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  4. I will be a violinist. Masterclass of Saveliy M. Shalman. Vol. 5. First lessons. Only in Russian. No English subtitles (DVD) Duration of each film 70-80 minutes.

I will be a violinist. Masterclass of Saveliy M. Shalman. Vol. 5. First lessons. Only in Russian. No English subtitles (DVD) Duration of each film 70-80 minutes.

Я буду скрипачом. Мастер-курс С. М. Шальмана. Вып. 5. Всестороннее развитие техники. (DVD)
I will be a violinist.  Masterclass of Saveliy M. Shalman. Vol. 5. First lessons. Only in Russian. No English subtitles (DVD) Duration of each film 70-80 minutes.
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Saveliy Shalman (born 1945) - a disciple of prof. Sergeyev at the Leningrad Conservatory. He was engaged in chamber and orchestral activities, and then devoted himself to teaching. The author of two volumes of "I'll be a violinist," the editor and compiler of collections of 20 plays, Ph.D., Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.
The course "I'll be a violinist" provides an opportunity to see the student-teacher communication, to observe over the years the development of children with musical abilities. The series is useful for teachers as a learning process model, and for students and their parents - as an indispensable guide of home education.
Only in Russian. No English subtitles
Saveliy Shalman (born 1945) - a disciple of prof. Sergeyev at the Leningrad Conservatory. He was engaged in chamber and orchestral activities, and then devoted himself to teaching. The author of two volumes of "I'll be a violinist," the editor and compiler of collections of 20 plays, Ph.D., Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.
The course "I'll be a violinist" provides an opportunity to see the student-teacher communication, to observe over the years the development of children with musical abilities. The series is useful for teachers as a learning process model, and for students and their parents - as an indispensable guide of home education.
Only in Russian. No English subtitles
Савелий Маркович Шальман (р. 1945) — ученик проф. Б. А. Сергеева в Ленинградской консерватории. Занимался камерной и оркестровой деятельностью, затем посвятил себя педагогике. Автор двухтомной школы "Я буду скрипачом", редактор-составитель 20 сборников пьес, кандидат искусствоведения, Заслуженный работник культуры РФ.
Курс "Я буду скрипачом" даст возможность увидеть, как происходит общение ученика и учителя, на протяжении ряда лет наблюдать за развитием детей с различными музыкальными способностями. Сериал полезен педагогам как модель учебного процесса, а ученикам и их родителям — как незаменимое пособие в домашних занятиях.
Savelij Markovich Shalman (r. 1945) — uchenik prof. B. A. Sergeeva v Leningradskoj konservatorii. Zanimalsja kamernoj i orkestrovoj dejatelnostju, zatem posvjatil sebja pedagogike. Avtor dvukhtomnoj shkoly "Ja budu skripachom", redaktor-sostavitel 20 sbornikov pes, kandidat iskusstvovedenija, Zasluzhennyj rabotnik kultury RF.
Kurs "Ja budu skripachom" dast vozmozhnost uvidet, kak proiskhodit obschenie uchenika i uchitelja, na protjazhenii rjada let nabljudat za razvitiem detej s razlichnymi muzykalnymi sposobnostjami. Serial polezen pedagogam kak model uchebnogo protsessa, a uchenikam i ikh roditeljam — kak nezamenimoe posobie v domashnikh zanjatijakh.
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