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  3. Russkaja mysl. Russian Mind. La Pensee Russe

Russkaja mysl. Russian Mind. La Pensee Russe

Русская мысль. Russian Mind. La Pensee Russe
Russkaja mysl. Russian Mind. La Pensee Russe
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6 issues per year
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6 months / 3 issues
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198.00 €
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234.00 € 212.73 € w/o VAT
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This is a Russian Language Magazine
”Russkaia Mysl - La Pensee Russe” possesses unique historical heritage. It was founded in 1880 by Vukol Lavrov. Back in 1889 the fiction department of the magazine was led by Anton Chekhov, ”Russkaia Mysl - La Pensee Russe” had over 8000 subscribers in St. Petersburg and Moscow. After 1917 October revolution which was described by ”Russkaia Mysl - La Pensee Russe” as the disaster for the country, the magazine was forced to relocate to Paris. Throughout the 20th century France was the centre of the global Russian emigration where ”Russkaia Mysl - La Pensee Russe” was published in the newspaper format. Nowadays, the capital of the global Russian émigré community moved to London, where currently publish new and modern ”Russkaia Mysl - La Pensee Russe” magazine. ”Russkaia Mysl - La Pensee Russe” magazine has Russian -speaking readers worldwide, and at least 20,000 of those have been our loyal subscribers for decades. Among our subscribers are VIP list of top level executives and politicians in Russia, worldwide famous libraries, Russian Embassies in EU countries, Cultural centres and the Russian studies department of universities, as well as kiosks in airports and railway stations. The readers of ”Russkaia Mysl - La Pensee Russe” magazine can be described as highly educated and civic-minded individuals. Recently, the magazine has been distributed mainly in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Finland, Spain, Sweden, Bulgaria, Greece and the rest of the world. ”Russkaia Mysl - La Pensee Russe” magazine is a primary source of information for Russian-speaking population in Europe for more than 130 years.
Since 2021, the magazine has again been published in Paris.
Russian mind
"Русская мысль" - общеевропейское издание.
В формате газеты "Русская мысль" издавалась на русском языке во Франции с 1947 года, с 2006 года выходит в Лондоне. С 2013 года - ежемесячный журнал.
Русская мысль - пожалуй, самый знаменитый в мире журнал русского интеллектуала.
Уже 65 лет это основной печатный орган русскоязычного населения Европы, незаменимый проводник политических, экономических и культурных событий.
В разное время авторами издания были Иван Бунин, Александр Герцен, Александр Солженицын, Иосиф Бродский, Серж Гинсбур, Андрей Сахаров и многие другие.
Russian mind
"Russkaja mysl" - obscheevropejskoe izdanie.
V formate gazety "Russkaja mysl" izdavalas na russkom jazyke vo Frantsii s 1947 goda, s 2006 goda vykhodit v Londone. S 2013 goda - ezhemesjachnyj zhurnal.
Russkaja mysl - pozhaluj, samyj znamenityj v mire zhurnal russkogo intellektuala.
Uzhe 65 let eto osnovnoj pechatnyj organ russkojazychnogo naselenija Evropy, nezamenimyj provodnik politicheskikh, ekonomicheskikh i kulturnykh sobytij.
V raznoe vremja avtorami izdanija byli Ivan Bunin, Aleksandr Gertsen, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Iosif Brodskij, Serzh Ginsbur, Andrej Sakharov i mnogie drugie.
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