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  3. Utomlennye solntsem /Burnt By The Sun

Utomlennye solntsem /Burnt By The Sun

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Utomlennye solntsem /Burnt By The Sun
Tipo de medio
DVD PAL + NTSC , Código de zona DVD: ALL
Idioma de los subtítulos
Audio streams
Año de publicación
Año del estreno de película
Duración - horas:minutos
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The summer of 1936. The legendary Division Commander Kotov, a famous military leader and Stalin’s personal favorite, is vacationing with his family at his dacha. The idyll of the house with an attic is interrupted by the sudden arrival of Mitya, a former student of Kotov’s wife Marousia’s father. Mitya and Marousia were lovers once, dreaming of the future together… Today, Mitya is collaborating with the NKVD, and he came to take revenge… The film is closing the theme of the 1930s in Soviet history, capturing the atmosphere of “a long happy day in the life of a girl, which will end with her father being taken away”.
Oscar 1995
Cannes Film Festival Grand Prix 1994
The summer of 1936. The legendary Division Commander Kotov, a famous military leader and Stalin’s personal favorite, is vacationing with his family at his dacha. The idyll of the house with an attic is interrupted by the sudden arrival of Mitya, a former student of Kotov’s wife Marousia’s father. Mitya and Marousia were lovers once, dreaming of the future together… Today, Mitya is collaborating with the NKVD, and he came to take revenge… The film is closing the theme of the 1930s in Soviet history, capturing the atmosphere of “a long happy day in the life of a girl, which will end with her father being taken away”. You can choose subtitle language, but you can’t switch subtitles off.
(Suom. Auringon väsyttämät.) Elokuva sijoittuu kesään 1936. Legendaarinen divisioonankomentaja ja Stalinin suosikki Kotov on lomalla perheensä kanssa mökillään. Lomaidyllin keskeyttää Mitja, joka on Kotovin vaimon Marusjan isän entinen oppilas – ja Marusjan entinen heila. Tänä päivänä Mitja työskentelee NKVD: lle ja suunnittelee kostoa... Elokuva kuvaa 1930-luvun lopun teemoja ja tunnelmaa: ”pitkän, kauniin päivän lopussa isä viedään pois”. Elokuva oli Oscar-ehdokkaana parhaan ulkomaisen elokuvan sarjassa vuonna 1994. Teksityskielen voi valita, mutta tekstitystä ei saa kokonaan pois.
The summer of 1936. The legendary Division Commander Kotov, a famous military leader and Stalin’s personal favorite, is vacationing with his family at his dacha. The idyll of the house with an attic is interrupted by the sudden arrival of Mitya, a former student of Kotov’s wife Marousia’s father. Mitya and Marousia were lovers once, dreaming of the future together… Today, Mitya is collaborating with the NKVD, and he came to take revenge… The film is closing the theme of the 1930s in Soviet history, capturing the atmosphere of “a long happy day in the life of a girl, which will end with her father being taken away”.
L’été 1936. Le légendaire chef d’armée et le favori du camarade Staline, Kotov entouré de sa famille se repose dans sa maison de campagne. Brusquement leur repos idyllique est perturbé par l’arrivée de Mitia, l’ex-pupille du père de Maroussia, la femme de Kotov. Jadis Mitia et Maroussia s’aimaient et faisaient des projets pour l’avenir. Mais ce jour-là Mitia qui collaborait avec le NKVD, est arrivé prendre sa revanche… Ce film évoque l’atmosphère ambiguë des années 30 dans l’histoire de l’URSS. Certes, ce film vous fera ressentir cette ambiance «d’une longue journée de bonheur pour la fillette qui ne se doute de rien en voyant son père la quitter en fin de journée».
The summer of 1936. The legendary Division Commander Kotov, a famous military leader and Stalin’s personal favorite, is vacationing with his family at his dacha. The idyll of the house with an attic is interrupted by the sudden arrival of Mitya, a former student of Kotov’s wife Marousia’s father. Mitya and Marousia were lovers once, dreaming of the future together… Today, Mitya is collaborating with the NKVD, and he came to take revenge… The film is closing the theme of the 1930s in Soviet history, capturing the atmosphere of “a long happy day in the life of a girl, which will end with her father being taken away”.
Оскар 1995
Гран-при в Каннах 1994
В столице великой империи, в окровавленной ванне, лежит вскрывший себе вены Митя. Над Москвой высокое синее небо, страна оптимистов просыпается для нового дня, нового шага в светлое будущее. Но это случится, когда наступит завтра...
Сегодня - солнечный летний день 1936 года. Молодая страна, полная энтузиазма, празднует 4-ю годовщину сталинского дирижаблестроения. Легендарный комдив Котов и его большая шумная семья отдыхают на даче. В старом доме собралась тьма народу: жена-красавица, непоседа-дочь, тесть - известный русский дирижер, родственники и друзья, домработницы и соседи. Веселье бьет через край, и мысль, что что-то в жизни может измениться, покажется всем абсурдом. Они все будут счастливы вечно! И никто, даже мудрый Котов, не хочет верить в неизбежное. В то, что этот солнечный день кончится - и не повторится уже никогда.

«Утомленные солнцем» Никиты Михалкова — последний на сегодня художественный фильм из России, получивший Оскара.
Можно выбрать язык титров, но отключить их полностью невозможно.
Oskar 1995
Gran-pri v Kannakh 1994
V stolitse velikoj imperii, v okrovavlennoj vanne, lezhit vskryvshij sebe veny Mitja. Nad Moskvoj vysokoe sinee nebo, strana optimistov prosypaetsja dlja novogo dnja, novogo shaga v svetloe buduschee. No eto sluchitsja, kogda nastupit zavtra...
Segodnja - solnechnyj letnij den 1936 goda. Molodaja strana, polnaja entuziazma, prazdnuet 4-ju godovschinu stalinskogo dirizhablestroenija. Legendarnyj komdiv Kotov i ego bolshaja shumnaja semja otdykhajut na dache. V starom dome sobralas tma narodu: zhena-krasavitsa, neposeda-doch, test - izvestnyj russkij dirizher, rodstvenniki i druzja, domrabotnitsy i sosedi. Vesele bet cherez kraj, i mysl, chto chto-to v zhizni mozhet izmenitsja, pokazhetsja vsem absurdom. Oni vse budut schastlivy vechno! I nikto, dazhe mudryj Kotov, ne khochet verit v neizbezhnoe. V to, chto etot solnechnyj den konchitsja - i ne povtoritsja uzhe nikogda.

«Utomlennye solntsem» Nikity Mikhalkova — poslednij na segodnja khudozhestvennyj film iz Rossii, poluchivshij Oskara.
Mozhno vybrat jazyk titrov, no otkljuchit ikh polnostju nevozmozhno.