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  4. Gipsy Tunes for Violin and Piano

Gipsy Tunes for Violin and Piano

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Gipsy Tunes for Violin and Piano
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Pablo Sarasate was born in Pamplona, Navarre, the son of an artillery bandmaster. He began studying the violin with his father at the age of five and later took lessons from a local teacher but his musical talent became evident early on and he appeared in his first public concert in La Coruna at the age of eight. His performance was well-received, and caught the attention of a wealthy patron who provided the funding for Sarasate to study under Manuel Rodriguez Saez in Madrid where he gained the favor of Queen Isabel II. Later, as his abilities developed, he was sent to study under Jean-Delphin Alard at the Paris Conservatoire at the age of twelve. There, at seventeen, Sarasate entered a competition for the Premier Prix and won his first prize, the Conservatoire's highest honour.
Sarasate, who had been playing in public since childhood, made his Paris debut as a concert violinist in 1860, and played in London the following year. Over the course of his career, he toured many parts of the world, performing in Europe, North America, and South America. His artistic pre-eminence was due principally to the purity of his tone, which was free from any tendency towards the sentimental or rhapsodic, and to that impressive facility of execution that made him a virtuoso. In his early career, Sarasate performed mainly opera fantasies, most notably the Carmen Fantasy, and various other pieces that he had composed. The popularity of Sarasate's Spanish flavor in his compositions is reflected in the work of his contemporaries. For example, the influences of Spanish music can be heard in such notable works as Edouard Lalo's Symphonie Espagnole which was dedicated to Sarasate, Georges Bizet's Carmen, and Camille Saint-Saens' Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, written expressly for Sarasate and dedicated to him.
The Gypsy Tunes is one f his best known pieces, no violinist could overcome a temptation to play it in his/her early age, sometimes too early, since the piece requires considerable skills as well as a lot of taste and feeling of style.
Meet the classical evergreen!


Malagueсa. Spanish Dance. Op. 21. Edited by J. Heifetz (Music Text Example)
Zapateado. Spanish Dance. Op. 23, No. 2. Edited by J. Heifetz
Andaluzian Romance. Op. 22, No.1
Spanish Dance. Op. 26, No.1
Peteneras. Op. 35
Introduction and Caprice-Jota. Op. 41
Miramar. Zorzico (Basque dance). Op. 42
Pablo Sarasate was born in Pamplona, Navarre, the son of an artillery bandmaster. He began studying the violin with his father at the age of five and later took lessons from a local teacher but his musical talent became evident early on and he appeared in his first public concert in La Coruna at the age of eight. His performance was well-received, and caught the attention of a wealthy patron who provided the funding for Sarasate to study under Manuel Rodriguez Saez in Madrid where he gained the favor of Queen Isabel II. Later, as his abilities developed, he was sent to study under Jean-Delphin Alard at the Paris Conservatoire at the age of twelve. There, at seventeen, Sarasate entered a competition for the Premier Prix and won his first prize, the Conservatoire's highest honour.
Sarasate, who had been playing in public since childhood, made his Paris debut as a concert violinist in 1860, and played in London the following year. Over the course of his career, he toured many parts of the world, performing in Europe, North America, and South America. His artistic pre-eminence was due principally to the purity of his tone, which was free from any tendency towards the sentimental or rhapsodic, and to that impressive facility of execution that made him a virtuoso. In his early career, Sarasate performed mainly opera fantasies, most notably the Carmen Fantasy, and various other pieces that he had composed. The popularity of Sarasate's Spanish flavor in his compositions is reflected in the work of his contemporaries. For example, the influences of Spanish music can be heard in such notable works as Edouard Lalo's Symphonie Espagnole which was dedicated to Sarasate, Georges Bizet's Carmen, and Camille Saint-Saens' Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, written expressly for Sarasate and dedicated to him.
The Gypsy Tunes is one f his best known pieces, no violinist could overcome a temptation to play it in his/her early age, sometimes too early, since the piece requires considerable skills as well as a lot of taste and feeling of style.
Meet the classical evergreen!


Malagueсa. Spanish Dance. Op. 21. Edited by J. Heifetz (Music Text Example)
Zapateado. Spanish Dance. Op. 23, No. 2. Edited by J. Heifetz
Andaluzian Romance. Op. 22, No.1
Spanish Dance. Op. 26, No.1
Peteneras. Op. 35
Introduction and Caprice-Jota. Op. 41
Miramar. Zorzico (Basque dance). Op. 42
Пабло Сарасате (1844–1908) — испанский скрипач-виртуоз (ученик Д. Алара), композитор. Выступал с концертами во многих странах, в том числе в России (впервые посетил ее в 1876 году).
Сарасате широко известен как автор виртуозных пьес и парафраз для скрипки и фортепиано. Наиболее популярные его произведения: Цыганские напевы, Интродукция и тарантелла, Испанские танцы (12 тетрадей), Концертная фантазия на темы оперы "Кармен" Ж. Бизе и др.
Ему посвящены Испанская симфония Э. Лало, Рондо-каприччиозо К. Сен-Санса, Концерт и фантазия М. Бруха и др.
Издание адресовано студентам консерваторий и музыкальных училищ, а также концертирующим исполнителям.
Pablo Sarasate (1844–1908) — ispanskij skripach-virtuoz (uchenik D. Alara), kompozitor. Vystupal s kontsertami vo mnogikh stranakh, v tom chisle v Rossii (vpervye posetil ee v 1876 godu).
Sarasate shiroko izvesten kak avtor virtuoznykh pes i parafraz dlja skripki i fortepiano. Naibolee populjarnye ego proizvedenija: Tsyganskie napevy, Introduktsija i tarantella, Ispanskie tantsy (12 tetradej), Kontsertnaja fantazija na temy opery "Karmen" Zh. Bize i dr.
Emu posvjascheny Ispanskaja simfonija E. Lalo, Rondo-kaprichchiozo K. Sen-Sansa, Kontsert i fantazija M. Brukha i dr.
Izdanie adresovano studentam konservatorij i muzykalnykh uchilisch, a takzhe kontsertirujuschim ispolniteljam.
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