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  4. A Complete Phototype Edition of Tsar Ivan Alexander's Gospels. Plno fototipno izdanie na chetirievangelieto na Tsar Ivan Aleksandr

A Complete Phototype Edition of Tsar Ivan Alexander's Gospels. Plno fototipno izdanie na chetirievangelieto na Tsar Ivan Aleksandr

A Complete Phototype Edition of Tsar Ivan Alexander's Gospels. Plno fototipno izdanie na chetirievangelieto na Tsar Ivan Aleksandr
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255/350/75 mm
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5.50 kg
650.00 € 570.18 € sin IVA
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Languages: English and Staroslavonic.
"A Complete Phototype Edition of Tsar Ivan Alexander's Gospels". Created in 1356, Tsar Ivan Alexander's Gospels (or Tetraevangelia, meaning Four Gospels) are included in UNESCO's prestigious Memory of the World Register. The manuscript is lavishly illustrated with 367 fine illuminated miniatures, executed in colors and gold. It is one of the most important works of Medieval Bulgarian literature and visual art. Each copy of this phototype edition includes a printed certificate of authenticity, with a dry-print serial number. The deluxe book consists of 576 pages in the original size of the manuscript and is accompanied by a separate volume of commentary written by Prof. Dr. Elisaveta Musakova and Prof. Dr. Heinz Miklas. The phototype book and the commentary are placed in a single fine Solander box. The whole set weighs 7 kilograms. Tsar Ivan Alexander's Gospels are kept at the British Library in London. The manuscript was written by a monk named Simeon between 1355 and 1356 on commission by the Bulgarian ruler Tsar Ivan Alexander. It consists of 268 sheets of parchment carrying the text of the four canonical Gospels of the Bible, illustrated with 367 color miniatures, which make it one of the most sumptuous monuments of Medieval Bulgarian literature. After the 14th century, two other illustrated Gospels were created in Moldova and Russia, based on this manuscript. Before that, two illustrated Gospels were produced in Greece in the 11th century but they were written in small cursive script in octavo format, whereas Tsar Ivan Alexander's Gospels are in large quarto format and the text is written in the standard style of the Turnovo Literary School.
Old Slavonic is the language of the Gospel and English is the language of the commentary edition.
Четвертое Евангелие царя Ивана Александра, созданное в 1356 году, входит в список ЮНЕСКО "Память мира".

Иллюстрированное издание с 366 красочными миниатюрами, Четвероевангелие - одно из самых значительных средневековых произведений болгарской и славянской литературы и изобразительного искусства.

Первая полная фотопечать рукописи, издана в количестве 950 пронумерованных экземпляров.
Каждая копия имеет печатный сертификат подлинности с серийным номером.
Роскошный объем издания фототипа содержит 576 страниц оригинального размера рукописи и сопровождается аналитическим текстом профессором д-ром Елизаветой Мусаковой и профессором Хайнцем Микласласом.
Фототип и комментарий представлены в роскошной коробке типа Solander.
Chetvertoe Evangelie tsarja Ivana Aleksandra, sozdannoe v 1356 godu, vkhodit v spisok JUNESKO "Pamjat mira".

Illjustrirovannoe izdanie s 366 krasochnymi miniatjurami, Chetveroevangelie - odno iz samykh znachitelnykh srednevekovykh proizvedenij bolgarskoj i slavjanskoj literatury i izobrazitelnogo iskusstva.

Pervaja polnaja fotopechat rukopisi, izdana v kolichestve 950 pronumerovannykh ekzempljarov.
Kazhdaja kopija imeet pechatnyj sertifikat podlinnosti s serijnym nomerom.
Roskoshnyj obem izdanija fototipa soderzhit 576 stranits originalnogo razmera rukopisi i soprovozhdaetsja analiticheskim tekstom professorom d-rom Elizavetoj Musakovoj i professorom Khajntsem Miklaslasom.
Fototip i kommentarij predstavleny v roskoshnoj korobke tipa Solander.
Clasificación de la biblioteca Thema:
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