145 mm x 205 mm
Gustav Mahler (1860–1911) — the Austrian composer, conductor, opera producer. His creative activity took place in тяпу places. Fmm 1880 he conducted different opera theatres in Austro-Hungary, including the Viennese Court Opera during the period of 1897–1907, from 1907 — in the USA, from 1897 he held performances in Russia.
Mahler is considered to be one of the most eminent and genuine symphonists of the world music history. His creation became the link between the romanticism of the 19th century and the 20th century's expressionism (first of all the New-Viennese school). Such distinguished composers of the 20th century as О. Shostakovich, В. Britten, А. Schnitke were influenced by various aspects of his aesthetic method. The First Symphony was completed by Malher in 1888. Unlike Mahler’s next compositions of this genre it looks the purely instrumental one. The premiere took place on November 20, 1889 in Budapest. The author used to call it the “symphonic роеm”, although it consisted of five movements.
It was in 1893 when Mahler re-made the symphony and entitled it for to help the listeners trying to comprehend it. The name “talent's delusion” was given to it by the listeners айег its first performance. The symphony got the title “Titan”, its fourth movement was called “March Funebre in Callot's Manner”. Both cpithets go back 1о the German classical literature: the first one refers to Jean-Раul’s novel of the зяте вате, the second one to Е. Th. А. Hoffmann. As the listeners and the critics did not change their hearts when the symphony was represented again in Weimar, Mahler decided to take off the titles and programme to the Berlin performance in 1896. The composer also extracted the second movement (its title “Blumine” had been invented by Jean-Paul instead of the word “flora”). The symphony had bееn consisting of four movements since that time till its last performance realized by the New-York symphony orchestra conducted by the author in 1909. It was exactly the version of fourmovements to become the base of the first and last edition in Vienna in 1906, the last one during the composer's life.
The programmatic and autobiographical signs may be discovered in the themes borrowed from the other material. Маhler used the theme from his cycle “Songs of the Wandering Apprentice” (the first, third and fourth movements). The motive parody of the march funebre is based on the old canon “Brother Martin, are уоu sleeping?” (the other variant was “Ргеге Jacques”) only accounted in minor tonality. This movement is inspired by the engraving from the drawing by Moritz von Schvind “Hunter's Funeral”, where the animals and birds are wending after the hunter' s coffi а-moaning him hypocritically.
Gustav Mahler (1860–1911) — the Austrian composer, conductor, opera producer. His creative activity took place in тяпу places. Fmm 1880 he conducted different opera theatres in Austro-Hungary, including the Viennese Court Opera during the period of 1897–1907, from 1907 — in the USA, from 1897 he held performances in Russia.
Mahler is considered to be one of the most eminent and genuine symphonists of the world music history. His creation became the link between the romanticism of the 19th century and the 20th century's expressionism (first of all the New-Viennese school). Such distinguished composers of the 20th century as О. Shostakovich, В. Britten, А. Schnitke were influenced by various aspects of his aesthetic method. The First Symphony was completed by Malher in 1888. Unlike Mahler’s next compositions of this genre it looks the purely instrumental one. The premiere took place on November 20, 1889 in Budapest. The author used to call it the “symphonic роеm”, although it consisted of five movements.
It was in 1893 when Mahler re-made the symphony and entitled it for to help the listeners trying to comprehend it. The name “talent's delusion” was given to it by the listeners айег its first performance. The symphony got the title “Titan”, its fourth movement was called “March Funebre in Callot's Manner”. Both cpithets go back 1о the German classical literature: the first one refers to Jean-Раul’s novel of the зяте вате, the second one to Е. Th. А. Hoffmann. As the listeners and the critics did not change their hearts when the symphony was represented again in Weimar, Mahler decided to take off the titles and programme to the Berlin performance in 1896. The composer also extracted the second movement (its title “Blumine” had been invented by Jean-Paul instead of the word “flora”). The symphony had bееn consisting of four movements since that time till its last performance realized by the New-York symphony orchestra conducted by the author in 1909. It was exactly the version of fourmovements to become the base of the first and last edition in Vienna in 1906, the last one during the composer's life.
The programmatic and autobiographical signs may be discovered in the themes borrowed from the other material. Маhler used the theme from his cycle “Songs of the Wandering Apprentice” (the first, third and fourth movements). The motive parody of the march funebre is based on the old canon “Brother Martin, are уоu sleeping?” (the other variant was “Ргеге Jacques”) only accounted in minor tonality. This movement is inspired by the engraving from the drawing by Moritz von Schvind “Hunter's Funeral”, where the animals and birds are wending after the hunter' s coffi а-moaning him hypocritically.
145 mm x 205 mm
Густав Малер (1860–1911) — австрийский композитор, дирижер, оперный режиссер. Один из самых выдающихся симфонистов в истории музыки. Гением Малера-дирижера восхищался П. И. Чайковский. Творчество Малера оказало сильное влияние на развитие музыкальной культуры XX века.
Десять симфоний Малера представляют собой грандиозные музыкальные полотна, которые можно рассматривать как главы единой философской поэмы, где Первая симфония служит своеобразным прологом, а "Песнь о земле" и Девятая симфония эпилогом.
Масштабная пятичастная симфония, изначально задуманная Малером как Симфоническая поэма, была написана к 1888 году; ее премьера состоялась 20 ноября 1889 года в Будапеште. Публика не приняла это произведение и расценила его как "заблуждение таланта". В 1893 году Малер переработал Первую симфонию. Она получила название "Титан" (правда, скорее всего не принадлежащее Малеру), четвертая часть обрела заголовок "Траурный марш в манере Калло". Оба названия восходят к немецкой литературной классике. "Титан" — название одного из романов знаменитого немецкого писателя Жан-Поля (автора термина Weltschmerz — мировая скорбь), "Фантазии в манере Калло" — первый прозаический сборник Э. Т .А. Гофмана, утвердивший его литературную славу. Но литературные ссылки не помогли: когда симфония была исполнена в следующий раз в Веймаре, она вновь не была понята ни публикой, ни критикой. К ее исполнению в Берлине в 1896 году Малер снял заголовки и программу, а также изъял из симфонии вторую часть (она носила название “Blumine” — придуманное Жан-Полем слово, немецкий перевод слова "флора"). С тех пор и вплоть до последнего исполнения симфонии под управлением автора в 1909 году симфония оставалась четырехчастной. Именно эта версия легла в основу первого и последнего ее прижизненного издания (Вена, 1906).
Первая часть симфонии (отголоски которой слышны в третьей и четвертой частях) во многом построена на темах из юношеского вокального цикла Малера "Песни странствующего подмастерья". Вторая часть — венский вальс, идиллическое трио которого будто возрождает шубертовский лендлер. Темой гротескного траурного марша в третьей части стал старинный напев канона "Братец Мартин, спишь ли ты?" (в другом варианте — "Братец Яков"), изложенный в миноре. Ключом к пониманию этой части служит рисунок Морица фон Швинда "Похороны охотника", на которой изображены звери и птицы, шествующие за гробом охотника и лицемерно льющие слезы. Финал симфонии глубоко драматичен.
Издание адресовано дирижерам, музыковедам, а также широкому кругу любителей музыки.
145 mm x 205 mm
Gustav Maler (1860–1911) — avstrijskij kompozitor, dirizher, opernyj rezhisser. Odin iz samykh vydajuschikhsja simfonistov v istorii muzyki. Geniem Malera-dirizhera voskhischalsja P. I. Chajkovskij. Tvorchestvo Malera okazalo silnoe vlijanie na razvitie muzykalnoj kultury XX veka.
Desjat simfonij Malera predstavljajut soboj grandioznye muzykalnye polotna, kotorye mozhno rassmatrivat kak glavy edinoj filosofskoj poemy, gde Pervaja simfonija sluzhit svoeobraznym prologom, a "Pesn o zemle" i Devjataja simfonija epilogom.
Masshtabnaja pjatichastnaja simfonija, iznachalno zadumannaja Malerom kak Simfonicheskaja poema, byla napisana k 1888 godu; ee premera sostojalas 20 nojabrja 1889 goda v Budapeshte. Publika ne prinjala eto proizvedenie i rastsenila ego kak "zabluzhdenie talanta". V 1893 godu Maler pererabotal Pervuju simfoniju. Ona poluchila nazvanie "Titan" (pravda, skoree vsego ne prinadlezhaschee Maleru), chetvertaja chast obrela zagolovok "Traurnyj marsh v manere Kallo". Oba nazvanija voskhodjat k nemetskoj literaturnoj klassike. "Titan" — nazvanie odnogo iz romanov znamenitogo nemetskogo pisatelja Zhan-Polja (avtora termina Weltschmerz — mirovaja skorb), "Fantazii v manere Kallo" — pervyj prozaicheskij sbornik E. T .A. Gofmana, utverdivshij ego literaturnuju slavu. No literaturnye ssylki ne pomogli: kogda simfonija byla ispolnena v sledujuschij raz v Vejmare, ona vnov ne byla ponjata ni publikoj, ni kritikoj. K ee ispolneniju v Berline v 1896 godu Maler snjal zagolovki i programmu, a takzhe izjal iz simfonii vtoruju chast (ona nosila nazvanie “Blumine” — pridumannoe Zhan-Polem slovo, nemetskij perevod slova "flora"). S tekh por i vplot do poslednego ispolnenija simfonii pod upravleniem avtora v 1909 godu simfonija ostavalas chetyrekhchastnoj. Imenno eta versija legla v osnovu pervogo i poslednego ee prizhiznennogo izdanija (Vena, 1906).
Pervaja chast simfonii (otgoloski kotoroj slyshny v tretej i chetvertoj chastjakh) vo mnogom postroena na temakh iz junosheskogo vokalnogo tsikla Malera "Pesni stranstvujuschego podmasterja". Vtoraja chast — venskij vals, idillicheskoe trio kotorogo budto vozrozhdaet shubertovskij lendler. Temoj grotesknogo traurnogo marsha v tretej chasti stal starinnyj napev kanona "Bratets Martin, spish li ty?" (v drugom variante — "Bratets Jakov"), izlozhennyj v minore. Kljuchom k ponimaniju etoj chasti sluzhit risunok Moritsa fon Shvinda "Pokhorony okhotnika", na kotoroj izobrazheny zveri i ptitsy, shestvujuschie za grobom okhotnika i litsemerno ljuschie slezy. Final simfonii gluboko dramatichen.
Izdanie adresovano dirizheram, muzykovedam, a takzhe shirokomu krugu ljubitelej muzyki.