Mar (Aria of Germont, Act 2 from the opera La Traviata)
5. Perfidi! ... Pieto, Rispetto (Scene and Macbeth’s Aria, Act 4 from the opera Macbeth)
6. Sakra La Skelta (Miller’s Aria from the opera Louise Miller)
7. Cases, reign ... And the image of that handler (Scene and arioso of Prince Kurlyatev, act 2 from the opera The Enchantress)
8. Who can compare with my Matilda (Scene and aria Robertaiz from the opera "Iolanthe")
9. Oh Mary, Mary! (Ariozi Mazepa, Act 3 from the opera Mazepa)
10. Tutto E Deserto - Il Balen Del Suo Sorriso (Scene and aria of Count di Luna from the opera Troubadour)
11. Son Io, Mio Carlo - Per Me Giunto, O Carlo, Ascolta (Scene and aria di Posa from the opera Don Carlos)
Eleven opera arias of two beloved composers P.I. Tchaikovsky and J. Verdi were performed by Dmitry Hvorostovsky, star of the opera of the first magnitude. Together with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Valery Gergiev, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, with his inherent brilliance, ease, and sensibility, performed the arias from his favorite operas by P.I. Tchaikovsky and J. Verdi.
The collector's edition of Dmitry Hvorostovsky was released in a limited edition in a special embossed silver, designer packaging.
1. You wrote to me ... When would life be (Scene and aria of Onegin, act 1 from the opera "Eugene Onegin")
2. Really that same Tatyana ... Alas, there is no doubt (Scene and aria of Onegin, act 3 from the opera "Eugene Onegin")
3. You are so sad ... I love you, I love immeasurably (Scene and Eletsky's aria, act 2 from the opera The Queen of Spades)
4. Di Provenza Il Mar (Aria of Germont, Act 2 from the opera La Traviata)
5. Perfidi! ... Pieto, Rispetto (Scene and Macbeth’s Aria, Act 4 from the opera Macbeth)
6. Sakra La Skelta (Miller’s Aria from the opera Louise Miller)
7. Cases, reign ... And the image of that handler (Scene and arioso of Prince Kurlyatev, act 2 from the opera The Enchantress)
8. Who can compare with my Matilda (Scene and aria Robertaiz from the opera "Iolanthe")
9. Oh Mary, Mary! (Ariozi Mazepa, Act 3 from the opera Mazepa)
10. Tutto E Deserto - Il Balen Del Suo Sorriso (Scene and aria of Count di Luna from the opera Troubadour)
11. Son Io, Mio Carlo - Per Me Giunto, O Carlo, Ascolta (Scene and aria di Posa from the opera Don Carlos)
Одиннадцать оперных арий двух любимых композиторов П.И.Чайковского и Дж.Верди исполнил звезда оперной сцены первой величины Дмитрий Хворостовский. Вместе с Роттердамским филармоническим оркестром, которым дирижировал Валерий Гергиев, Дмитрий Хворостовский с присущим ему блеском, легкостью, прочувствованностью исполнил арии из любимых опер П.И.Чайковского и Дж.Верди.
Коллекционное издание Дмитрия Хворостовского выпущено ограниченным тиражом в специальной тисненной серебром, дизайнерской упаковке.

1. Вы мне писали...Когда бы жизнь (Сцена и ария Онегина, акт 1 из оперы "Евгений Онегин")
2. Ужель та самая Татьяна... Увы, сомненья нет (Сцена и ария Онегина, акт 3 из оперы "Евгений Онегин")
3. Вы так печальны... Я Вас люблю, люблю безмерно (Сцена и ария Елецкого, акт 2 из оперы "Пиковая дама")
4. Di Provenza Il Mar (Ария Жермона, акт 2 из оперы "Травиата")
5. Perfidi!... Pieto, Rispetto (Сцена и ария Макбета, акт 4 из оперы "Макбет")
6. Sakra La Skelta (Ария Миллера из оперы "Луиза Миллер")
7. Дела, правления... А образ той пригожницы (Сцена и ариозо князя Курлятева, акт 2 из оперы "Чародейка")
8. Кто может сравниться с Матильдой моей (Сцена и ария Робертаиз оперы "Иоланта")
9. О, Мария, Мария! (Ариози Мазепы, акт 3 из оперы "Мазепа")
10. Tutto E Deserto - Il Balen Del Suo Sorriso (Сцена и ария графа ди Луна из оперы "Трубадур")
11. Son Io, Mio Carlo - Per Me Giunto, O Carlo, Ascolta (Сцена и ария ди Поза из оперы "Дон Карлос")
Odinnadtsat opernykh arij dvukh ljubimykh kompozitorov P.I.Chajkovskogo i Dzh.Verdi ispolnil zvezda opernoj stseny pervoj velichiny Dmitrij Khvorostovskij. Vmeste s Rotterdamskim filarmonicheskim orkestrom, kotorym dirizhiroval Valerij Gergiev, Dmitrij Khvorostovskij s prisuschim emu bleskom, legkostju, prochuvstvovannostju ispolnil arii iz ljubimykh oper P.I.Chajkovskogo i Dzh.Verdi.
Kollektsionnoe izdanie Dmitrija Khvorostovskogo vypuscheno ogranichennym tirazhom v spetsialnoj tisnennoj serebrom, dizajnerskoj upakovke.

1. Vy mne pisali...Kogda by zhizn (Stsena i arija Onegina, akt 1 iz opery "Evgenij Onegin")
2. Uzhel ta samaja Tatjana... Uvy, somnenja net (Stsena i arija Onegina, akt 3 iz opery "Evgenij Onegin")
3. Vy tak pechalny... Ja Vas ljublju, ljublju bezmerno (Stsena i arija Eletskogo, akt 2 iz opery "Pikovaja dama")
4. Di Provenza Il Mar (Arija Zhermona, akt 2 iz opery "Traviata")
5. Perfidi!... Pieto, Rispetto (Stsena i arija Makbeta, akt 4 iz opery "Makbet")
6. Sakra La Skelta (Arija Millera iz opery "Luiza Miller")
7. Dela, pravlenija... A obraz toj prigozhnitsy (Stsena i ariozo knjazja Kurljateva, akt 2 iz opery "Charodejka")
8. Kto mozhet sravnitsja s Matildoj moej (Stsena i arija Robertaiz opery "Iolanta")
9. O, Marija, Marija! (Ariozi Mazepy, akt 3 iz opery "Mazepa")
10. Tutto E Deserto - Il Balen Del Suo Sorriso (Stsena i arija grafa di Luna iz opery "Trubadur")
11. Son Io, Mio Carlo - Per Me Giunto, O Carlo, Ascolta (Stsena i arija di Poza iz opery "Don Karlos")
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