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Prince Igor. Opera. Vocal score

Князь Игорь (авторская редакция). Клавир
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Prince Igor. Opera. Vocal score
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Alexander Borodin. Prince Igor (author's version). Clavier
This edition is the most complete reconstruction of the author's version of the opera, A.P.Borodin's "Prince Igor." There are included separate scenes options, and the authorized translation of four pieces into French. Clavier is provided with textual comments in Russian, which are published for the first time.

Expert’s opinion:
"Prince Igor" is one of the most famous and beloved Russian classical operas. However, even those who are thrice familiar with the "Prince Igor": at music school, in college and in the conservatory - only know the opera version by NA Rimsky-Korsakov, and AK Glazunov. And not a single textbook is responding to the question: what the "Prince Igor" by Borodin, is like?

The mission of this publication is to answer this question. Author's edition of "Prince Igor" has been restored by the musicologist A. Bulycheva, based on 93 musical manuscripts of the composer. For the first time you can see exactly which scenes Borodin actually composed, and which do not belong to him, to see how he saw cumani, how many arias Prince Igor has, and how the seditionary Vladimir Galitsky is described. Also, the changes that were made to the opera by Rimsky-Korsakov and Glazunov. Opening the book, we can see how Borodin worked on Yaroslavna’s Dream and the scene with Igor and Konchak that are preserved in a few variants by the author, and which scenes he excluded from the opera personally. And much more.
Alexander Borodin. Prince Igor (author's version). Clavier
This edition is the most complete reconstruction of the author's version of the opera, A.P.Borodin's "Prince Igor." There are included separate scenes options, and the authorized translation of four pieces into French. Clavier is provided with textual comments in Russian, which are published for the first time.

Expert’s opinion:
"Prince Igor" is one of the most famous and beloved Russian classical operas. However, even those who are thrice familiar with the "Prince Igor": at music school, in college and in the conservatory - only know the opera version by NA Rimsky-Korsakov, and AK Glazunov. And not a single textbook is responding to the question: what the "Prince Igor" by Borodin, is like?

The mission of this publication is to answer this question. Author's edition of "Prince Igor" has been restored by the musicologist A. Bulycheva, based on 93 musical manuscripts of the composer. For the first time you can see exactly which scenes Borodin actually composed, and which do not belong to him, to see how he saw cumani, how many arias Prince Igor has, and how the seditionary Vladimir Galitsky is described. Also, the changes that were made to the opera by Rimsky-Korsakov and Glazunov. Opening the book, we can see how Borodin worked on Yaroslavna’s Dream and the scene with Igor and Konchak that are preserved in a few variants by the author, and which scenes he excluded from the opera personally. And much more.
Издание представляет собой максимально полную реконструкцию авторской редакции оперы А.П. Бородина "Князь Игорь". Включены варианты отдельных сцен, а также авторизованный перево­д четырех номеров на французский язык. Клавир снабжен текстологическими комментариями. Издается впервые.

Мнение эксперта:
"Князь Игорь" – одна из самых известных и любимых русских классических опер. Но даже тот, кто трижды знакомился с "Князем Игорем" – в музыкальной школе, в училище и в консерватории – знает оперу лишь в редакции Н.А. Римского-Корсакова и А.К. Глазунова. И ни один учебник пока не отвечает на вопрос: а каков "Князь Игорь" в редакции Бородина?

На этот вопрос и призвано ответить настоящее издание. Авторская редакция "Князя Игоря" восстановлена музыковедом А.В. Булычевой по 93 нотным рукописям композитора. Впервые можно точно узнать, какие сцены Бородин на самом деле сочинил, а какие ему не принадлежат, какими он видел половцев, сколько арий у князя Игоря и как охарактеризован крамольник Владимир Галицкий. А также, какие изменения внесли в оперу Римский-Корсаков и Глазунов. Можно, открыв ноты, увидеть, как Бородин работал над Сном Ярославны или над сценой Игоря с Кончаком, которые сохранились в нескольких авторских вариантах, а какие номера он сам исключил из оперы. И многое другое.
Izdanie predstavljaet soboj maksimalno polnuju rekonstruktsiju avtorskoj redaktsii opery A.P. Borodina "Knjaz Igor". Vkljucheny varianty otdelnykh stsen, a takzhe avtorizovannyj perevo­d chetyrekh nomerov na frantsuzskij jazyk. Klavir snabzhen tekstologicheskimi kommentarijami. Izdaetsja vpervye.

Mnenie eksperta:
"Knjaz Igor" – odna iz samykh izvestnykh i ljubimykh russkikh klassicheskikh oper. No dazhe tot, kto trizhdy znakomilsja s "Knjazem Igorem" – v muzykalnoj shkole, v uchilische i v konservatorii – znaet operu lish v redaktsii N.A. Rimskogo-Korsakova i A.K. Glazunova. I ni odin uchebnik poka ne otvechaet na vopros: a kakov "Knjaz Igor" v redaktsii Borodina?

Na etot vopros i prizvano otvetit nastojaschee izdanie. Avtorskaja redaktsija "Knjazja Igorja" vosstanovlena muzykovedom A.V. Bulychevoj po 93 notnym rukopisjam kompozitora. Vpervye mozhno tochno uznat, kakie stseny Borodin na samom dele sochinil, a kakie emu ne prinadlezhat, kakimi on videl polovtsev, skolko arij u knjazja Igorja i kak okharakterizovan kramolnik Vladimir Galitskij. A takzhe, kakie izmenenija vnesli v operu Rimskij-Korsakov i Glazunov. Mozhno, otkryv noty, uvidet, kak Borodin rabotal nad Snom Jaroslavny ili nad stsenoj Igorja s Konchakom, kotorye sokhranilis v neskolkikh avtorskikh variantakh, a kakie nomera on sam iskljuchil iz opery. I mnogoe drugoe.
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