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The Journal of Higher Nervous Activity is named after I.P.Pavlov and is published under the same name for 50 years. Paper in this journal represents different directions in Russian brain and behavior physiology traditionally named (using I.P.Pavlov's terminology) "Higher Nervous Activity". These include not only mechanisms of memory and behavior, but also a serious pharmacological approach, trophic function of nervous system, pathology of higher nervous activity, biochemical approach, and electophysiological investigations. Historically the term "Higher Nervous Activity"; reflects I.P.Pavlov's opposition to Ch. Sherrington's deliberate unwillingness to investigate the processes underlying learning, mind and other higher brain functions. I.P.Pavlov, a Nobel prize winner (1904) in physiology, declared that psychological methods were not effective in investigations of brain activity, while introduction of physiological approaches, opens new perspectives for investigation of higher functions of the brain. In fact, I.P.Pavlov implied a necessity to investigate the behavior of humans and animals in cooperation with thorough analysis of the brain neurophysiological, neurochemical, and molecular-biological mechanisms. This implicit cooperation from the very beginning was the hallmark of Russian approach differing it from the behaviorism, ethology, comparative psychology, zoopsychology, etc.
Tilaa lehden painettu versio erikseen.
The Journal of Higher Nervous Activity is named after I.P.Pavlov and is published under the same name for 50 years. Paper in this journal represents different directions in Russian brain and behavior physiology traditionally named (using I.P.Pavlov's terminology) "Higher Nervous Activity". These include not only mechanisms of memory and behavior, but also a serious pharmacological approach, trophic function of nervous system, pathology of higher nervous activity, biochemical approach, and electophysiological investigations. Historically the term "Higher Nervous Activity"; reflects I.P.Pavlov's opposition to Ch. Sherrington's deliberate unwillingness to investigate the processes underlying learning, mind and other higher brain functions. I.P.Pavlov, a Nobel prize winner (1904) in physiology, declared that psychological methods were not effective in investigations of brain activity, while introduction of physiological approaches, opens new perspectives for investigation of higher functions of the brain. In fact, I.P.Pavlov implied a necessity to investigate the behavior of humans and animals in cooperation with thorough analysis of the brain neurophysiological, neurochemical, and molecular-biological mechanisms. This implicit cooperation from the very beginning was the hallmark of Russian approach differing it from the behaviorism, ethology, comparative psychology, zoopsychology, etc.
Подписка на печатную версию журнала оформляется отдельно.
"Журнал высшей нервной деятельности им. И.П.Павлова" публикует на русском и английском языках экспериментальные, теоретические и обзорные статьи по нейрофизиологии и патофизиологии высшей нервной деятельности человека и животных на русском и английском языках, ранее нигде не опубликованные.
В рубрике журнала "Краткие сообщения" публикуются короткие (до 10 страниц, включая список литературы и рисунки) статьи приоритетного характера; после положительной оценки двумя рецензентами и утверждения главным редактором эти статьи будут иметь преимущество по срокам опубликования.
В журнале имеются разделы: теоретические статьи; физиология высшей нервной (психической) деятельности человека; физиология поведения; обучение и память; экспериментальная патология высшей нервной деятельности; методика; обзоры и дискуссии; из истории науки; хроника; рецензии; информация.
Podpiska na pechatnuju versiju zhurnala oformljaetsja otdelno.
"Zhurnal vysshej nervnoj dejatelnosti im. I.P.Pavlova" publikuet na russkom i anglijskom jazykakh eksperimentalnye, teoreticheskie i obzornye stati po nejrofiziologii i patofiziologii vysshej nervnoj dejatelnosti cheloveka i zhivotnykh na russkom i anglijskom jazykakh, ranee nigde ne opublikovannye.
V rubrike zhurnala "Kratkie soobschenija" publikujutsja korotkie (do 10 stranits, vkljuchaja spisok literatury i risunki) stati prioritetnogo kharaktera; posle polozhitelnoj otsenki dvumja retsenzentami i utverzhdenija glavnym redaktorom eti stati budut imet preimuschestvo po srokam opublikovanija.
V zhurnale imejutsja razdely: teoreticheskie stati; fiziologija vysshej nervnoj (psikhicheskoj) dejatelnosti cheloveka; fiziologija povedenija; obuchenie i pamjat; eksperimentalnaja patologija vysshej nervnoj dejatelnosti; metodika; obzory i diskussii; iz istorii nauki; khronika; retsenzii; informatsija.