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  3. Ivan Yershov. Tenor. Romantic Repertoire

Ivan Yershov. Tenor. Romantic Repertoire

Иван Ершов. Романтический репертуар. Тенор
Ivan Yershov. Tenor. Romantic Repertoire
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All the scores are printed with two lines of lyrics, in Russian and in original language (English, German, Italian, Latin)

The eminent tenor Ivan Vasiliyevich Yershov (1867 — 1943) is ranked among the greatest masters of the Russian opera theatre. All his creative life was connected with Petersburg, Petrograd and later Leningrad.

It was in 1895, when Yershov was admitted to the Imperial Mariinsky Theatre, which stage he was devoted to for ever япсе that moment. There exactly the real glory сатеto Yershov, making him enjoy the great popularity.

Ivan Yershov was rather а unique tenor singer among both of his predecessors and contemporaries, being endowed with unprecedented human and artistic qualities. Of course, he resorted to lyrical parts at the beginning of his career. However, it was not the uttermost passion of а young singer, but the prescription of theatre stock company. Meanwhile Yershov was eagerly striving for his intrinsic heroic nature to be revealed at the stage.

Не was the true born actor of tragical courageous lofty talent able to expose perfectly the noble spirit of dauntlessness and fortitude, so as the anguish of woe and desperation. Yershov possessed the declamatory skill, which was as impressive as his excellent plastic gesticulation. His interpretation was based on the scrupulous emotional and psychological penetration into the imaginative kernel of performed personages. The great actor's art embraced various states of human being — from triumph to downfall.

The diversity of his repertoire looks striking even nowadays (wise magician Finn from Ruslan and Lyudmila by Glinka; valorous Siegfried from The Ring of Nibelungs by Wagner; faint-hearted Grishka Kutyerma from Tale of the Invisible Kitezh Town by Rimsky-Korsakov; appalling Kashchey the Immortal from opera of the same пате by Rimsky- Korsakov; valiant Florestan from Fidelio by Beethoven; freedom-loving Mikhaylo Tucha from Pskovian 8'отапby Rimsky-Korsakov). It happened in 1916 when the spectators of Moscow Bolshoy Opera Theatre were amazed by Yershov acting as Grishka Kutyerma in the Tale of the Invisible Kitezh Town by Rimsky-Korsakov.

From the book "Ivan Yershov" by Abram Gozenpud ("Сотрогйот Publishing House • St Petersburg 198б, 1999).


G. Verdi. Recitative and romance of Radames. Aida
G. Bizet. Aria оf Jose. Carmen
R. Leoncavallo. Recitative and arioso of Canio. I Pagliacci
V. Bellini. Romance of Arthur. I Рипгапг'
Ch. Gounod. Cavatina of Faust. Faust
Ch. Gounod. Cavatina of Romeo. Romeo et Juliette
О. Verdi. Aria of Othello "Tu? Indietro Fuggi!". Othello
G. Verdi. Aria of Othello "Dio! Mi potevi scagliar". Othello
А. Rubinstein. Stanzas оf Него. Nero
А. Rubinstein. Scene and aria of Feramors. Feramors
Р.-Е Auber. Ваrcarolle of Mazaniello. La Muette de Portici
J. Offenbach. Song of Hoffmann. Les Contes d Hоgmапп
J. Offenbach. Romance of Hoffmann. Les Contes d Hoffmann
S. Prokofiev. Arioso of Truffaldino. Lоvе оf Three Oranges
All the scores are printed with two lines of lyrics, in Russian and in original language (English, German, Italian, Latin)

The eminent tenor Ivan Vasiliyevich Yershov (1867 — 1943) is ranked among the greatest masters of the Russian opera theatre. All his creative life was connected with Petersburg, Petrograd and later Leningrad.

It was in 1895, when Yershov was admitted to the Imperial Mariinsky Theatre, which stage he was devoted to for ever япсе that moment. There exactly the real glory сатеto Yershov, making him enjoy the great popularity.

Ivan Yershov was rather а unique tenor singer among both of his predecessors and contemporaries, being endowed with unprecedented human and artistic qualities. Of course, he resorted to lyrical parts at the beginning of his career. However, it was not the uttermost passion of а young singer, but the prescription of theatre stock company. Meanwhile Yershov was eagerly striving for his intrinsic heroic nature to be revealed at the stage.

Не was the true born actor of tragical courageous lofty talent able to expose perfectly the noble spirit of dauntlessness and fortitude, so as the anguish of woe and desperation. Yershov possessed the declamatory skill, which was as impressive as his excellent plastic gesticulation. His interpretation was based on the scrupulous emotional and psychological penetration into the imaginative kernel of performed personages. The great actor's art embraced various states of human being — from triumph to downfall.

The diversity of his repertoire looks striking even nowadays (wise magician Finn from Ruslan and Lyudmila by Glinka; valorous Siegfried from The Ring of Nibelungs by Wagner; faint-hearted Grishka Kutyerma from Tale of the Invisible Kitezh Town by Rimsky-Korsakov; appalling Kashchey the Immortal from opera of the same пате by Rimsky- Korsakov; valiant Florestan from Fidelio by Beethoven; freedom-loving Mikhaylo Tucha from Pskovian 8'отапby Rimsky-Korsakov). It happened in 1916 when the spectators of Moscow Bolshoy Opera Theatre were amazed by Yershov acting as Grishka Kutyerma in the Tale of the Invisible Kitezh Town by Rimsky-Korsakov.

From the book "Ivan Yershov" by Abram Gozenpud ("Сотрогйот Publishing House • St Petersburg 198б, 1999).


G. Verdi. Recitative and romance of Radames. Aida
G. Bizet. Aria оf Jose. Carmen
R. Leoncavallo. Recitative and arioso of Canio. I Pagliacci
V. Bellini. Romance of Arthur. I Рипгапг'
Ch. Gounod. Cavatina of Faust. Faust
Ch. Gounod. Cavatina of Romeo. Romeo et Juliette
О. Verdi. Aria of Othello «Tu? Indietro Fuggi!». Othello
G. Verdi. Aria of Othello «Dio! Mi potevi scagliar». Othello
А. Rubinstein. Stanzas оf Него. Nero
А. Rubinstein. Scene and aria of Feramors. Feramors
Р.-Е Auber. Ваrcarolle of Mazaniello. La Muette de Portici
J. Offenbach. Song of Hoffmann. Les Contes d Hоgmапп
J. Offenbach. Romance of Hoffmann. Les Contes d Hoffmann
S. Prokofiev. Arioso of Truffaldino. Lоvе оf Three Oranges
Среди великих мастеров русского оперного театра Иван Васильевич Ершов занимает одно из самых почетных мест. Вся его творческая жизнь прошла в Петербурге, Петрограде, и затем в Ленинграде. В 1895 году он был принят в труппу Императорского Мариинского театра, на сцене которого прошла вся его сценическая жизнь, и где он приобрел настоящую славу. За тридцать три года пребывания на сцене И. Ершов создал около шестидесяти партий.


Дж. Верди. Речитатив и романс Радамеса. Из оперы "Аида"
Ж. Бизе. Ария Хозе. Из оперы "Кармен"
Р. Леонкавалло. Речитатив и ариозо Канио. Из оперы "Паяцы"
В. Беллини. Романс Артура. Из оперы "Пуритане"
Ш. Гуно. Каватина Фауста. Из оперы "Фауст"
Ш. Гуно. Каватина Ромео. Из оперы "Ромео и Джульетта"
Дж. Верди. Ария Отелло "Ты? Не надо! Демон!". Из оперы "Отелло"
Дж. Верди. Ария Отелло "Бог! Ты мог дать мне позор". Из оперы "Отелло"
А. Рубинштейн. Строфы Нерона. Из оперы "Нерон"
А. Рубинштейн. Сцена и ария Фераморса. Из оперы "Фераморс"
Д.-Ф. Обер. Баркарола Мазаньелло. Из оперы "Немая из Портичи"
Ж. Оффенбах. Песня Гофмана. Из оперы "Сказки Гофмана". Слова Ж. Барбье. Перевод С. Ю. Левика
Ж. Оффенбах. Романс Гофмана. Из оперы "Сказки Гофмана". Перевод С. Ю. Левика
C. Прокофьев. Ариозо Труффальдино. Из оперы "Любовь к трем апельсинам"
Sredi velikikh masterov russkogo opernogo teatra Ivan Vasilevich Ershov zanimaet odno iz samykh pochetnykh mest. Vsja ego tvorcheskaja zhizn proshla v Peterburge, Petrograde, i zatem v Leningrade. V 1895 godu on byl prinjat v truppu Imperatorskogo Mariinskogo teatra, na stsene kotorogo proshla vsja ego stsenicheskaja zhizn, i gde on priobrel nastojaschuju slavu. Za tridtsat tri goda prebyvanija na stsene I. Ershov sozdal okolo shestidesjati partij.


Dzh. Verdi. Rechitativ i romans Radamesa. Iz opery "Aida"
Zh. Bize. Arija Khoze. Iz opery "Karmen"
R. Leonkavallo. Rechitativ i ariozo Kanio. Iz opery "Pajatsy"
V. Bellini. Romans Artura. Iz opery "Puritane"
Sh. Guno. Kavatina Fausta. Iz opery "Faust"
Sh. Guno. Kavatina Romeo. Iz opery "Romeo i Dzhuletta"
Dzh. Verdi. Arija Otello "Ty? Ne nado! Demon!". Iz opery "Otello"
Dzh. Verdi. Arija Otello "Bog! Ty mog dat mne pozor". Iz opery "Otello"
A. Rubinshtejn. Strofy Nerona. Iz opery "Neron"
A. Rubinshtejn. Stsena i arija Feramorsa. Iz opery "Feramors"
D.-F. Ober. Barkarola Mazanello. Iz opery "Nemaja iz Portichi"
Zh. Offenbakh. Pesnja Gofmana. Iz opery "Skazki Gofmana". Slova Zh. Barbe. Perevod S. Ju. Levika
Zh. Offenbakh. Romans Gofmana. Iz opery "Skazki Gofmana". Perevod S. Ju. Levika
C. Prokofev. Ariozo Truffaldino. Iz opery "Ljubov k trem apelsinam"
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