1. DVD peliculas
  2. Música en DVD
  3. Ballet y danza
  4. The Bolshoi Ballet "Spartacus" Choreography by Grigorovich, Orchestre Colonne, Pavel Klinichev (2 DVD)

The Bolshoi Ballet "Spartacus" Choreography by Grigorovich, Orchestre Colonne, Pavel Klinichev (2 DVD)

Арам Хачатурян "Спартак" (Спартак - Карлос Акоста), Большой Театр. Хореография - Юрий Григорович (+ Бонус 43 мин) (2 DVD)
The Bolshoi Ballet "Spartacus" Choreography by Grigorovich, Orchestre Colonne, Pavel Klinichev (2 DVD)
Tipo de medio
DVD PAL + NTSC , Código de zona DVD: ALL
Año de publicación
Año del estreno de película
Producto no disponible
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Moscow's legendary troupe, the Bolshoi Ballet, perform the classic tale of a slave who leads an unsuccessful revolt against the Romans, set to music by Aram Khachaturian. Features Carlos Acosta.

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master.
Moscow's legendary troupe, the Bolshoi Ballet, perform the classic tale of a slave who leads an unsuccessful revolt against the Romans, set to music by Aram Khachaturian. Features Carlos Acosta.
В ролях: Карлос Акоста, Александр Волчков, Нина Капцова, Мария Аллаш.
В бонусном диске интервью с главными действующими лицами... отрывки из балета и т.д. Балет записан во время гастолей Большого Театра во Франции.
Запись в Парижской Опере 22 января 2008 г.

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master.
V roljakh: Karlos Akosta, Aleksandr Volchkov, Nina Kaptsova, Marija Allash.
V bonusnom diske intervju s glavnymi dejstvujuschimi litsami... otryvki iz baleta i t.d. Balet zapisan vo vremja gastolej Bolshogo Teatra vo Frantsii.
Zapis v Parizhskoj Opere 22 janvarja 2008 g.

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master.