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  2. Social and political magazines
  3. Genocidas ir rezistencija

Genocidas ir rezistencija

Genocidas ir rezistencija
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Index of periodical
Issues per year
2 issues per year
Minimal subscription
6 months / 1 issue
Price incl. delivery
to Finland:
96.00 €
to other countries:
114.00 € 103.64 € w/o VAT
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Historical articles about the Lithuania of the XXth century, reviews of conferences and history books, results of recent historiography research works, archival documents, etc.
Исторические статьи о Литве ХХ века, обзоры конференций и учебников по истории, результаты последних историографических исследований, архивные документы и т. д.
Istoricheskie stati o Litve KHKh veka, obzory konferentsij i uchebnikov po istorii, rezultaty poslednikh istoriograficheskikh issledovanij, arkhivnye dokumenty i t. d.
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