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Meditations. Pieces for instrumental ensembles. For children and Youth

Размышления. Пьесы для инструментальных ансамблей. Для детей и юношества
Meditations. Pieces for instrumental ensembles. For children and Youth
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Vitaly Nikolayevich Karonik (*1945) was born in Leningrad. His gifts of a poet and a composer were revealed already during the years of studying at the music college. The final college exam on conducting was marked by Karonik’s creation to have been performed by the folk instruments’ orchestra. In 1975 he completed his education at the Byelorussian State Conservatoire, graduating from the bayan class.
As for the pedagogical career it began after Karonik’s army service was over. It was music school and later the regional culture and art college of Kaliningrad. Appointed as the drama theatre music manager Karonik composed music to performances staged after Ye. Shvartz, N. Dumbadze and V. Shukshyn.
Since 1987 Vitaly Karonik has been carrying on fruitful activity as the director of the Svetogorsk Children Music School (Leningrad Region). He organized the group of confederates, whose pupils are a success at numerous regional and international contests, winning prizes and grand-prix.
Due toVitaly Karonik and his colleagues the International Arts’ Festival “Vuoksa” was established in 1998, being held annually in Svetogorsk and Imatra (Finland) since that time.
Karonik’s merits on the field of composition and teaching were marked by the Diploma “A Man of Word and Deed” at the Leningrad Regional Contest, Governors’ Honoured Certificate, Leningrad Regional Council Honoured Certificate and Honoured Certificate of the Russian Federation Ministry.
Karonik’s creation is imbibed with his love to music, to his destination and his disciples. His compositions are inspiredly performed by young generations at competitions and concerts enjoying great popularity all over the world.
However, the author has been conceiving brilliant ideas. Let creative fortune be always with Vitaly Karonik! Let listeners be given the joy of meeting his fascinating pearls!


Meditation. For flute, guitar and basso
Pink Clouds. For flute, guitar and basso
Melting Dream. For а duet оf flutes
Fall in Love in Spring. For flute and piano
Song of Eskilstuna. For violin, flute, guitar and росапо
Farewell. For violin, фиЛе, guitar and basso
Vitaly Nikolayevich Karonik (*1945) was born in Leningrad. His gifts of a poet and a composer were revealed already during the years of studying at the music college. The final college exam on conducting was marked by Karonik’s creation to have been performed by the folk instruments’ orchestra. In 1975 he completed his education at the Byelorussian State Conservatoire, graduating from the bayan class.
As for the pedagogical career it began after Karonik’s army service was over. It was music school and later the regional culture and art college of Kaliningrad. Appointed as the drama theatre music manager Karonik composed music to performances staged after Ye. Shvartz, N. Dumbadze and V. Shukshyn.
Since 1987 Vitaly Karonik has been carrying on fruitful activity as the director of the Svetogorsk Children Music School (Leningrad Region). He organized the group of confederates, whose pupils are a success at numerous regional and international contests, winning prizes and grand-prix.
Due toVitaly Karonik and his colleagues the International Arts’ Festival “Vuoksa” was established in 1998, being held annually in Svetogorsk and Imatra (Finland) since that time.
Karonik’s merits on the field of composition and teaching were marked by the Diploma “A Man of Word and Deed” at the Leningrad Regional Contest, Governors’ Honoured Certificate, Leningrad Regional Council Honoured Certificate and Honoured Certificate of the Russian Federation Ministry.
Karonik’s creation is imbibed with his love to music, to his destination and his disciples. His compositions are inspiredly performed by young generations at competitions and concerts enjoying great popularity all over the world.
However, the author has been conceiving brilliant ideas. Let creative fortune be always with Vitaly Karonik! Let listeners be given the joy of meeting his fascinating pearls!


Meditation. For flute, guitar and basso
Pink Clouds. For flute, guitar and basso
Melting Dream. For а duet оf flutes
Fall in Love in Spring. For flute and piano
Song of Eskilstuna. For violin, flute, guitar and росапо
Farewell. For violin, фиЛе, guitar and basso
Виталий Николаевич Кароник родился в 1945 году в Ленинграде. Еще будучи студентом музыкального училища, он стал сочинять музыку и стихи. На государственном экзамене по дирижированию оркестр народных инструментов исполнил одно из его произведений. В 1975 году В. Кароник окончил Белорусскую государственную консерваторию по классу баяна.
После службы в Советской Армии началась его педагогическая деятельность — сначала в музыкальной школе, а затем в Калининградском областном колледже культуры и искусства.
Работая заведующим музыкальной частью драматического театра, В. Н. Кароник писал музыку к постановкам по произведениям Е. Шварца, Н. Думбадзе и В. Шукшина.
С 1987 года Виталий Николаевич плодотворно трудится на посту директора Детской музыкальной школы г. Светогорска Ленинградской области. Им создан коллектив единомышленников, ученики которых с большим успехом выступают на многочисленных областных, региональных и международных конкурсах, завоевывая лауреатские места и Гран-при.
В 1998 году благодаря огромным усилиям Виталия Кароника и его коллег был организован Международный фестиваль искусств "Вуокса", который теперь ежегодно проходит в г. Светогорске и г. Иматра (Финляндия).
Деятельность композитора и педагога отмечена Дипломом лауреата конкурса Ленинградской области "Человек слова и дела", Почетной грамотой губернатора и Почетным дипломом Законодательного собрания Ленинградской области, Почетной грамотой Министерства образования России.
Любовь к музыке, к избранной профессии, а главное, к своим воспитанникам — все это нашло отражение в творчестве Виталия Кароника. Его произведения прекрасно принимают слушатели в России и за рубежом, а молодые музыканты вдохновенно исполняют их на конкурсах и на концертной эстраде.
Сегодня у автора новые замыслы, идеи. Желаю, чтобы творческая удача всегда сопутствовала Виталию Николаевичу и каждая новая встреча с его сочинениями радовала слушателей.


Размышление. Для флейты, гитары и баса
Розовые облака. Для флейты, гитары и баса
Тающий сон. Для дуэта флейт
Влюбись весной. Для флейты и фортепиано
Песнь Эскильстуны. Для скрипки, флейты, гитары и фортепиано
Прощание. Для скрипки, флейты, гитары и баса
Vitalij Nikolaevich Karonik rodilsja v 1945 godu v Leningrade. Esche buduchi studentom muzykalnogo uchilischa, on stal sochinjat muzyku i stikhi. Na gosudarstvennom ekzamene po dirizhirovaniju orkestr narodnykh instrumentov ispolnil odno iz ego proizvedenij. V 1975 godu V. Karonik okonchil Belorusskuju gosudarstvennuju konservatoriju po klassu bajana.
Posle sluzhby v Sovetskoj Armii nachalas ego pedagogicheskaja dejatelnost — snachala v muzykalnoj shkole, a zatem v Kaliningradskom oblastnom kolledzhe kultury i iskusstva.
Rabotaja zavedujuschim muzykalnoj chastju dramaticheskogo teatra, V. N. Karonik pisal muzyku k postanovkam po proizvedenijam E. Shvartsa, N. Dumbadze i V. Shukshina.
S 1987 goda Vitalij Nikolaevich plodotvorno truditsja na postu direktora Detskoj muzykalnoj shkoly g. Svetogorska Leningradskoj oblasti. Im sozdan kollektiv edinomyshlennikov, ucheniki kotorykh s bolshim uspekhom vystupajut na mnogochislennykh oblastnykh, regionalnykh i mezhdunarodnykh konkursakh, zavoevyvaja laureatskie mesta i Gran-pri.
V 1998 godu blagodarja ogromnym usilijam Vitalija Karonika i ego kolleg byl organizovan Mezhdunarodnyj festival iskusstv "Vuoksa", kotoryj teper ezhegodno prokhodit v g. Svetogorske i g. Imatra (Finljandija).
Dejatelnost kompozitora i pedagoga otmechena Diplomom laureata konkursa Leningradskoj oblasti "Chelovek slova i dela", Pochetnoj gramotoj gubernatora i Pochetnym diplomom Zakonodatelnogo sobranija Leningradskoj oblasti, Pochetnoj gramotoj Ministerstva obrazovanija Rossii.
Ljubov k muzyke, k izbrannoj professii, a glavnoe, k svoim vospitannikam — vse eto nashlo otrazhenie v tvorchestve Vitalija Karonika. Ego proizvedenija prekrasno prinimajut slushateli v Rossii i za rubezhom, a molodye muzykanty vdokhnovenno ispolnjajut ikh na konkursakh i na kontsertnoj estrade.
Segodnja u avtora novye zamysly, idei. Zhelaju, chtoby tvorcheskaja udacha vsegda soputstvovala Vitaliju Nikolaevichu i kazhdaja novaja vstrecha s ego sochinenijami radovala slushatelej.


Razmyshlenie. Dlja flejty, gitary i basa
Rozovye oblaka. Dlja flejty, gitary i basa
Tajuschij son. Dlja dueta flejt
Vljubis vesnoj. Dlja flejty i fortepiano
Pesn Eskilstuny. Dlja skripki, flejty, gitary i fortepiano
Proschanie. Dlja skripki, flejty, gitary i basa
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