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  5. The Tambourin for violin and piano (junior forms). Piano score and part

The Tambourin for violin and piano (junior forms). Piano score and part

Тамбурин. Для скрипки и фортепиано (мл. кл.). Клавир и партия
The Tambourin for violin and piano (junior forms). Piano score and part
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Jean-Philippe Rameau, (1683-1764) was one of the most important French composers and music theorists of the Baroque era. He replaced Jean-Baptiste Lully as the dominant composer of French opera and is also considered the leading French composer for the harpsichord of his time, alongside Francois Couperin.

Little is known about Rameau's early years, and it was not until the 1720s that he won fame as a major theorist of music with his Treatise on Harmony (1722). He was almost 50 before he embarked on the operatic career on which his reputation chiefly rests. His debut, Hippolyte et Aricie (1733), caused a great stir and was fiercely attacked for its revolutionary use of harmony by the supporters of Lully's style of music. Rameau's music had gone out of fashion by the end of the 18th century, and it was not until the 20th that serious efforts were made to revive it. Today, he enjoys renewed appreciation with performances and recordings of his music ever more frequent.
Пьеса "Тамбурин" была написана выдающимся французским композитором Жаном Филиппом Рамо (1683-1764) для клавесина, в наши дни существует множество ее переложений для разных инструментов. Автор публикуемого переложения для скрипки и фортепиано - князь Георгий Николаевич Дулов (1875-1940) - скрипач и композитор, профессор Московской консерватории, составитель курса игры на скрипке.

Издание адресовано учащимся младших классов ДМШ и ДШИ.
Pesa "Tamburin" byla napisana vydajuschimsja frantsuzskim kompozitorom Zhanom Filippom Ramo (1683-1764) dlja klavesina, v nashi dni suschestvuet mnozhestvo ee perelozhenij dlja raznykh instrumentov. Avtor publikuemogo perelozhenija dlja skripki i fortepiano - knjaz Georgij Nikolaevich Dulov (1875-1940) - skripach i kompozitor, professor Moskovskoj konservatorii, sostavitel kursa igry na skripke.

Izdanie adresovano uchaschimsja mladshikh klassov DMSh i DSHI.
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