1. Other
  2. Postcards
  3. Metal postcard or Aluminum tables
  4. Factory aluminium label "Grounded" from the USSR

Factory aluminium label "Grounded" from the USSR

Табличка "Заземлено"
Factory aluminium label "Grounded" from the USSR
Publication year
Sold out (not kept in inventory any longer)
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The boards are shipped without postage fee worldwide! Original, not manufactured
Cartonboard from factory walls of USSR
TOIMITETAAN POSTIKULUITTA! Alkuperäisiä, ei reproduktioita.
Kartonkiitaulu neuvostoliittolaisten tehtaiden seiniltä.
высылается по всему миру БЕЗ ВЗИМАНИЯ ПОЧТОВЫХ РАСХОДОВ!
vysylaetsja po vsemu miru BEZ VZIMANIJa POCHTOVYKh RASKHODOV!