New edition of 2024, corrected and supplemented, with full-color illustrations.
Artobolevskaya Anna Danilovna. The First Encounter with Music (study guide). From the experience of a piano teacher with...
This volume contains three early symphonic works by S. V. Rachmaninoff in the author's arrangement for piano in two or four hands. These are the Suite in D minor (1891), the fantasy for orchestra "Cliff"...
S. V. Rachmaninoff created two cycles of etudes-tableaux - six (Op. 33) and nine pieces (Op. 39); the author decided not to publish two more etudes. Each of these pieces is aimed at solving a separate...
This volume contains piano ensembles by S. V. Rachmaninov, written by him in 1890-1893. These are Two Pieces for Piano in Six Hands, "Russian Rhapsody" and Suite No. 1 for Two Pianos. The musical text...
The armenian piano music has gone a way of more than one and a half century long. The works for piano by composers of the pre-Soviet period laid the foundation for a special national style. In the opuses...
S. V. Rachmaninoff wrote 24 piano preludes in all keys (not counting three preludes without opus designation). The cycle was not initially conceived as a single whole: it consisted of two notebooks of...
This volume contains piano transcriptions created by S. V. Rachmaninoff in 1900-1941. These are virtuoso arrangements of both his own compositions (the romances "Lilac", "Daisies") and works by other authors...
This volume contains piano ensembles by S. V. Rachmaninov, written by him in 1894-1906. These are Romance, Six Pieces and "Italian Polka" for piano four hands, as well as Suite No. 2 for two pianos. The...
This volume contains early piano works by S. V. Rachmaninoff, including "Fantasy Pieces" op. 3, "Salon Pieces" op. 10 and "Six Musical Moments" op. 16, as well as compositions from different years that...
Основное место в творческом наследии Генриха Альбертовича Пахульского (1852-1921) занимают сочинения для фортепиано. Композитор отдавал предпочтение фортепианным миниатюрам и часто объединял их в циклы....
While the formation of European pianism spanned a period of five centuries, the piano art of China developed within extremely short terms, in the conditions of a unique music culture. The popularization...
W. A. Mozart composed his one and only ballet during his stay in Paris in September, 1777. It was J. G. Noverre (1727-1810), a dancer, choreographer, theorist and ballet reformer, who offered the composer...
Иоганн Непомук Гуммель (1778-1837) - композитор, пианист, автор фундаментального труда "Полное теоретико-практическое руководство по игре на фортепиано. В трех частях", изданного в Вене в 1828 году. Фортепианное...
The publication is intended for researchers studying the works of Sergei Rachmaninoff and the history of Russian musical culture, for use in concert and educational practice, as well as for sheet music...
Rachmaninoff composed his First Piano Sonata, Op. 28, which is associated with the images of Goethe's Faust, in 1907. The Second Sonata, Op. 36, written in the same concerto romantic style, exists in two...
Symphonic Dances (1940) is Rachmaninoff's last major work, which in a sense has a final character. It embodies one of the main themes of the composer's oeuvre - the theme of motherland. In addition to...
The collection includes excerpts of popular classical works in easy arrangement for piano. Sometimes the pieces are transposed to other, more convenient keys.
This is a part of educational and pedagogical repertoire of all classes of children's music school. The collection provides the students with the necessary set of works that must be studied during the...
The re-release of the famous piano school will undoubtedly interest both teachers and students. The first section, which is unique in its rigorous systematization...
The school of piano playing under the general edition of A. Nikolaev has been published by Muzyka publishing house for many decades. In the presence of enough methodical collections and anthologies "Nikolaev's...
Defining Abilities
First meeting. Start of classes
Getting to know the keyboard
Gymnastics and pose
Donot period
About musical notation
A few words about rhythm
The collection of classical pieces by Russian and foreign composers, including I. Berkovich - Variations on a theme of Paganini (9 variations and Finale)
Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов (1873-1943) - композитор, пианист-виртуоз и дирижёр, один из крупнейших композиторов XX столетия и самых известных в мире русских музыкантов. Рахманинов создал собственный,...
in an octave and in the opposite motion
MINOR HARMONIC AND MELODIC SCALES in octave and in opposite movement
in an octave and in the opposite motion
В сборник вошли избранные багатели великого немецкого композитора - яркие миниатюры, популярные как в концертной, так и в педагогической практике. Новая редакция бетховенских пьес выполнена известной пианисткой...
Издательство "Композитор" публикует вальсы великого польского композитора-романтика и пианиста Фридерика Шопена (1810-1849). В них - и сокровенный лиризм, и глубокая психологичность, и праздничная танцевальность.
"He is one of the greatest piano composers, maybe even the greatest one himself", - said Miliy Alexeyevich Balakirev (1836-1910) about Fryderyk Chopin. "Chopin is a worldwide genius. Surely there were...
Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов (1873-1943) - композитор, пианист-виртуоз и дирижёр, один из крупнейших композиторов XX столетия и самых известных в мире русских музыкантов. Рахманинов создал собственный,...
The collection includes excerpts of popular classical works in easy arrangement for piano. Sometimes the pieces are transposed to other, more convenient keys. For general music lovers.
This collection is addressed to everyone who receives joy and aesthetic pleasure from meeting with something truly beautiful - classical music. Here are the masterpieces of I.S. Bach, V.A. Mozart, L. van...
Когда Юрий Корнаков (1938-2006) обратился к "Книге джунглей", он был уже состоявшимся профессионалом: получил образование в Новосибирской консерватории по классам фортепиано и композиции, жил и творил...
The music by Valery Gavrilin (1936-1999) has long ago and utmostly firmly entered the repertoire of theatres and concert halls. It may be heard in the films of cinema and TV, in radio programmes. Pop stars...
Some time later after the First Concerto for piano and orchestra was completed Edvard Grieg started the drafts of the Second one. However, that exact work occurred to have been unfinished. Nothing was...
The present collection, composed by an experienced piano teacher, is intended for beginner musicians. The pieces included in this collection will help to carry the child with piano playing, to develop...
Сюита "Семь сказочных снов" предназначена для всех начинающих заниматься игрой на фортепиано (первый год обучения) без каких-либо возрастных ограничений. В каждой миниатюре цикла словно наяву разворачивается...