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  3. Ljubov Demeter. Koni voronye. Gipsy Songs and Romances

Ljubov Demeter. Koni voronye. Gipsy Songs and Romances

Любовь Деметер. Кони вороные. Цыганские песни и романсы
Ljubov Demeter. Koni voronye. Gipsy Songs and Romances
Publication year
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1. Black Horses
2. Golubchik
3. Sosnitsa
4. Veshesa
5. Nane Tsoha
6. A beaker of wine
7. Turkish
8. Chrysanthemums
9. Farewell, my Gipsy Camp
10. Ugrjum - river
11. Duy - duy
12. The Note
13. Kishinev
14. You were desired
15. O - dives
16. Kalina
17. Gipsy
18. Gipsy Horseshoe
1. Black Horses
2. Golubchik
3. Sosnitsa
4. Veshesa
5. Nane Tsoha
6. A beaker of wine
7. Turkish
8. Chrysanthemums
9. Farewell, my Gipsy Camp
10. Ugrjum - river
11. Duy - duy
12. The Note
13. Kishinev
14. You were desired
15. O - dives
16. Kalina
17. Gipsy
18. Gipsy Horseshoe
1. Кони вороные
2. Голубчик
3. Сосница
4. Вэшэса
5. Нанэ цоха
6. Вино в бокале
7. Турецкая
8. Хризантемы
9. Прощай, мой табор
10. Угрюм-река
11. Дуй, дуй
12. Записка
13. Кишинев
14. Ты был желанным
15. О-дывэс
16. Калина
17. Цыганка
18. Цыганская подкова
1. Koni voronye
2. Golubchik
3. Sosnitsa
4. Veshesa
5. Nane tsokha
6. Vino v bokale
7. Turetskaja
8. Khrizantemy
9. Proschaj, moj tabor
10. Ugrjum-reka
11. Duj, duj
12. Zapiska
13. Kishinev
14. Ty byl zhelannym
15. O-dyves
16. Kalina
17. Tsyganka
18. Tsyganskaja podkova
Catalogue N
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