1. DVD peliculas
  2. Películas históricas
  3. Drama histórico
  4. Tsareubijtsa / The Assassin Of The Tsar

Tsareubijtsa / The Assassin Of The Tsar

Цареубийца / The Assassin Of The Tsar
Tsareubijtsa / The Assassin Of The Tsar
Tipo de medio
DVD PAL + NTSC , Código de zona DVD: ALL
Idioma de los subtítulos
Audio streams
Año de publicación
Año del estreno de película
Duración - horas:minutos
Producto no disponible
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A new doctor from Moscow arrives at a provincial mental institution. His interest is the peculiarities of the psyche of a patient who believes that he is Yakov Yurovsky, the man who assassinated the last Russian tsar. In the course of their conversations it transpires that the patient is a kind of philosopher, not without a gift for suggestion. In a while the doctor himself falls under his patient’s influence: he tends to relive that fatal night of June 16-17, 1918 when, without any investigation or trial, Tsar Nicholas II, who had recently abdicated, was murdered, together with his wife, daughters and incurably ill heir. Soon the doctor realizes that the tragedy of the last Russian tsar is in part his own tragedy, too…

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Tsaarinmurhaaja) Moskovalainen lääkäri aloittaa työt mielisairaalassa provinssissa. Yksi hänen potilaistaan uskoo, että lääkäri on Yakov Yurovsky, tsaari Nikolai II: n murhaaja. Potilas on omalaatuinen filosofi, jolla on vihjailun lahja. Lopulta lääkäri joutuu potilaan mielikuvituksen valtaan ja kuvittelee yön, jona tsaari perheineen murhattiin. Tämän jälkeen lääkäri tajuaa, että tragedia on osa hänen omaa tragediaansa...
Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
Зрителям старше 14 лет!
Фантастика и реальность, прошлое и настоящее тесно сплелись в фильме о трагической гибели последнего русского императора Николая Второго и его семьи. Волей необъяснимых обстоятельств герои картины обретают способность становиться свидетелями и участниками событий, которые являют собой одну из величайших загадок истории.

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master. Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
Zriteljam starshe 14 let!
Fantastika i realnost, proshloe i nastojaschee tesno splelis v filme o tragicheskoj gibeli poslednego russkogo imperatora Nikolaja Vtorogo i ego semi. Volej neobjasnimykh obstojatelstv geroi kartiny obretajut sposobnost stanovitsja svideteljami i uchastnikami sobytij, kotorye javljajut soboj odnu iz velichajshikh zagadok istorii.

This DVD is PAL/Region ALL.
This DVD disc will play with a PAL player or a NTSC player (USA).
Please note that the NTSC will be converted from PAL as the disc plays.

The publishing company has created a PAL+NTSC disc from a PAL master. Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.