1. Periodicals subscription
  2. Literary magazines
  3. Vikerkaar


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Index of periodical
Issues per year
12 issues per year
Minimal subscription
3 months / 3 issues
Price incl. delivery
to Finland:
69.00 €
to other countries:
72.00 € 65.46 € w/o VAT
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Vikerkaar is a cultural magazine that introduces contemporary literature and art, new ideas in philosophy, social sciences and humanities.
Vikerkaar - это культурный журнал, который знакомит с современной литературой и искусством, новыми идеями в философии, социальных и гуманитарных науках.
Vikerkaar - eto kulturnyj zhurnal, kotoryj znakomit s sovremennoj literaturoj i iskusstvom, novymi idejami v filosofii, sotsialnykh i gumanitarnykh naukakh.
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